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Case Studies


Case Studies by Year (Controlled Time Series Studies are covered in the RCT page)

In Press

  • Twohig, M. P. (In Press). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Treatment-Resistant Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Case Study.Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.



  • Kleen, M., & Jaspers, J. P. C. (2007). Women should not be allowed to run. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) with a pain disorder. Translated from: Vrouwen horen niet hard te lopen. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) bij een pijnstoornis. Gedragstherapie, 40, 7-26.


  • García-Montes, J.M., Pérez-Álvarez, M. & Cangas-Díaz, A. (2006). Aproximación al abordaje clínico de los síntomas psicóticos desde la Aceptación. = Approaching clinical intervention for psychotic symptoms from an acceptance perspective . Apuntes de Psicología, 24(1-3), 293-307.
  • Ruiz-Jiménez, F. J. (2006). Aplicación de la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso (ACT) Para el Incremento del Rendimiento Ajedrecí¬stico. Un Estudio de Caso [Application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to Improve Chess-players Performance. A Case Study.International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 6, 77-97.


  • Batten, S. V., & Hayes, S. C. (2005). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the Treatment of Comorbid Substance Abuse and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Case Study. Clinical Case Studies, 4(3), 246-262.
    Case study. Shows improvement with a dually diagnosed patient.
  • Olivencia, J. J., & Díaz, A. J. C. (2005). Tratamiento psicológico del trastorno esquizotípico de la personalidad. Un estudio de caso. (Psychological treatment of schizotypal personality disorder. A case study). Psicothema, 17, 412-417.
    A case study that examines a combination of ACT and FAP in the successful treatment of a case of Schizotypal Personality Disorder.
  • Orsillo SM, Batten SV. (2005). Acceptance and commitment therapy in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Behavior Modification, 29, 95-129.
    Discussion article and case study showing how to apply ACT to the treatment of PTSD.
  • Wicksell, R. K., Dahl, J., Magnusson, B., & Olsson, G. L. (2005). Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the rehabilitation of an adolescent female with chronic pain: A case example. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 12, 415-423. Shows dramatic improvement with a 14 year old chronic pain patient using a values focused ACT protocol.


  • Gardner, F. L. & Moore, Z.E. (2004). A mindfulness-acceptance-commitment based approach to athletic performance enhancement: Theoretical considerations. Behavior Therapy, 35, 707-724.
    Case study. An ACT protocol with an emphasis on mindfulness helps with sports outcomes.


  • Heffner, M., Eifert, G. H., Parker, B. T., Hernandez, D. H. and Sperry, J. A. (2003). Valued directions: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 10, 378-38.
    This case study describes a heavily values focused ACT treatment of a case of alcohol dependence within an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy model. Identifying valued directions seemed to help the client achieve sobriety and put a plan into action to "start living."
  • Montesinos, F. (2003). ACT, sexual desire orientation and erectile dysfunction. A case study. Analisis y Modificación de Conducta, 29, 291-320.
    A successful application of ACT to a 30-year-old male with difficulties in accepting his bisexual orientation and with an erectile dysfunction is presented.
  • Pankey, J. & Hayes, S. C. (2003). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for psychosis. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 3, 311-328.
    Case study with a retarded psychotic person experiencing command hallucinations and multiple delusions. Believability drops dramatically over treatment but not frequency. Good functional improvement.


  • Heffner, M., Sperry, J., Eifert, G. H. & Detweiler, M. (2002). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the treatment of an adolescent female with anorexia nervosa: A case example. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 9, 232-236.
    Describes the use of ACT in anorexia and shows resulting data. Case study. The case study is followed by discussion articles:
    • Wilson, K. G. & Roberts, M. (2002). Core principles in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: An application to anorexia. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 9, 237-243.
    • Hayes, S. C. & Pankey, J. (2002). Experiential avoidance, cognitive fusion, and an ACT approach to anorexia nervosa. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 9, 243-247.
    • Orsillo, S. M. & Batten, S. J. (2002). ACT as treatment of a disorder of excessive control: Anorexia. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 9, 253-259.
    • There is also a cognitive paper that is nominally a response to the case, but it mentions ACT only in passing, focusing instead on the traditional CBT model.
  • López, S. & Arco, J.L. (2002). ACT como alternativa terapéutica a pacientes que no responden a tratamientos tradicionales: un estudio de caso [ACT as an alternative for patients that do not respond to traditional treatments: A case study]. Análisis y Modificación de Conducta, 120, 585-616.
    Presents data on ACT with a patient who failed a course of cognitive therapy.


  • García, J.M. & Pérez, M. (2001). ACT as a treatment for psychotic symptoms. The case of auditory hallucinations. Análisis y Modificación de Conducta, 27, 113, 455-472.
    Describes the use of ACT in the treatment of psychotic disorders and shows resulting data. Case study.
  • Luciano, C. (2001). On the Experiential Avoidance Disorder and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Análisis y Modificación de Conducta, 27, 113, 317-332. A case study on ACT.
  • Luciano, C. (2001) (Ed.), Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso (ACT) y el Traastorno de Evitación Experiencial. Un síntesis de casos clínicos. (Ed.) Valencia: Promolibro.
  • Luciano, C. & Cabello, F. (2001). Bereavement and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Análisis y Modificación de Conducta, 27, 113, 399-424.
    Describes the use of ACT in the treatment of complicated bereavement and shows resulting data. Case study.
  • Luciano, C., & Gutierrez, O. (2001). Anxiety and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Análisis y Modificación de Conducta, 27, 113, 373-398.
    Describes the use of ACT in the treatment of anxiety problems and shows resulting data. Case study.
  • Zaldívar, F. & Hernández, M. (2001). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Application to an experiential avoidance with agoraphobic form. Análisis y Modificación de Conducta, 27, 113, 425-454.
    Describes the use of ACT in the treatment of agoraphobia and shows resulting data. Case study.


  • Carrascoso López, F. J. (2000). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia: A Case Study. Psychology in Spain, 4(1), 120-128.
  • Garcia, R. F. (2000). Application of acceptance and commitment therapy in an example of experiential avoidance. Psicothema, 12, 445-450.

1999 and Earlier (First ACT Book Appears in 1999)

  • Biglan, A. (1989). A contextual approach to the clinical treatment of parental distress. In G. H. S. Singer & L. K. Irvin (Eds.), Support for caregiving families: Enabling positive adaptation to disability (pp. 299-311). Baltimore, MD: Brookes.
    Uncontrolled. Presents case data on the use of ACT components with families.
  • Hayes, S. C. (1987). A contextual approach to therapeutic change. In N. Jacobson (Ed.), Psychotherapists in clinical practice: Cognitive and behavioral perspectives (pp. 327-387). New York: Guilford Press.
    Shows a series of uncontrolled case evaluations on ACT with anxiety problems.

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