ACT in Practice

ACT in Practice

 Welcome to the companion website for the book!

Case conceptualization is an important part of any psychotherapeutic approach, and the ACT in Practice book helps therapists learn how to take clinically useful ideas from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and actually put them into practice and formulate treatments for a wide variety of clinical concerns. 

The first section of the book offers an introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, an overview of the impact of ACT, and a brief introduction to the ACT's "hexaflex" model. The book also describes how to accomplish case conceptualizations in general and offers review of the literature on the importance and value of case conceptualization.

The first section closes with synopsis of the first, second, and third wave of behavior therapy with explanations of how the different waves would have treated hypothetical clients in specific situations.

The second section of the book covers ways that different ACT approaches can be applied to actual practice.

Quizzes at the end of each chapter help the reader evaluate the information they have just learned.


Please click on the links below for additional information and resources!

DJ Moran

ACT Training and Supervision by the Authors

ACT Training and Supervision by the Authors

Patty and D.J. have been training therapists in ACT and providing supervision in clinical behavior analysis since 2001.

If you are interested in having clinical tapes and videos reviewed for “distance supervision,” or would like to organize an ACT training workshop, we would be happy to assist you.

Please contact us for further details:

DJ Moran

About the Authors

About the Authors

Patricia A. Bach, Ph.D. 

Patty received her doctorate from the University of Nevada in 2000. She is an assistant professor of psychology at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, where she does ACT and RFT research and trains students of clinical psychology. 

She practices ACT at the MidAmerican Psychological Institute and provides training and consultation to ACT therapists.


Daniel J. Moran, Ph.D., BCBA

D.J. received his doctorate in clinical and school psychology from Hofstra University in 1998. He began his training in acceptance and commitment therapy in 1994 and practices clinical behavior analysis with victims of abuse and individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder. He is the founder of the MidAmerican Psychological Institute, and director of the Family Counseling Center, a division of Trinity Services, in Joliet, IL. 

D.J. is also the host of Functionally Speaking – A 21st Century Behavior Therapy podcast. Listen here!

D.J. is also the host of Functionally Speaking – A 21st Century Behavior Therapy podcast. [[|Listen here!]]
DJ Moran

Case Conceptualization Worksheet

Case Conceptualization Worksheet

This “Inflexahex” model for case conceptualization can assist the clinician in charting and rating clinically relevant concerns in their clients’ lives. Dr. Patty Bach and Dr. D.J. Moran have made the ACT Case Conceptualization form available for download in pdf form, free to paid ACBS members. The form is also below for your convenience. You may select the image below and save it to your computer by right clicking on it and choosing "Save Image As".


If you would like a free, full-sized pdf copy of the form and are not a paid ACBS member, please email the authors for a copy at

DJ Moran