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General Conference (& Pre-Conference) Schedule


General Schedule of Events:

  • July 11 & 12: Pre-conference workshops, 2-day & 1-day, 9:00am-5:00pm, University of Parma (center city location) (registration starting at 8:00am, July 11)
  • July 12, 6:30pm-7:30pm, Opening Session, then 7:30pm-9:30pm Conference Poster Session & Cocktail Social event at the University of Parma (center city location) (registration begins at 5:30pm, July 12)
  • June 13 - 15: World Conference IX (9:00am - 5:45pm), University of Parma (newer campus; NorthEast side of Parma) Morning Mindfulness & Yoga will be from 8:00am-8:50am.
  • July 14 evening: Dinner & Follies - Porca L'Oca Restaurant (busing will be available to and from the restaurant, starting from the west side of La Pilotta, along the river, at 7:00pm & 7:30pm) additional tickets may be purchased for guests (45 Euros each) and are required for all to attend (more on this in the registration form). Return busing will be at 11:15pm & 11:45pm.

    The Follies began as a manifestation of one of our CBS values -- remembering to hold ourselves and the work lightly -- and what better way to do so than through humor? Today it consists of songs, skits, and funny powerpoint presentations related to the conference, ACT, RFT, and psychology, put together by conference attendees, and coordinated by our own lovely Sonja Batten. (When you get to Parma, if you have an event to add to the follies let Sonja know so that she can help you and get you on the schedule.)

    This event is open to conference attendees and spouses/partners (even though they may not understand all of the psychology humor!); we suggest that children are not brought to this event, as the content is sometimes not kid friendly. (Please remember, you must pre-purchase tickets for all guests.)