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Find an ACT Trainer - Jacqueline A-Tjak

Jacqueline A-Tjak

A-Tjak Cursussen
Klinisch Psychologe
Zeist, Utrecht
Highest Degree Held: Ph.D.
Specialties: Treating clients with depression, anxiety disorders, burn-out and personality disorders. ACT in groupformat
Languages spoken: English, Nederlands
Licensures/Certifications: Also: GZ psycholoog, Klinisch Psycholoog (BIGregistratie) en supervisor VGCt
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Previously: behavioral analysis and CBT. Peer Reviewed ACT Trainer since 2012. Training: Several one or two day workshops (beginners and advanced) with Steven Hayes, Kelly Wilson, Robyn Walser, Yvonne Barnes-Holmes, Kirk Strosahl and Patti Robinson, Kevin Polk and JoAnne Dahl. Several workshops on FAP (beginners and advanced) with Mavis Tsai, Bob Kohlenberg and Jonathan Kanter. Preconference workshops with Barbara Fredrickson, Paul Gilbert and Dennis Tirch, Niklas Torneke, Helen Bolderston and David Gillanders, Joann Wright, Louise Hayes.
Attending Worldconferences every year since 2006.
Supervision with Robyn Walser, Yvonne Barnes-Holmes and Ciara McEntaggart.
ACT/CBS Experience: Since 2004
Additional Information: Since 2006 I started conducting workshops in ACT for professionals (beginners and advanced learners). I helped with the translation of Hayes, Strosahl and Wilson (1999): Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: An Experiential Approach to Behavior Change.
Luoma, Hayes and Walser R.D. (2007). Learning ACT.
Harris (2008) The Happiness Trap.
Harris (2012) The Reality Slap
I was one of the authors and editors of A-Tjak & De Groot (Eds.) (2008). Acceptance and
Commitment Therapy; een praktische inleiding voor hulpverleners. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. I edited the second edition: A-Tjak (2015) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Theorie en praktijk. With Annick Seys I wrote Intervisie met impACT. Effectiever van elkaar leren (2018). Brugge: Vanden Broele.
In 2024 Tim Batink, Roy Thewissen and I edited the Casusboek ACT (case book).
I gave several workshops, at the Worldcon in Enschede, with Martin Brock in Parma with Kelly Koerner in Sydney, with Louise Hayes in Cyprus and with Manuela O'Connell in Buenos Aires. Additionally I presented the results of a meta-analysis done with Davis, Powers, Morina, Smits & Emmelkamp (2015) in Sydney at the worldconference and also at the EABCT conference in the Hague in 2014. This meta-analysis is published in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics in 2015. In 2018 this article was published: A-Tjak, J., Morina, N., Topper, M., & Emmelkamp, P. (2018). A Randomized Controlled Trial in Routine Clinical Practice Comparing Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 87(3), 154-163. DOI: 10.1159/000486807.
With Marco Kleen I presented a workshop RFT at the EABCT conference in the Hague.
I finished my PhD and defended my thesis succesfully at April 8th 2020: Unraveling the black dog. How can we improve treatment for depression and can Acceptance and Commitment Therapy contribute to the improvement? Together with Louise Hayes I wrote the chapter Depression in the Oxford Handbook of ACT (Editor M. Twohig et al, 2022).

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