Printer-friendly version Feasibility of a brief, remote self-compassion intervention for employed mothers The effect and mechanism of acceptance and commitment therapy for young adults’ appearance-based rejection sensitivity and social comparison based on appearances: A randomized controlled trial The Turkish validation of the short form of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire (AFQ-Y8): Factor structure, measurement invariance, and incremental validity Contextual approach to emotional and psychological support for Malaysian adolescents: Feasibility and pilot outcomes Confucian-informed ACT for psychological flexibility, mental health, and sleep in college students: A randomized controlled trial A mixed methods study investigating alexithymia, experiential avoidance, and psychological distress: Insights into men with high externally oriented thinking Symbolic or derived generalization of fear and avoidance in humans: A systematic review Examining item content across nine psychological (in)flexibility scales: What do they measure? Acceptance and commitment therapy for couples: A systematic review and meta-analysis Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for pediatric chronic non-cancer pain: A systematic review A systematic review and narrative synthesis of the complex interplay between psychological flexibility and sleep health Transforming strain into strength: Alleviating stress and burnout in special education teachers with ACT matrix intervention Examining the effects of process-based therapy: A multiple baseline study Introduction to the special issue on process-based therapy Advancing the assessment of psychological flexibility: Development and validation of a novel context-sensitive measure in people with chronic physical illness Longitudinal associations between psychological flexibility and inflexibility dimensions: A cross-lagged panel network analysis Book traversal links for Volume 35 (January 2025) Investigating the delivery of an acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) smartphone app intervention on symptomology in adult IBS patients: A feasibility study Up Feasibility of a brief, remote self-compassion intervention for employed mothers