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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - maria moyano

maria moyano

CITA, Universidad Favaloro, Hopsital Italiano
Director CITA Centro Interdisciplinario de Tourette, TOC, TDAH y T Asociados
Caba, Capital federal
Highest Degree Held: MS
Languages spoken: English, Español
Licensures/Certifications: Psychiatrist Child and Adolescents and Adult
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Trained as ACT therapist with Manuela O Connell from 2014 to present
ACT psychoterapy with Manuela O Connell from 2016 to present
Applying an adapting CBT + Act and Mindfulness Based Interventions for tics /tourette, OCD, Anxiety and ADHD for our patients ( ch& a and adults ) , and their families , training the professional staff , supervising outside psychologists psyhiatrists and school psychologists, and cultivating these skills in ourselves through the time since 2014 to present
Giving attending ACT oriented talk/conferences in several annual meetings , and courses , and training residents and psychologists and mental health professionals in this view
Additional Information: MBSR, MBCT, MSC , CFT , retiros varios

IP for Argentina in LATINO OCD multisite crosscultural study ( Dr Eric Storch , Bayllor College)
IP for Argentina in GCHAMHS multisite crosscultural study ( Dir Prof Andre Surander, Finland)
IP for Argentina in TRANSITIONS Literacy program for First Year Medical Students " ( Dir Prof Andre Surander, Finland) ( Translated and recorded mindfulness practices for students as resilience tool for coping stress

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