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Room Share/ Ride Share

Please use this page to find hotel roommates or rides for the 2024 ACBS World Conference (25-28 July) and/or pre-conference workshops (23-24 July).

Please be sure to post a "check-in" and "check-out" date in your posting and if you already have a room reserved or not (and where).  If you are interested in sharing a ride to/ from the airport make sure you include your arrival and departure information. 

To post your need: click "add new comment" (which appears in blue above). It is recommended that you list your email address so that you may be contacted directly, but that is up to you.

To respond to a posting: click "reply" at the bottom of a post, and your reply will appear on this page (you may want to give your email address so that you may be contacted directly).

Example Post: 


I will be arriving in Buenos Aires on July 23 and leaving on Sunday the 28th. I am looking for a female roommate to share a room with. I already have a standard room (with 2 double beds) reserved at the XXX hotel.

If you are interested please email me at

Thank you,

Fellow traveler

Example Reply: 


I will also be attending the conference on those days, and am looking for a roommate.

I will email you so we can discuss the possibility of sharing a room.


When your need has been met, please go back to your comment (be sure you are logged in) and click "edit", and delete the content of your post. (admin is the only one who can delete the post entirely, but if you have deleted all of the content, I'll know to delete the post) Otherwise people will just keep contacting you....

Click "Contact Us" above in the header of the site for feedback or assistance.

Please note that it becomes the responsibility of each participant in the program to communicate with and to work out an agreement with a potential room sharer. ACBS's role is strictly limited to the maintenance of this website page who have signified interest in the program and will maintain the page but will not (a) screen participants, (b) make any determination as to the appropriateness of any resulting room share, or (c) represent that any room share which may follow use of the service will prove to be satisfactory to the participants.