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2-Day Pre-Institute Workshops

These 2-day workshops will be held the 2-days immediately preceeding the ACT Summer Institute IV, at the same venue. They will be roughly 9:00-5:15/5:30pm on Monday and Tuesday, May 26 & 27, 2008.

Onsite registration will be available (for you to pick up your name badge, materials, etc.) on Sunday, May 25th from 8:00pm-10:00pm in "Stevens Center, 3" on the lower level of the Hilton Chicago. (This is the "reception" room and time for ACBS during the ABA (Association for Behavior Analysis) conference taking place at the same hotel). Otherwise, you can pick these up onsite, on Monday morning.

Please arrive at Hermann Hall on the campus of IIT by 8:30am, on Monday, May 26, at 3300 South Federal Street. Please check here for directions. Registration for the 2-day workshops has closed. No onsite registration is available for the 2-day workshops.

CLOSED (this workshop is full) Introductory ACT Experiential Workshop (introductory): Sonja Batten, Ph.D.

Introductory ACT Workshop (introductory/intermediate): Steve Hayes, Ph.D.

ACT Training Made Simple (all levels of experience): Kevin Polk, Ph.D., Jerold Hambright, Ph.D., John Agee, Ph.D., Chad E. Drake, M.S., & Katharine Mocciola, Psy.D.

ACT Case Conceptualization Workshop (intermediate/advanced): Kelly Wilson, Ph.D.