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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Vijay Shankar

Vijay Shankar

Lifequal LLC,
Licensed Psychologist
Beaverton, Oregon
United States
Highest Degree Held: Psy.D.
Specialties: General anxiety, panic, trauma, phobia, obsessions, depression and adjustment disorders
Types of Clients: Adults
Languages spoken: English, Español
Licensures/Certifications: 1997
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Have attended over 10 week-end workshops conducted by Steve Hayes, Kelly Wilson, and others and assisted in a few of them. Have also conducted many intensive weekend workshops myself. I am a trainer for ACT and have taught at the ACT Summer Institutes, World Conferences, and presented ACT at doctoral level psychology programs and medical school.
ACT/CBS Experience: Since 2000
Additional Information: [img_assist|nid=3723|title=Vijay Shankar|desc=Vijay Shankar, MBA, Psy.D.|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75]The core of my mindfulness practice is Vipassana (Goenka's interpretation). Have been to several 10 day silent meditation retreats that enormously inform my ACT practice. I have completed the TDI in Jon Kabat-Zinn's MBSR. My psychology training history includes Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Gestalt Therapy and Solution Focused Therapy. Finally, this is my second career and I come from having spent 15 years in a corporate management background. I have two MBAs, one in Finance and the other in Marketing. Languages include reasonable fluency in Spanish, French, Hindi and Malayalam.

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