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ACBS Brazil: Brazilian Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2017

Click here to join the Brazil Chapter - Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

Contact Information

Raul Vaz Manzione -

Brazil Chapter Website

Follow the Brazil Chapter Facebook Page

Join the Brazil Chapter Facebook group

Instagram @acbsbrasil

Chapter Officers

President-Elect: Giulianna de Azevedo Nasser
President: Raul Vaz Manzione
Past President: Erika Leonardo de Souza
Secreatary Treasurer: Márcio Barbosa
Members-at-Large: João Martins, Ana Katarine Santos, Caroline Leão de Morais

Student Representative: Morgana Lopes

Geographic Boundaries of the Chapter

Brazilian or Portuguese speaking people who may be interested in joining the Chapter.


The mission of ACBS Brazil is to facilitate and develop the Contextual Sciences in Brazil. Our first initiatives are:
- bring together professionals in a network;
- centralize and organize the production of material in Portuguese;
- list courses, study groups and trainings.
These initial objectives are intended to bring together interested people and facilitate the study and development of the Contextual Sciences in Brazil.
We believe that Contextual Sciences can improve the way we deal with human suffering and promote transformations toward living with more vitality and meaning.

Chapter Activities

- Annual Conference
- Chapter Special Interest Groups
- Chapter Website with resources in Portuguese
- Facebook and Twitter