USA - NYC & Greater NY Region
USA - NYC & Greater NY RegionACBS Greater New York Metropolitan Region (NYC - ACBS)
Affiliated 2010
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Contact Information
Chapter Website
Brian Mundy - president 1/1/25-12/31/26
Jonathan Kaplan - past president 1/1/25-12/31/25
Ashley Wiscovitch - member at large 1/1/24-12/31/25
Bethany Bahl - member at large 1/1/25-12/31/26
Liliane de Aguiar-Rocha - Manager 1/1/24-12/31/25
Abu Nasim - Treasurer 1/1/24 - 12/31/25
Nicholas Dynan - Student Rep 1/1/25 - 12/31/25
Michael Femenella, PhD
Yosef Gurevitch, LCSW
Michael Maher, PhD
Donald Marks, PhD
Mark Sisti, PhD
Laura Silberstein-Tirch, PsyD
Dennis Tirch, PhD
Vision Statement
NYC-ACBS is dedicated to the alleviation of human suffering and the empowerment of all people, recognizing humans' psychological inflexibility as the source of oppression, bias, discrimination, stigma, and structural inequity.
Mission Statement
Beginning with a focus on our organization, and looking more broadly to society at large, NYC-ACBS is a local community of practitioners, scholars, researchers, educators, and others, committed to:
● Providing dynamic trainings in ACT, RFT, and related disciplines for our community;
● Disseminating contextual behavioral science;
● Respecting and valuing diversity, and creating an environment that is inclusive of all;
● Eliminating policies and practices that have negative impacts on marginalized and/or
vulnerable groups, as defined by members of those groups; and
● Creating and advocating for more equitable and inclusive social policies and practices.
Values Statement
Throughout the NYC-ACBS community, we work in a collegial, open, generous, self-critical, non-discriminatory, accepting, critically conscious, and mutually supportive way.
Description of Membership
Members of the association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice. The types of memberships shall be professional, student, and affiliate.
Chapter Activities
The association may hold periodic meetings for the transaction of business and presentations regarding developments in contextual behavioral science, application, and the advancement of human welfare. The association may engage in activities designed to accomplish its purposes, including:
- Maintain an open monthly study & practice group with rotating facilitators
- Promote and encourage a variety of mutual ACT peer supervison groups (please contact us about joining these groups)
- Affiliate, coordinate & sponsor NYC regional and interstate chapters & affiliates with startup and mutual ventures (e.g., NY, NJ, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Long Island)
- Newsletters, virtual bulletin board, journals, and other publications
- Maintaining a website, social media (NYC-ACBS Facebook Group and Instagram), and email listserv ACBS-NYC listserv group
- Promoting ACT, CBS & RFT professional & public education
You can also join the "Rochester, New York" area Affiliate group of ACBS! If you are interested, please find more information here.
You can also join the "Long Island" area Affiliate group of ACBS! If you are interested, please find more information here.
NYC & Greater NY Region, USA Chapter Info
NYC & Greater NY Region, USA Chapter InfoNYC-ACBS INFORMATION:
Affiliated 2010
Type of Chapter:
Describe the geographic boundaries of the Chapter:
New York City and surrounding boroughs and counties.
Foster the development of functional contextual behavioral science and practice within greater NY metropolitan region so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well-being.
Description of Membership:
Members of the association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice. The types of memberships shall be professional, student, and affiliate.
This group is meant to serve as a place where individuals of all levels of experience and backgrounds can learn more about Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS) & Relational Frame Theory (RFT). It is open to anyone interested in learning more about ACT, RFT, and CBS. It will meet on a regular monthly basis beginning on Thursday May 16th from 7:00-8:45, and thereafter regularly the third Thursday of every month.
SPEAKERS & PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Michael Femenella will be leading and/or hosting the group. Mike has been using ACT as his exclusive treatment modality since 2001 and has received extensive training in ACT, including attending numerous workshops given by Steve Hayes, Kelly Wilson, Robyn Walser, Kirk Strossahl, and other notable ACT trainers. Since 2009 he has been an ACT consult for the Veterans Administration and has been involved in the training and supervision of clinicians integrating ACT into their clinical work. Other experienced ACT speakers will be rotated over the course each month over of the year.
This group compliments the ACT peer-to-peer supervision groups in the NYC area which may be “closed” to new members (ACT-NYCE), by providing participants the opportunity to flexibly attend (or not) on any given month. We also hope to draw a very diverse group of participants, from the very ACT experienced attendee, to those who may know little to nothing about ACT, from out of town ACT leaders and experts, to local ACT notorieties, from those who are from the ACT community, to our CBT colleagues, and to any and all psychotherapeutic orientations.
· Presenters from the board of the ACBS-NYC who will rotate every month, providing the opportunity to learn from individuals with multiple perspectives
· A brief talk or didactic presentation on ACT material
· Peer supervision and discussion of a case as conceptualized through ACT
· Discussion of reading materials such as articles or book chapters
· Opportunities for experiential learning
Most importantly, we want this group to meet your needs! Therefore, we will be counting on your feedback at the end of the first meeting and future meetings in order to help us create an ongoing, collaborative event that is meaningful, enriching, and resonant with you. In addition to being educational, we hope this group will help foster our local ACT community and provide existing members of ACBS-NYC, as well as non-members, with the opportunity to meet each other and potentially develop new relationships or network with other professionals.
FEES: We will be collecting a values-based fee, with a suggestion of $25, for attendance at this meeting in order to help fund ACBS-NYC. This contribution will help develop the local community by providing our chapter with more resources to offer events, training, and social activities in the future.
Village Community School
272-278 West 10th Street
New York, NY 10014
For directions to the Village Community School:
Phone: 212-691-5146
WHEN: Thursday May 16th (7:00-8:45)
Third Thursday of each month thereafter
RESERVATIONS & ATTENDANCE: If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to our membership chair, Brian Pilecki, at Although you are not required to RSVP in order to attend, your notification will aid us in preparing for your arrival. You can also feel free to contact Brian with any questions about the group.
VIRTUAL PARTICIPATION: Before during and after discussions and readings may be taking place on ACBS-NYC google group and our listserv (available to ACBS-NYC members only). Please check our google page: - !forum/ACBS-NYC-Study-Group