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Training DVDs

  • Introduction to ACT, Steven C. Hayes: Psychotherapy Networker Audio Home Study Course A318
    This is a six hour, clinician-friendly audio course on ACT. You can get it as a CD. Good introduction to the model. A bit pricey and the audio is not always great during questions, but you get CEUs.
  • Hayes, S. C. (Ed.). (2007). ACT in Action DVD series. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
    A set of six DVDs on the following topics: Facing the struggle; Control and acceptance; Cognitive defusion; Mindfulness, self, and contact with the present moment; Values and action; and Psychological flexibility. The tapes include several ACT therapists from around the world in addition to Steve, including Ann Bailey-Ciarrochi, JoAnne Dahl, Rainer Sonntag, Kirk Strosahl, Robyn Walser, Rikard Wicksell, and Kelly Wilson. As the marketing folks say: you've read the books, now see the movies.
  • A 100 minute video published by the APA of Steven Hayes conducting ACT with an actual client. Shows several aspects of the model in a single session, including some that are characteristic and distinct from other approaches. Good for training.
  • A 90 minute ACT tape from the 2000 World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy is available from ABCT. It shows Steve Hayes working with a client (role-played by a graduate student—Steve did not, however, meet the “client” or know their “problem” before the role playing started so it appears relatively realistic). Some sound problems but good for training.
  • ABCT has a taped interview with Steve Hayes about the development of ACT and RFT as part of their “Archives” series. Steve thinks this means he is old.
  • Eifert, G. (2004). Tutorial: Acceptance-Based Behavior Therapy for Anxiety Disorders (DVD).
    The Association for Behavior Analysis has a one hour DVD of a short talk by Georg Eifert on ACT for Anxiety Disorders. It doesn’t really show you at all how to do ACT, but does give a nice introduction to how ACT can be used for Anxiety.
  • Barnes-Holmes, D. (2006). Tutorial: Relational Frame Theory (DVD).
    This is a DVD of a tutorial given by Dermot Barnes-Holmes at the Association for Behavior Analysis conference. The presentation focuses on the main concepts of RFT and how they are currently being used to develop conceptual and empirical analyses of areas such as symbolic meaning, analogical reasoning, rule-governance, and implicit attitudes.
  • Roche, B. (2006). Tutorial: Making the World A Better Place...Context by Context and Frame by Frame (DVD).
    This is a DVD of a tutorial given by Bryan Roche at the Association for Behavior Analysis conference. The tutorial includes an outline of RFT and functional contextualism as well as a discussion of the application of RFT to a range of social issues.