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CBS Superlab - Submission form to present

What is the CBS Superlab?
With the release of the ACBS Task Force Report on the Strategies and Tactics of Contextual Behavioral Science Research, high-level discussion around how to roll out the proposed recommendations is necessary.  The CBS Superlab is an international research lab meeting held once a quarter via Zoom. These hour-long quarterly meetings will involve:

• A research presentation delivered by a CBS lab that showcases ongoing advances, developments, and innovations in the field of CBS. Each presenter will be invited to share resources relating to their presentation (e.g., PowerPoint slides, handouts, software packages) that will be made available to all attendees.

• A group discussion among all attendees that focuses on both the presentation and means of addressing the Task Force’s recommendations.

All ACBS members are invited to attend. All CBS research labs are invited to participate.

There will be four quarterly sessions delivered via Zoom (generally on the third Wednesday of the month at 3pm New York time).  We invite CBS labs internationally to submit to present. Please note, sessions will be recorded and made freely available via the ACBS website for those who cannot attend live.

To be considered a CBS lab, your lab details must be included on the website. To attend, register here and join the Superlab listserv to continue the conversation. Research labs may submit to present below.

Your lab director will be asked to funnel questions from attendees to you on the day of the presentation.
Which Task Force recommendation does your proposed presentation cover? Please select all that apply
Will your presentation involve any of the following? Please select all that apply
Are you okay with the session being recorded and made available via the ACBS website?
I understand participation in the CBS Superlab requires that materials be available to attendees and that presenters must have the relevant permissions to share any materials they provide
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