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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Marcel Tassara

Marcel Tassara
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
United States
Highest Degree Held: Ph.D.
Types of Clients: Adolescents, Adults, Elderly, Groups (group therapy)
Languages spoken: English, Español
Licensures/Certifications: Psychologist
ACT/CBS Background and Training: 2016 ACT Bootcamp with DJ Moran, Kelly Wilson, Steven Hayes, Robyn Walser
Consultation w/ Robyn Walser, Micheal Twohig, Mavis Tsai, Glenn Callaghan, Emily Sandoz
ACBS World Conference 2017,2018,2020
The Therapeutic Relationship 2017 w/ Kelly Wilson
Preconference FAP training with Mavis and Bob Kohlenberg
FAP Training with Jonathan Kanter

ACT:Root to Fruit Podcast

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