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Hong Kong

Hong Kong Chapter (ACBS-HK Chapter)

Affiliated 2019

Click here to join the Hong Kong Chapter - Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

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Contact Information
Anthony Tong

Chapter Committee Members :
Chair: Dr. TONG, Kwok Kwun Anthony
Chair-elect: Dr. WONG, Oi Yin Jessica
Secretary: Dr. YUEN, Nga Yee Ada
Treasurer: Dr. WONG, Chi Ming Tony
Membership and External Affairs, Officer 1: Dr. CHAO, Puihan Joyce
Membership and External Affairs, Officer 2: Ms. LEUNG, Kin Shan, Shelly
Training and Education, Officer 1: Ms. CHEUNG, Wing Yun Rebecca
Training and Education, Officer 2: Dr. POWELL LING, Yuet Man
Training and Education, Officer 3: Mr. WONG, Cheuk Yin Henry
Research and Development Officer: Dr. CHEUNG, Amanda Kingsze

Chapter's Mission/Objectives:

ACBS-HK Chapter aims to serve as a scientific and professional reference group for those in Hong Kong who identify themselves as scientists, students, or practitioners in disciplines that embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science, or for the interested public.

Possible Chapter activities:
ACBS-HK Chapter aims to sponsor training, conferences, newsletters, listservs and other such activities that help promote the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science, or for the interested public. There will be regularly scheduled executive committee meeting, general annual meeting, and subcommittee meetings.

Description of Membership:

Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice. The types of membership shall be professional, student, and affiliate.

Pictures of Hong Kong:

Let us share with you some beautiful pictures of Hong Kong!