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Tips for Seeking an ACT Therapist

Looking for a therapist who uses ACT strategies in your area? There are more therapists joining ACBS and becoming listed here each day, so check back frequently. Here is a searchable list to Find an ACT Therapist from within this site.  If it doesn’t show an ACT therapist in your area, you may still be able to find one by other means. Some suggestions:

  • Consult psychology, social work, and psychiatry departments at colleges or universities near you. Ask to speak to any members of the faculty or staff who are experts in behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, or clinical behavior analysis. Upon speaking to these experts, ask them if they have heard about ACT and know of any local ACT therapists.
  • In countries besides the U.S., you may be able to contact similar organizations to try the strategy described above.

You can seek therapists through these other venues as well:

  • The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) has a nation-wide database of PhD-level therapists, with searchable specialties (such as ACT) and by area. Visit and click "Find a Therapist".
  • The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) has a nation-wide database of therapists licensed at the master's level (specializing in marriage and family therapy, health and wellness, aging, and more). Visit and click "Find a Social Worker".

You may wish to contact therapists in your area from these lists (above) to see if they use mindfulness and/or acceptance-based methods in their practice. You may find many that do, but do not specifically list themselves as ACT therapists. Research across therapeutic orientations suggests that the therapeutic relationship is an important agent for change, so we recommend that you seek a therapist with whom you feel comfortable and who is comfortable working with you and the issues you are bringing to therapy.