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2018 World Conference - Montréal, Québec, Canada - Audio Recordings

Below you will find a variety of audio recorded symposia, workshops, and panel discussions that were presented at the ACBS World Conference 16 in Montréal, Québec, Canada. To access abstracts and more information for each session, please view the full conference program.

4. Mobilizing Behavioral Science to Address Climate Change
Magnus Johansson, Ph.D. candidate, Oslo Metropolitan University 

Audio Length: 1:15:46

29. Integrating concepts and principles of RFT into clinical work: A dialogue among different perspectives 

Chair: Fabián O. Olaz, Ph.D., University of CórdobaIntegral Center of Contextual Psychoterapies
Matthieu Villatte, Ph.D., Private Practice
Niklas Törneke, M.D., Private Practice 
Louise McHugh, Ph.D., University College Dublin, Ireland
Francisco J. Ruiz, Ph.D., Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz, Colombia 

Audio Length: 1:30:54

34.  An Introduction To Process Based Therapy

Scott Fraser, Ph.D., Wright State University
Chris Fraser, M.S.W., Positive Path Counseling Center 

Audio Length: 1:09:05

61. Exposure and Defusion: The Role of Extinction and Relational Framing

Chair: Miguel Rodriguez-Valverde, Ph.D., University of Jaen, Spain
Kelly G. Wilson, Ph.D., University of Mississippi
Carmen Luciano, Ph.D., Department Psychology, Universidad Almeria. Spain. Madrid Institute of Contextual Psychology, MICPSY, Madrid
Niklas Törneke, M.D., Private Practice, Sweden
Eric Morris, Ph.D., La Trobe University Melbourne, Australia 

Audio Length: 1:23:24

77. Using ACT to enhance performance and well-being 

Chair: David Juncos, Psy.D., Horstein, Platt & Associates (private practice in Philadelphia, PA) 
Karoly Schlosser, Ph.D. researcher in psychology, Institute of management Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London
Frank Bond, Director, Institute of Mangement Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London 
Andreas Larsson, Ph.D., Stockholm University
Tord Ohlsson, Stockholm University 

Audio Length: 1:29:04  

106. The impact of identity on thriving: Examining self-as-content in multiple contexts

Chair: Madeline B. Benz, M.S., Clark University
Discussant: Jason B. Luoma, Ph.D., Portland Psychotherapy Clinic, Research, & Training Center, PC  
Lia Bishop, M.A., Clark University
Peter Grau, M.S., Marquette University, Rogers Memorial Hospital
Douglas Gazarian, B.A., Clark University

Audio Length: 1:26:08

115. ACT in the workplace: Understanding how ACT interventions improve employees' mental health 
Chair: Paul Flaxman, Ph.D., City, University of London
Discussant: Frank Bond, Goldsmiths, University of London 
Ross McIntosh, City, University of London
Vasiliki Christodoulou, Cyprus, Mental Health Services
Eric Morris, La Trobe University

Audio Length: 1:33:37