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Pre-Conference Workshops (June 19 & 20, 2010)

transparentBackground copia.thumbnail.pngREGISTRATION HAS CLOSED for these events.

These 2-day workshops will be held the 2-days immediately preceding the ACBS World Conference VIII, at the same venue. (The Meditation workshop is the exception to this.) They will be 9:00-5:00pm on Saturday and Sunday, June 19 & 20, 2010.

*These workshops run concurrently, therefore you may only attend one of the workshops below, and they require their own registration and fee (they are not a part of the ACBS World Conference).

Pre-Conference 2-day Workshops Registration (June 19-20, 2010):

Note: Onsite registration is not available for the pre-conference workshops

  • Disarming Anxious Suffering Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A 2-Day Professional Workshop (introductory/ intermediate): John Forsyth, Ph.D. (CLOSED)
  • Introductory ACT Workshop (introductory/ intermediate): Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D. (CLOSED)
  • ACT with Children & Families (introductory - advanced): Lisa Coyne, Ph.D. (CLOSED)
  • An Experiential Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (not just for beginners) (introductory - advanced): Kelly G. Wilson, Ph.D. (CLOSED)
  • Introduction to Relational Frame Theory (RFT) for Clinicians (intermediate): Niklas Törneke, M.D., & John T. Blackledge, Ph.D. (CLOSED)
  • ACT: Advanced Training in Core Skills and Flexible Use of the Model (intermediate/ advanced): Robyn Walser, Ph.D. (CLOSED)
  • Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP): New Frontiers in Awareness, Courage, Love, and Behaviorism (introductory/ intermediate): Mavis Tsai, Ph.D., & Robert Kohlenberg, Ph.D. (CLOSED)
  • Mindfulness & Meditation ACT Workshop Retreat (intermediate): JoAnne Dahl, Ph.D., Lindsay Fletcher, M.A., Fredrik Livheim (CLOSED)