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An exploratory analysis of gender stereotyping using the theoretical framework of relational density theory (Pages 256-265)

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (JCBS)

Volume 28, April 2023, Pages 256-265


Elana Sickman, Jordan Belisle, Ashley Payne, Lauren Hutchison, Erin Travis


Discrimination against women in Western cultures is evident within educational and professional experiences of women, as well as pay and promotion disadvantages experienced by women. The present study attempts to explore the apparent self-organization of gendered relational frames from within a Relational Density Theory framework. We first modelled gendered frames within a two-dimensional geometric space using a multidimensional scaling procedure. In a second phase, gender consistent and gender inconsistent information was provided for four hypothetical non-gendered people. Gendered information was then provided to determine if relational framing of the hypothetical people changed in ways that were consistent with results in the initial phase. Finally, in the final phase, we conducted the multidimensional scaling procedure on a second occasion. Results showed clear patterns of relational framing along the gender binary and mixed evidence supporting a transformation of stimulus function in the context of the gendered scenarios. These results provide an initial demonstration of gender stereotyping from an RDT analytic framework.

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