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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Cristina Martin-Garcia

Cristina Martin-Garcia

ACT and CBT Therapist
United Kingdom
Highest Degree Held: MSc
Specialties: Anxiety disorders (generalised anxiety, social anxiety, panic disorder, agoraphobia, separationa anxiety), OCD, body dysmorphia, depression
Types of Clients: Children, Adolescents, Adults, Elderly, Organizations
Languages spoken: English, Español
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Greetings! I'm Cristina, a therapist at Edinburgh Therapy Service. My personal journey into the world of therapy commenced with cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), which ignited my passion for the field. As time went on, I delved deeper into the realm of therapeutic practices and expanded my horizons to embrace acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).

My journey through the intricate tapestry of psychology, psychotherapy, and the profound wisdom found in Eastern philosophies like Buddhism and Taoism has been nothing short of transformative. It was during this exploration that I encountered a therapeutic approach that sparked a profound sense of excitement within me. ACT is firmly rooted in the principles of acceptance, mindfulness, living in alignment with one's values, and taking committed action. These principles resonated deeply with me and have since become integral to my therapeutic philosophy.

In my work with clients, a fundamental aspect involves the exploration and clarification of their core values and the kind of person they aspire to become. Together, we create a structured plan that enables them to make behavioural changes aligned with these values and aspirations. As our journey unfolds, our primary focus centres on the cultivation of a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Simultaneously, we delve into the practice of defusing from unhelpful thoughts and embracing feelings as they naturally arise. Mindfulness and a heightened awareness of the present moment are instrumental in this process. They allow us to take a step back and perceive our thoughts not as infallible truths but as mental constructs. This shift in perspective empowers us to approach our thoughts with greater flexibility and discernment, ultimately promoting personal growth and well-being.

I am genuinely thrilled to bring this fusion of knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm to my practice at Edinburgh Therapy Service. It is my sincerest hope that our therapeutic journey together will be marked by growth, self-discovery, and a profound sense of purpose.

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