Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion SIG
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion SIGDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion SIG
Affiliated 2019
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Contact Information
Current SIG Leaders
Melissa Connally - Chair
ACBS is an international organization which values understanding human behaviour within contexts. In order to fulfill this vision, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) SIG aims to help members with different backgrounds share their perspectives within the organization through
different channels, including but not limited to access to leadership, organizing and/or attending professional activities (e.g., World Conference, regional conference, etc.), communicating with people with different backgrounds, and initiating DEI-related activities. We endorse a broad definition of different backgrounds, including but not limited to nationality, professional discipline and setting, age and generational influences, gender identity and sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, religion and spiritual orientation, and disability.
Definition of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Diversity - psychological, physical, and social differences that occur among any and all individuals. Diversity includes all the ways in which people differ, encompassing the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from another, including but not limited to: race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, socioeconomic status, education, marital status, language, age, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, mental or physical ability, veteran status, genetic information and learning styles. Our definition also includes diversity of thought: ideas, perspectives, and values. We recognize that individuals affiliate with multiple identities. A diverse group, community, or organization is one in which a variety of social and cultural characteristics exist.
Equity - The guarantee of fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all while at the same time striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of marginalized groups. https://diversity.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/admin_strategic_planning_toolkit_final.pdf
Inclusion - Authentically bringing traditionally excluded individuals and/or groups into processes, activities, and decision/policy making in a way that shares power. http://www.racialequityresourceguide.org/about/glossary
General interest area to be specifically addressed:
We would like to create a more inclusive community that is sensitive to diverse personal and professional backgrounds and their perspectives, experiences, and insights. To do this, we will engage with as many members as possible and work together.
SIG activities:
We have created our own listserv, Youtube channel, blog, Voice & Values podcast and resources webpage to share resources and perspectives. Some of our activities include sponsoring symposium or panel discussion at the ACBS World Conference, conducting surveys on underrepresented members, engaging with underrepresented members, and initiating DEI-related activities throughout the year, especially during the World Conference.
Describe the SIG's membership:
Any person who has an interest in facilitating diversity, equity, inclusion, and related justice concerns within ACBS. This SIG works closely with the DEI Committee and will further engage with the larger community to include more members. We expect the membership will increase steadily in the future.
DEI SIG Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
DEI SIG Executive Committee Meeting MinutesDEI SIG Newsletters
DEI SIG Newsletters CommunityDEI Trainer/Researcher/Guest Directory
DEI Trainer/Researcher/Guest DirectoryThe diversity, equity, and inclusion committee of the ACBS has created a directory where trainers, researchers, and otherwise knowledgeable folks in the field who offer services such as workshops, trainings, consultations, podcast interviews, etc. can be found. We want this space to highlight the typically underrepresented members of the ACBS community. This directory is welcoming and inclusive.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion SIG Resources
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion SIG ResourcesResource Lists
DEI SIG Newsletters
- ACBS DEI SIG Webinar: A Conversation on American Influence in Academia with Matt Villatte
- ACBS DEI SIG Webinar (Part 1): Context for Decolonization: Historical, Philosophical, and Theoretical Underpinnings with Katelyn Kendrick
- ACBS DEI SIG Webinar (Part 2): Decolonising Drug Studies: Victorian Aboriginal Women's Narratives on Healing, Drug use and Drug recovery with Dr. Stefany Brajanovski (Chair: Sandi James)
- ACBS DEI SIG Webinar (Part 3): Applying the Social Determinants of Health to ACT for African Americans by Jennifer Shepard Payne
- ACBS DEI SIG Webinar: When Cherished Cultural Memories Become Unintended Casualties: Using ACT & RFT to Transform Pain Back Into Purpose by Jacob Martinez & Jet Traverso
- ACBS DEI SIG Webinar: Cultural Humility in Counseling and Clinical Supervision with Dr. Peitao Zhu (The content was delivered in English with auto-generated Spanish subtitles- El contenido se entregó en inglés con subtítulos en español generados automáticamente.)
- ACBS Student SIG Webinar: Working with Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity with Matthew Skinta
- ACBS Student SIG Webinar: ACT for Migrants: Fostering Resilience in New Waters with Sandra Georgescu and Khashayar Farhadi-Langroudi
- ACBS Student SIG Webinar: Acceptance and Mindfulness for Gender and Sexual Minorities with Matthew Skinta and Aisling Curtin
- ACBS Student SIG Webinar: Watching out for Self-Righteousness Within: A CBS Account of Diversity and the Promotion of Diversity with Akihiko Masuda
Books and Articles
- Hudson Banks, K., Goswami, S., Goodwin, D., Petty, J., Bell, V., Musa, I. (2021). Interrupting internalized racial oppression: A community based ACT intervention. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 20, 89-93.
- Melendez, J. L., Tan, I.M.C., Lau, J.C., & Leung, J. (2021). Practical Resources for Talking to Children with Autism about Systemic Racism. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 14, 451–461. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40617-020-00500-4
- Williams, M. T., Kanter, J. W., Peña, A., Ching, T. H. W., & Oshin, L. (2020). Reducing microaggressions and promoting interracial connection: The racial harmony workshop. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 16, 153-161. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcbs.2020.04.008
- Murrell, A. R, Schmaltz, J. E., & Sinha, A. (2014). Acceptance, mindfulness, and spirituality. In A. Masuda, (Ed.), Mindfulness and acceptance in multicultural competency: A contextual approach to sociocultural diversity in theory and practice. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
- Lillis, J., & Hayes, S. C. (2007). Applying acceptance, mindfulness, and values to the reduction of prejudice: A pilot study. Behavior Modification, 31(4), 389-411.
- DEI SIG - CBS Sources - Updated May 2019
- DEI SIG - Behavior Analytic Sources - Updated May 2019
- DEI SIG - Other Sources - Updated May 2019
Clinical Engagement with Gender Diverse Clients across the Gender Spectrum by lore m. dickey at the ACBS World Conference 16 (2018)
Audio Recordings
ACT and Culture: Flexibility in Diversity - Presented by Kenneth Fung and Aki Masuda at the ACBS World Conference 13 (2015)
List of DEI Resources & Trainers
List of DEI Resources & TrainersThe DEI SIG has put together a list of resources and professionals who offer DEI related work.
If you are looking for a professional to provide DEI help for your group or program this list may help orient you to an individual or service. We do not specifically endorse any listed person or program on this list, and encourage you to research & inquire more about specific services provided.
Resources List: https://docs.google.com/document/d/146EvzKceR-1wo2jUTqG7nueud2M9btnxsya3o26edNY/edit?usp=sharing