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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Anthi Loutsiou

Anthi Loutsiou

University of Cyprus
Director of Clinical Training
Highest Degree Held: Psy.D.
Specialties: Anxiety, stress, depression, phase of life transitions, Parenting, Work-life balance
Types of Clients: Adults, Families, Organizations, Not listed
Languages spoken: English, Ελληνικά (Greek)
Licensures/Certifications: Licensed Psychologist (Cyprus/ Active) (Colorado, USA /Inactive) EuroPsy Certified Psychologist Licensed (Inactive) Psychologist in Colorado USA
ACT/CBS Background and Training: ACBS Fellow (Awarded 2023)
ACBS World Conference Chair (Nicosia, Cyprus 2023)
Completed more than 15 ACT /CBS workshops since 1998
Attended more than 6 ACBS World Conferences
Founding member of ACBS Greek/Cyprus SIG
Peer supervision of CBS approach to therapy
Independent Study of more than 10 CBS books and multiple research articles
Taught Graduate Level Applied Behavior Analysis to more than 250 School Psychology and Clinical Psychology Trainees
ACT/CBS Experience: Since 1998

Contact Anthi

Contact Anthi Loutsiou