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Find an ACT Trainer - Martin Wilks

Martin Wilks

Independent Practitioner (London & Suffolk)
Chartered Counselling Psychologist
Woodbridge, Suffolk
United Kingdom
Highest Degree Held: MSc
Specialties: Mindfulness retreats, Eco-psychotherapy
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: Chartership with BPS, HCPC registered
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Daily personal mindfulness practice since mid-80s, Many 10 day meditation retreats plus many long weekends, Extensive reading of ACT literature Training retreats with Jon Kabat Zinn & associates (MBSR) RFT tutorial, longtime lurker on ACT list serv, Intermediate training with Dr. Robyn Walser, 07, Case Formulation training with Mark Webster, intro &further trainings with Steve Hayes, Enschede conference London, autumn 2010, FAP day-training, London spring10. Russ Harris & Steve Hayes trainings in London 2011/12. World Con 10 Washington 2012, Berlin, 2015, Edinburgh,2016 Current Chair of Babcp ACT SIG, Dublin ACBS, 2019

Facilitator of UK based experiential intro trainings since 07, member - and ex- Chair of BABCP, ACT SIG training committee for 10 yrs
Peer reviewed ACT trainer, 2014
Pro-social certification; 2020
President: ACBS Climate Justice & Action SIG, 2020-2023
ACT/CBS Experience: since 2003
Additional Information: Currently offering ACT supervision in groups and one to one, face to face and AV conferencing

13 yrs service as visiting Buddhist minister to prisons

14 yrs counselling services manager in central London prison

Climate/eco-activist and Ecopsychotherapist

Contact Martin

Contact Martin Wilks