ACT/RFT Powerpoints

ACT/RFT Powerpoints

This page is designed to organize the various ACT/RFT and related powerpoint presentation materials from workshop trainings, conference presentations, and other professional talks. Below we have included links to several presentations available on the site. You can add new talks by either adding a new page here (see instructions below) or by adding a page in one of the sections linked to this page. Please email us using the contact us link if you would like to have any additional links to power points added to the main body of this page.

Materials for Presenting ACT

This page lists a number of power points and other presentation materials from workshops, conference presentations, and other professional presentations as examples for how to present ACT to others.


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1. Log in to your ACBS member account (you cannot create content as a guest).

2. Find your way to this parent page.

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ACBS World Conference / ACT Summer Institute Powerpoint Presentations

ACBS World Conference / ACT Summer Institute Powerpoint Presentations

Please note: You must be logged in as an ACBS member in order to view the content below.

ACBS World Conference / ACT Summer Institute Powerpoint Presentations 

Anonyme (not verified)

ACBS World Conference / ACT Summer Institute Powerpoint Presentations

ACBS World Conference / ACT Summer Institute Powerpoint Presentations

Please note: You must be logged in as an ACBS member in order to view all of the content below.

World Conference 2020 Powerpoints

World Conference 2020 Posters

These pages include the available powerpoint presentations and posters from the World Conference that took place in online in July, 2020.

World Conference 17 Powerpoints

World Conference 17 Posters

These pages include the available powerpoint presentations and posters from the World Conference that took place in Dublin, Ireland in June, 2019.

World Conference 16 Powerpoints

World Conference 16 Posters

These pages include the available powerpoint presentations and posters from the World Conference that took place in Montreal, Quebec, Canada in July, 2018.

World Conference 15 Powerpoints

World Conference 15 Posters

These pages include the available powerpoint presentations and posters from the World Conference that took place in Seville, Spain in June, 2017.

World Conference 14 Powerpoints

World Conference 14 Posters

These pages include the available powerpoint presentations and posters from the World Conference that took place in Seattle, Washington, USA in June, 2016.

World Conference 13 Powerpoints

World Conference 13 Posters 

These pages include the available powerpoint presentations and posters from the World Conference that took place in Berlin, Germany in July, 2015.

World Conference 12 Powerpoints

World Conference 12 Posters

These pages include the available powerpoint presentations and posters from the World Conference that took place in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, in June, 2014.

World Conference XI Powerpoints

World Conference XI Posters

These pages include the available powerpoint presentations and posters from the World Conference that took place in Sydney, Australia, in July, 2013.

World Conference X Powerpoints

World Conference X Posters

These pages include the available powerpoint presentations and posters from the World Conference that took place in Washington, D.C., USA in July, 2012.

World Conference IX Powerpoints

World Conference IX Posters

These pages include the available powerpoint presentations and posters from the World Conference that took place in Parma, Italy in July, 2011.

World Conference VIII Powerpoints

This page includes the available powerpoint presentations from the World Conference that took place in Reno, Nevada, USA in June, 2010.

World Conference III Powerpoints

This page includes the available powerpoint presentations from the World Conference that took place in Enschede, Netherlands in July, 2009.

ACT Summer Institute IV Powerpoints

This page includes the available powerpoint presentations from ACT Summer Institute 4 that took place in Chicago, Illinois, USA in July, 2008.

Letting Go of 'Righteous Anger with Willingness

This page includes a power point presented by Andy Santanello and Hank Robb at Summer Institute III in Houston, Texas, USA in July, 2007.

The Hexaflex Dimensional Approach to Diagnostics

This page includes Kelly Wilson's presentation on the hexaflex dimensional approach to diagnostics. This talk took place at Summer Institute III in Houston, Texas, USA in July, 2007.

Doing ACT Research

This page includes a power point presentation by Steve Hayes on doing ACT research at Summer Institute II in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA in July, 2005.

Criticisms of ACT

This page includes a presentation discussing criticisms of ACT by James Herbert at Summer Institute II in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA in July, 2005.


Acceptance and Mindfulness processes as predictors of stigma among substance abuse counselors

Acceptance and Mindfulness processes as predictors of stigma among substance abuse counselors
To this point, Contextual Behavioral Science has explored by means of cross-sectional research, some of the contextual factors affecting stigmatizing attitudes and behaviors (Masuda, 2008). In this particular study, we were interested in stigmatizing attitudes and behaviors of addictions counselors toward their own clients and whether these are related to ACT processes, with the hypotheses that if significant relationships were discovered, this would contribute to set the stage for the development of ACT-based interventions for stigma in counselors. In this paper, we report on the relationship between ACT processes and stigma in a sample of 699 addiction counselors recruited as part of a larger randomized trial on ACT and multicultural interventions. We measured ACT processes with the Personal Values Questionnaire (PVQ, Blackledge and Ciarrochi, 2005), and the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II, Hayes, 2004); with stigma measured by the Community Attitudes towards Substance Abusers Scale (CASA, Hayes, 2004). Regression analyses indicate that ACT processes significantly predict scores on the CASA, suggesting that since ACT interventions have shown to reduce the impact of those processes, ACT might be a promising intervention for stigma in addictions counselors.
Roger Vilardaga

ACT Evidence and Philosophical Discussions Powerpoints

ACT Evidence and Philosophical Discussions Powerpoints



Experiential Avoidance as a Moderator and Mediator of Mindfulness-based Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies

Experiential Avoidance as a Moderator and Mediator of Mindfulness-based Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
This paper was presented as part of a symposium at ABCT, November 2009 in New York City. DJ Moran was our discussant. The reference is: Herbert, J., Yadavaia, J., & Forman, E. (2009, November). Experiential Avoidance as a Moderator and Mediator of Mindfulness-based Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. In J. L. Boulanger (Chair), Experiential Avoidance: A Core Common Process in the Development, Maintenance, and Treatment of Psychological Disorders. Paper presented at the annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies convention, New York, NY.
Jennifer Villatte

Experiential avoidance: Philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of a contextual behavioral approach to psychopathology

Experiential avoidance: Philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of a contextual behavioral approach to psychopathology

This talk was part of a symposium presented at ABCT, November 2009 in New York City. DJ Moran was our discussant. The reference is Boulanger, J. L. (2009, November). Experiential avoidance: Philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of a contextual behavioral approach to psychopathology. In J. L. Boulanger (Chair), Experiential Avoidance: A Core Common Process in the Development, Maintenance, and Treatment of Psychological Disorders. Paper presented at the annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies convention, New York, NY.

Jennifer Villatte

Measuring experiential avoidance and psychological flexibility: The AAQ and beyond

Measuring experiential avoidance and psychological flexibility: The AAQ and beyond

This talk was part of a symposium presented at ABCT, November 2009 in New York City. DJ Moran was our discussant. The reference is Bond, F., & Hayes, S. C. (2009, November). Measuring experiential avoidance and psychological flexibility: The AAQ and beyond. In J. L. Boulanger (Chair), Experiential Avoidance: A Core Common Process in the Development, Maintenance, and Treatment of Psychological Disorders. Paper presented at the annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies convention, New York, NY.

Jennifer Villatte

The Role of Experiential Avoidance in the Development and Maintenance of Psychopathology: A Review of the Evidence

The Role of Experiential Avoidance in the Development and Maintenance of Psychopathology: A Review of the Evidence

This paper was presented as part of a symposium at ABCT, November 2009 in New York City. DJ Moran was our discussant. The reference is Levin, M., Lillis, J., Hayes, S. C., Pistorello, J., Biglan, T., & Seeley, J. (2009, November). The Role of Experiential Avoidance in the Development and Maintenance of Psychopathology: A Review of the Evidence. In J. L. Boulanger (Chair), Experiential Avoidance: A Core Common Process in the Development, Maintenance, and Treatment of Psychological Disorders. Paper presented at the annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies convention, New York, NY.

Jennifer Villatte

ACT For grief (Farsi PowerPoint)

ACT For grief (Farsi PowerPoint)


ACT et Troubles Sexuels - JRTCC Rennes 2013

ACT et Troubles Sexuels - JRTCC Rennes 2013

Présentation faite aux JRTCC de Rennes en Juin 2013 - Nathalie Dessaux

Comme tous les comportements humains, la sexualité est sous l'influence de variables cognitives. Les processus anxieux à l'oeuvre dans les dysfonctions sexuelles sont sensibles à l'utilisation des TCC de la 3ème vague. Depuis quelques années, la Mindfulness est appliquée avec succès dans les troubles de l'excitation ou dans les troubles du désir féminins, montrant notamment une efficacité sur les biais attentionnels responsables de l'inhibition physiologique. La rumination anxieuse et son mode d'expression verbal sont communs à tous les troubles sexuels, chez l'homme comme chez la femme. Ces processus sont responsables d'évitements expérientiels et/ou d'évitements émotionnels en situation sexuelle. C'est là que le recours à ACT prend toute son importance dans les thérapies sexuelles. Cette présentation met en évidence les processus communs aux dysfonctions sexuelles en s'appuyant sur le modèle de l'anticipation anxieuse de Barlow (2002) et la congruence avec les processus thérapeutiques de la pleine conscience et de l'acceptation.


ACT pour adolescents - Journée scientifique Cepratcc - Rouen 2015 - J Corniquet

ACT pour adolescents - Journée scientifique Cepratcc - Rouen 2015 - J Corniquet corniquetjulien

ACT with Children and Adolescents - Amy Murrell Half-Day Didactic

ACT with Children and Adolescents - Amy Murrell Half-Day Didactic

I said that I would post these slides, so as promised, here they are. This was for a half-day, didactic (with a few small experiential pieces) workshop that I gave yesterday. The audience was mostly graduate students in program specific to child clinical psychology. There were a few professionals who supervise them, and a handful of grad students from otehr programs. I am leaving out some videos that I used, but I described what I did in them in the notes. Although the children in them were "actors" not clients, nothing was scripted, and they talked about their own thoughts and feelings as things showed up. Since, I only got their and their parents' permissions for specific audiences - not for posting all over the world - it just seemed right to take those out. I also left out a bit about some client stuff, but the gist of what I did with the client is there :)


ACT with Children and Adolescents - Amy Murrell Half-Day Didactic

ACT with Children and Adolescents - Amy Murrell Half-Day Didactic

I said that I would post these slides, so as promised, here they are. This was for a half-day, didactic (with a few small experiential pieces) workshop that I gave yesterday. The audience was mostly graduate students in a program specific to child clinical psychology. There were a few professionals who supervise them, and a handful of grad students from other programs. I am leaving out some videos that I used, but I described what I did in them in the notes. Although the children in them were "actors" not clients, nothing was scripted, and they talked about their own thoughts and feelings as things showed up. Since, I only got their and their parents' permissions for specific audiences - not for posting all over the world - it just seemed right to take those out. I also left out a bit about some client stuff, but the gist of what I did with the client is there :)


Also, I know that someone was looking for teh talk I did on ACT-friendly children's books. I will see if I can find it adn post it soon.


ACT/RFT Presentations: Workshops and Talks from Other Conferences

ACT/RFT Presentations: Workshops and Talks from Other Conferences

ACT in the UK Symposium, BABCP National Conference 2008
This page includes power points as well as audio for a symposium highlighting some of the ACT research being conducted in the United Kingdom.

Psychotherapy Networker Session March 2008
This page includes a presentation and workshop presented by Steve Hayes at the Psychotherapy Networker in 2008.

EABCT, Helsinki 2008
This page includes slides from a presentation and two workshops presented by Steve Hayes at EABCT in 2008.

HEAT Presentation at ISTSS
This page includes a power point about HEAT presented at ISTSS by Andy Santanello.

ABCT 2007 Workshops
This page includes powerpoint slides from ABCT workshops in 2007 on core skills and working with challenging patients by Steve Hayes and Kirk Strosahl.

ACT Oceania II, Christchurch NZ
This page includes available powerpoint presentations from ACT Oceania II.

God is a Verb - Spirituality SIG
This page includes a power point presentation by Amy Murrell from World Con I titled God is a Verb.

London Ontario 1-Day Workshop with John Forsyth
This page includes the power point from an ACT workshop by John Forsyth.

Chateauroux, France 3 Day Workshop with Benji Schoendorff, en francais This page includes information and the powerpoint presentation from this workshop.

Click "add child page" to add your own powerpoint presentations from other (non-ACBS sponsored) conferences or workshops below. Please post your ACBS-sponsored conference presentations here.


A systematic and comprehensive review of the RFT literature on deictic framing

A systematic and comprehensive review of the RFT literature on deictic framing

In this paper we will present a systematic and comprehensive review of the Relational Frame Theory work on deictic framing from the publication of Making sense of spirituality (Hayes, 1984) to date. Our summary of the literature on deictic framing will include theoretical and conceptual chapters and papers, and all the published and non published empirical studies. In this review we will summarize the theoretical rationale behind deictic framing, the range of complex phenomena that according to RFT, this behavioral process might account for, the results of empirical studies, the methodological strategies that have been used, their clinical and non clinical target populations, and finally, the inconsistencies and problems of this current line of research. Overall, we will show the steps that have been taken towards the building of a programmatic line of research in that field, and how it coheres with the contextual behavioral science approach.


Roger Vilardaga

Common grounds: Nietzsche’s philosophy, natural sciences and Radical Behaviorism

Common grounds: Nietzsche’s philosophy, natural sciences and Radical Behaviorism

Abstract: Frederick Nietzsche’s writings have been widely influential and extensively interpreted; his philosophy has been almost exclusively seen through the lenses of humanistic and philosophical disciplines and usually taken to support controversial worldviews. In this paper, it is not our intent to provide the “right” version of this philosopher’s thinking, but rather, to explore some connections that might be relevant from a Radical Behavioral viewpoint. Our purpose then, is twofold: first, we will explore the connections of his philosophy with the materialistic and pragmatic assumptions of the natural sciences, and second, we will present some of his considerations regarding the attribution of causality for private events and its compatibility with Behavioral analytical thinking. Clinical implications are commented. 

Keywords: Nietzsche, Radical Behaviorism, natural sciences, private events, epistemology, ontology, psychotherapy.


Roger Vilardaga

Deictic frames and Mindfulness: Theoretical underpinnings and practical implications

Deictic frames and Mindfulness: Theoretical underpinnings and practical implications

Abstract: According to Relational Frame Theory, deictic frames are a class of derived relational responses defined by their dependence on the perspective of the speaker. This concept was introduced by Hayes (1984) in the article “Making Sense of Spirituality,” which laid the conceptual foundation for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Some of the implications of deictic frames connect to various Mindfulness traditions, such as Buddhism, and therapeutic models like Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy. In this paper we will re-explore the behavioral analytical interpretation of this psychological process and provide some clinical insights based on this interpretation. 

Keywords: Relational Frame Theory, deictic frames, mindfulness, clinical applications


Roger Vilardaga

Deictic framing and human objectification: further testing of a new procedure to enhance empathic concern towards others

Deictic framing and human objectification: further testing of a new procedure to enhance empathic concern towards others

A previous study performed in our laboratory showed significant baseline correlations between performance in a deictic framing task and an empathy questionnaire (IRI; Davis, 1984) in a sample of college students (n=58). The study was designed to address the potential role of deictic framing in the enhancement of empathic concern towards individuals belonging to an ethnic minority. Results also indicated that a deictic framing manipulation produced increased levels of empathic concern but those levels of connection faded over time. In this paper, we will present data from a second study that will test the same rationale but using an automated procedure to avoid for demand characteristics of the experimenter. This new procedure incorporates (1) a larger pool of trials, (2) equal number of trials for the three types of deictic framing and their levels of complexity, (3) systematic variations of trial content, and (4) collection of fluency data. In addition, we created an automated delay discounting assessment task that serves as an analog of social bonding. Results will be discussed in terms of the larger implications of this line of research for the enhancement of social interactions in normal adults.


Roger Vilardaga

Empirical Support for the Utility of a Three-Step Perspective Taking Model for Psychosis Proneness

Empirical Support for the Utility of a Three-Step Perspective Taking Model for Psychosis Proneness

Attached is a Flash presentation I created using a product called Articulate Presenter. In this audio powerpoint we reproduced a presentation that was given in Boston, MA in June 2010.

In order to see the audio powerpoint you need to:
1)  Save the attached Zip file to your computer.
2)  Extract the Zip file.  (Unzip it.)
3)  Double-click on the player.html file.

Abstract: Social anhedonia has been linked to the development and exacerbation of psychosis.  In this paper we explored empirically the hypothesis that social anhedonia can be accounted for by deictic relational responding, empathic concern, and experiential avoidance as suggested by Relational Frame Theory (RFT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).  College students (N=110) from the University of Deusto in Spain completed self-report measures of social anhedonia, empathy and experiential avoidance.  Deictic relational responding was measured by performance in a behavioral task.  Sequential multiple regressions indicated that deictic relational responding, empathy and experiential avoidance are independent predictors of social anhedonia, accounting for 26% of the total variance, having minimal overlap among each other.  The data supports the utility of these processes as predictors of social anhedonia, suggesting new psychological targets for the prevention and treatment of psychosis.

Roger Vilardaga

Functional Contextualism and Contextual Behavioral Science

Functional Contextualism and Contextual Behavioral Science

The term functional contextualism has been polemic within the behavioral analytic tradition from its inception. It’s been argued that it adds nothing to that tradition, since it is no more than a way to refer to radical behaviorism, and therefore it is old wine in new bottle. Conversely, what was new and “radical” from radical behaviorism was the reflection of behavioral thinking onto the actions of scientists, but other aspects of that tradition had been there for a long time, such as attention to the organism as a whole, an emphasis on function rather than topography, and the critical role given to history and current environment. Those components were part of previous traditions (e.g., Darwin, Pierce, Dewey and James) and were not necessarily advanced by Skinner. We argue in this paper, that (1) the term functional contextualism is a better term than radical behaviorism to describe our tradition and (2), that the philosophical assumptions ingrained in functional contextualism allow greater methodological diversity and consequently increased chances to strengthen our body of knowledge in the field. Overall, we believe that the term functional contextualism links back our field to its original roots, and orients our work towards the building of a more progressive science.


Roger Vilardaga

Functional Contextualism: A radically behaviorist and pragmatic proposal to predict and control private events (in Spanish but easy to translate)

Functional Contextualism: A radically behaviorist and pragmatic proposal to predict and control private events (in Spanish but easy to translate)

The original title is: “Una propuesta radicalmente conductista y pragmática para predecir y controlar los eventos privados”. This is the ppt (in Spanish) that I made and used to give an introductory 3-hours class about Functional Contextualism (April 23rd) as part of the training in third-wave behavior therapies organized for Juan Pablo Colletti in Buenos Aires - Argentina (2012). The presentation doesn't have many words so it's not so hard to translate it if you are interested in using it. Anyway, I'll try to do it soon.

This ppt presentation is organized as a creative hopelessness session applied to scientific behavior because my objective was to sensibilize attendants to what they value as therapists/scientists, what they actually do and what is the proposal of functional contextualism, so they can assume this view of science if they value it.

This presentation should be complemented with a doc that is still in process. In that document, there are all the terms and figures which were explained verbally during the conference but now they are put by written, so attendants can read them after the class/conference. I hope I upload it soon.

I recommend to use power point 2010 version so the slides won't loss their configuration.

You can find more references in my blog (in Spanish, but with a google translate tool).

Manuel Garayar

God is a Verb- Spirituality SIG thread

God is a Verb- Spirituality SIG thread

I am attaching the God is a Verb talk that I gave at World Con I. Many of you have seen and/or heard it before. However, given the response to this thread, I thought it might be useful to post. For those of you who already have it, it is the same. I have not changed anything since I presented it - no need to view and/or save it again :0)

I think that the notes at the bottom do help explain the slides and set the context for viewing them, so you probably will want to read those too.

ACBS staff

Human Objectification: A Relation Frame Theory Account of Prejudice and Stigma

Human Objectification: A Relation Frame Theory Account of Prejudice and Stigma

The negative impact of stigma and prejudice on society is vast, affecting countless numbers of groups. Most known interventions targeting human objectification, such as the Contact Hypothesis and the Multicultural approach, generally highlight different aspects of the social context. Contact hypotheses emphasize contingencies in the environment, whereas educational approaches highlight more verbal processes. However, neither approach has adequately explained the psychological processes underlying the phenomena of stigmatization. In this paper we will present an account of stigma and prejudice from Relational Frame Theory (RFT). As part of the Functional Contextualism tradition, RFT emphasizes the aims of precision, scope and depth and thus may provide a more adequate approach to analyzing human objectification in a way that will lead to both prediction and influence. This presentation will argue that language is at the root of this problem, and that human's capacity to derive arbitrary relations among events, fosters human objectification in ways that overcome previous attempts to reduce it. We will end by briefly reviewing recent basic and applied research relating to this RFT account as well as their implications for reducing the phenomena of human objectification.


Roger Vilardaga

Introductory workshop to ACT (for Spanish speakers)

Introductory workshop to ACT (for Spanish speakers)
This are the slides of a a brief 3 hours workshop that took place in Barcelona Spain in July 2007 for the Behavior Therapy Unit of the University of Barcelona. Only for Spanish speakers (or multilingual speakers).
Roger Vilardaga

Mindfulness and Acceptance Approaches with people with Psychosis: New Research, BABCP Conference 2010

Mindfulness and Acceptance Approaches with people with Psychosis: New Research, BABCP Conference 2010

Symposium at the BABCP National Conference, July 2010, Manchester UK.

This symposium highlights recent UK research in mindfulness and acceptance-based interventions for psychosis. 

Convenor: Joe Oliver, South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Chair: Eric Morris, South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust


Does self-stigma mediate the effect of mindfulness on social functioning in a First Episode Psychosis sample?

Lucy Mersh, Salomons, Canterbury Christchurch University,

Fergal Jones, Salomons, Canterbury Christchurch University &

Joe Oliver, South London & Maudsley NHS Trust


Luoma et al (2007) describe self stigma as ‘shame, evaluative thoughts, and fear of enacted stigma that results from individuals’ identification with a stigmatised group that serves as a barrier to the pursuit of valued life goals’. Self-stigma has been linked to loss of self-esteem (Wahl, 1999), self-efficacy (Corrigan & Watson, 2002), poor adherence to treatment plans (Sirey et al., 2001) and reduction of the pursuit of employment and independent living (Link, 1982). If an individual accepts stigma their identity may become dominated by their illness (Lally 1989). It has been proposed that the experience of engulfment is especially overwhelming for people experiencing first episode psychosis as they are often also grappling with the challenges of young adulthood.

Research into the reduction of self-stigma has until recently focused on the use of psycho-education and CBT, finding limited success for both interventions (e.g. Alvidrez, Snowden, Rao &and Boccellarialso, 2008; MacInnes & Lewis, 2007). Recently a small amount of research has looked at Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to reduce self stigma in substance misuse and obesity. From an ACT perspective the negative effects of self-stigma occur when an individual becomes entangled in their negative self-stigmatising thoughts and emotionally reacts to them. It could be hypothesized that the mindfulness component of ACT would allow individuals to step back from their thoughts and thus be less likely to self-stigmatise. This study explored the relationship between self-stigma and mindfulness, hypothesizing that individuals who were more mindful would be less likely to self-stigmatise and therefore would have higher social functioning. It was also hypothesised that this relationship would be independent of symptom severity. Four standardized measures for self-stigma, mindfulness, social functioning and symptom severity were employed. At the time of writing thirty three participants experiencing first episode psychosis had been recruited. At completion data from forty participants will be analysed using a regression analysis and clinical implications of findings discussed.



Psychological Flexibility and well-being in First Episode Psychosis

Emma O’Donoghue, Royal Holloway, University of London,

Eric Morris, South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust &

Michael Evangeli, Royal Holloway, University of London


Psychological inflexibility is ‘the phenomenon that occurs when one is unwilling to experience particular negative internal experiences and attempts to alter them accordingly’. The concept of psychological flexibility underpins recent empirically derived approaches to psychological intervention (e.g. Mindfulness and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). These approaches have been found to improve psychological functioning and alleviate a variety of mental health problems including chronic pain, generalised anxiety disorder and depression. Recent research has begun to focus on the usefulness of these interventions with individuals experiencing psychosis and has identified benefits such as improved social impairment and reduction of distress associated with psychotic symptoms. This is a relatively new focus in the treatment of psychosis and to date, no published research has explored these interventions or the concept of psychological flexibility in individuals experiencing first episode of psychosis. These individuals have a high risk of relapse, comorbid symptoms, suicidality when compared with normal controls. Research also indicates that the experience of negative intrusive cognitions, such as positive psychotic symptoms, can have profound implications for an individual’s well-being, social functioning and satisfaction with life. Therefore, further research into effective psychological interventions for this group is warranted. This study explored the mediating effect of psychological flexibility on well-being and social functioning in response to experiencing negative intrusive cognitions (psychotic and non-psychotic) in a sample of individuals experiencing a first episode of psychosis. A purposive sample of forty two individuals (male – 28: female - 14), aged between 18 and 33 years, who were currently being treated for a first episode psychosis completed standardised measures of these constructs. The clinical research implications of these results will be discussed.



Person-based cognitive therapy groups for distressing voices: An evaluation

Laura Dannahy, Hampshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust,

Clara Strauss, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust &

Wendy Turton, School of Psychology, University of Southampton


Recent randomised controlled trials of group CBT for psychosis have yielded disappointing results (Barrowclough et al, 2006; Wykes et al, 2005). For this reason, there is increasing interest in the potential benefits of third wave cognitive therapies for psychosis. Person-based cognitive therapy for distressing voices (PBCT; Chadwick, 2006) integrates traditional cognitive therapy with a third wave acceptance based approach, including use of formal mindfulness meditation. By integrating the two in a meaningful way the potential benefits of both approaches are made available to participants. In this presentation outcomes of nine PBCT groups, involving 62 participants, are presented (Dannahy et al, submitted). Following the therapy groups there were significant improvements in psychosocial well-being as well as on measures of voice distress and voice control and these improvements were maintained at a one month follow up. Findings will be discussed in relation the interface between second wave and third wave cognitive therapies and the next step in evaluating PBCT groups for distressing voices will be presented.



Chadwick, P. (2006). Person-Based Cognitive Therapy for Distressing Psychosis. Chichester: Wiley

Dannahy, L., Hayward, M., Strauss, C., Turton, W., Harding, E. & Chadwick, P. (2010). Group Person-Based Cognitive Therapy for distressing voices: Pilot data from nine groups. Manuscript submitted to Behaviour Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.


Predicting Changes in Delusional Ideation: The Role of Mindfulness & Negative Schemas

Joe Oliver, South London & Maudsley NHS Trust, London,

Kennedy McLachlan, Open Polytechnic, New Zealand,

Emmanuelle Peters, Institute of Psychiatry, London &

Paul Jose, Victoria University, New Zealand


Traditional definitions of delusions have described them as discrete entities that exist only within the population of the seriously mentally ill. This definition has been forced into reconsideration as evidence has accumulated to strongly suggest that delusions are in fact multi-dimensional and exist widely in the general population (Bentall & Slade, 1985; Cox & Cowling, 1989; Johns & van Os, 2001; Romme, Honig, Noorthoorn & Escher, 1992). Research demonstrating that normal populations report sub-clinical level delusional ideation was further evidence of a continuum, but also pointed to the possibility that clinical and non-clinical ideation were functionally related.


Several streams of research have suggested that non-clinical levels of delusional ideation are linked to later development of clinically significant delusions (e.g. Krabbendam & van Os, 2005; Poulton, et al. 2000; van Os, Hanssen, Bijl & Ravelli, 2000). A better understanding of factors that worsen non-clinical delusional thinking may provide insight into the aetiological underpinnings and developmental processes involved in clinical symptoms. Two potential factors are negative schemas and psychological inflexibility. This study used a longitudinal design to explore the impact of mindfulness and negative schemas on changes in delusional ideation over time in a sample of 204 college students. Using structural equation modelling, the results indicated that the effect of negative schemas on changes in specifically delusional distress was mediated by mindfulness. Clinical and research implications of these results will be discussed.

Eric Morris

Testing a New Perspective-taking Procedure in the Context of Attitudes and Emotional Reactions Towards Ethnic Minorities

Testing a New Perspective-taking Procedure in the Context of Attitudes and Emotional Reactions Towards Ethnic Minorities

There is empirical evidence pointing to how children's ability to take perspective can be improved by training deictic distinctions (Weil, in press), and to its beneficial effects among children within the Autistic Spectrum Disorder (Rehfeldt, 2007). But there are few studies where deictic framing procedures have been used for non-clinical purposes. Previous research out of the behavioral analytical tradition indicates that perspective-taking instructions can induce empathy towards ethnic minorities (Vescio et al., 2003), which suggests that deictic relations might play an important role in the context of human objectification and their counterparts of empathy and compassion. In the present study we will examine the impact of deictic framing in the reduction of stigmatized attitudes towards ethnic minorities and we will discuss some of the underpinnings of developing such a training procedure for normally developed adults.

Roger Vilardaga

The Need to Move Beyond Skinner's Analysis of Verbal Behavior

The Need to Move Beyond Skinner's Analysis of Verbal Behavior

Presentation delivered to the Missouri Association for Behavior Analysis (MOABA) conference on Nov. 2, 2007. Spoken as a word, "MOABA" is a lot of fun to say.

Eric Fox

The Role of Values in Reducing Workplace Stress and Increasing Quality of Life

The Role of Values in Reducing Workplace Stress and Increasing Quality of Life

Abstract: Studies of stress and burnout are becoming increasingly relevant because of their demonstrated relationship to lost productivity and turnover in the workplace. Psychological variables are especially relevant within work settings where resources are limited and time demands are high. For this reason, it is important to develop assessment procedures for the identification of process measures related to these outcomes. The current studies examine the relationship between values-consistent living (as measured by the Personal Values Questionnaire) and various psychological outcomes, including stress, burnout, depression, anxiety and general health, within different professional settings. The first study examines the role of values-consistent living as it relates to stress and burnout within substance abuse counselors. Pearson Correlations suggest that greater values-consistent living is correlated with lower levels of burnout and higher levels of accomplishment and mental health functioning (p<.05). The second study examines the role of values-consistent living in respect to psychological outcomes within the staff of the Washoe County School District (p<.05). Results again suggest that greater values-consistent living is negatively related to depression, anxiety, stress and burnout, and positively related to overall health. Future research should investigate the outcomes of treatment interventions implemented to target these processes.


Roger Vilardaga

AFTCC 2011 - Atelier "Accroître la flexibilité psychologique" - JL Monestès

AFTCC 2011 - Atelier "Accroître la flexibilité psychologique" - JL Monestès

Diaporama de l'atelier "Accroître la flexibilité psychologique" lors des 40èmes JSTCC - Paris, 08 décembre 2011 - JL Monestès

Jean-Louis Monestes

Atelier ACT 3 Jours en français Chateauroux, Février 2009 (PowerPoint)

Atelier ACT 3 Jours en français Chateauroux, Février 2009 (PowerPoint)

Voici le power point de l'atelier ACT de 3 jours que Jana Grand et Benjamin Schoendorff ont animé les 5-6-7 février 2009 près de Chateauroux, France.

Chaque fichier contient les diapos utilisées pour chaque journée. La première journée couvre les bases théoriques, les indications, le consentement informé, l'entrainement de l'observation (mindfulness) et la futilité de la lutte. La deuxième journée couvre les valeurs, la défusion, l'acceptation et l'action. Ces deux premières journées couvrent les parties d'un protocole de prise en charge en 7 séances que nous avons écrit et qui est disponible sur ce site en cliquant ici. La troisième journée revient sur la relation thérapeutique et présente les principes de la FAP (Functional Analytic Psychotherapy). Un certain nombre de diapos sont des traductions et/ou adaptations de diapos et/ou d'images et/ou de graphiques et/ou d'animations de Steve Hayes, Kelly Wilson, Joanne Dahl, Yvonne Barnes-Holmes, Ando Rockx et j'en oublie sans doute. Utilisez les miennes à votre tour si cela peut vous être utile! :-).

En adhérant à l'ACBS (cotisation basée sur la valeur que vous donnez à l'association à partir d'un minimum de US$10), vous pourrez accéder librement aux documents ci-dessous (plus de 20 documents comprenant les diapos de l'atelier, fiches et échelles cliniques et documents supplémentaires) et les télécharger au format pdf. NB: Ces documents n'apparaitront que si vous êtes membre de l'ACBS à jour de cotisations et 'logged in'.

L'ACBS compte à ce jour plus de 5000 membres dans le monde entier et représente une communauté unique qui promeut la recherche et la dissémination de l'ACT, la Théorie des Cadres Relationnels, et, plus largement, la science comportementale contextuelle. Nous espérons que vous choisirez de rejoindre l'ACBS ainsi que sa branche francophone, l'AFSCC. Pour ce faire, une fois membre de l'ACBS, il vous suffit d'envoyer un courriel à L'adhésion à l'AFSCC est gratuite. Une fois membre de l'ACBS, vous aurez accès à la quasi-totalité des articles scientifiques publiés sur l'ACT et la TCR, à des chapitres de livres, des présentations powerpoint, des protocoles de traitement, des vidéos et une abondance d'outils cliniques. Si vous ne désirez pas encore, rejoindre l'ACBS, vous pouvez m'écrire par courriel pour que je vous communique les documents qui, sur cette page, ne sont disponibles qu'aux membres de l'ACBS.

benjamin schoendorff

CFP 2011 - JL Monestès - La thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement dans les troubles anxieux

CFP 2011 - JL Monestès - La thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement dans les troubles anxieux

Diaporama de la présentation au Congrès Français de Psychiatrie - décembre 2011.

La thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement dans les troubles anxieux. JL Monestès

Jean-Louis Monestes

Career paralysis - Five Reasons Why our Brains get Stuck Making Career Decisions

Career paralysis - Five Reasons Why our Brains get Stuck Making Career Decisions

This is a presentation about career decision making and why so many people get stuck and almost paralysed with indecision. 

As such its direct relevance to ACT therapists may be limited, however it has been written with ACT principles clearly in mind. 

As this is a relatively novel use of ACT, I thought it might be of interest to show how ACT is being used in new and interesting areas.

Best viewed by following the link to slideshare, downloading and then watching in 'slide show' mode. 

Feedback very welcome!

Rob Archer


Collection of Defusion resources used by Nikita (Nik) Kotlarov

Collection of Defusion resources used by Nikita (Nik) Kotlarov

Hi ACT-ers,

This is my contribution to the ACT community. Hope this helps, enjoy!

For any questions, comments find me here: and here:

Kind regards,


nikita kotlarov

Le langage en thérapie: Frein ou moteur du changement? (Symposium "Changer pour aller mieux" - AFTCC 2009)

Le langage en thérapie: Frein ou moteur du changement? (Symposium "Changer pour aller mieux" - AFTCC 2009)

Présentation dans le symposium "Changer pour aller mieux" - 37ème congrès de l'AFTCC - Paris - 12 décembre 2009 - M Villatte & JL Monestès. 

Résumé: Au début de la thérapie, les patients sont le plus souvent en perte importante de flexibilité psychologique. Ils consacrent une part conséquente de leur temps et de leur énergie à lutter contre les événements psychologiques (émotions, pensées, sensations) qui les font souffrir, alors même que ce combat s’avère inefficace et contreproductif. Cette persistance dans la lutte, en dépit de ses conséquences réelles, est notamment due à l’insensibilité à l’environnement créée par le langage. Lorsque le patient suit des règles verbales telles que « je dois contrôler mes émotions pour être efficace» ou « je ne pourrai pas vivre une vie épanouie tant que je serai triste », les sources de satisfaction, de bien être et de valorisation se trouvent masquées, et l’espoir d’une victoire face aux émotions douloureuses est entretenu en pure perte. Au cours de la thérapie, le langage constitue alors un frein au changement d’approche vis-à-vis des événements psychologiques difficiles (en particulier, le choix de l’acceptation) ainsi qu’à la recentration sur les comportements orientés vers ce qui compte vraiment pour le patient. Pour contourner les effets délétères du langage, enseigner la distanciation au travers de la « défusion » aide le patient à percevoir son caractère arbitraire et à limiter son influence sur les comportements. L’emploi de métaphores, formes de langage non-arbitraire, s’avère également un outil efficace pour reconnecter le patient aux conséquences concrètes et actuelles de ses comportements. Mais le langage, parce qu’il permet à des conséquences distantes d’influencer nos comportements actuels, constitue aussi un moteur du changement. C’est en effet par le langage que les patients identifient et redonnent priorité aux grandes directions de vie qu’ils valorisent. Ils peuvent alors se remettre au contact de sources inépuisables de renforcement en s’engageant dans des comportements réellement efficaces.

Matthieu Villatte

MEDITECC - Atelier introductif à la thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement - JL Monestès

MEDITECC - Atelier introductif à la thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement - JL Monestès

Diaporama de l'atelier introductif à la thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement - MEDITECC- Aix en Provence - 16-17 décembre 2011 - JL Monestès

Jean-Louis Monestes

Portland model peer consultation - "Building local peer networks for skill development"

Portland model peer consultation - "Building local peer networks for skill development"

A recorded presentation to educate about and encourage use of the Portland peer consultation model.

Michael Swadling

Top 10 mistakes you don't want to make as a therapist - Rikke Kjelgaard

Top 10 mistakes you don't want to make as a therapist - Rikke Kjelgaard

Rikke Kjelgaards presentation on "Top 10 mistakes you don't want to make as a therapist". 

This workshop has been a huge succes in Denmark and Sweden and was recently presented at the 2014 UK/Ireland conference in Dublin. 

What are some of the common mistakes we make as tehrapists? And once we get stuck in these, how do we get unstuck again? This presentation lists 10 common tehrapist mistakes in a compassionate and humorous way. 

Please note that a lot of photos have been removed to avoid copyright issues.





What is This Thing Called ACT

What is This Thing Called ACT

A Presentation at the University of Maryland (College Park) Counseling Center


Ron Kimball, PhD, CGP, FACFE


درمان پذیرش و تعهد ACT

درمان پذیرش و تعهد ACT

پاورپوینت کلیات درمان پذیرش و تعهد به زبان فارسی

milad khajepoor