USA - Michigan

USA - Michigan

Michigan Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2025

Click here to join the Michigan Chapter and listserv

Please note, that by selecting to join, you will be added as a member to the chapter and also to the chapter's email listserv. Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

For the chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information

Brendan Skinner


The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice across the state of Michigan, as to alleviate human suffering and advance human wellbeing.

Chapter Activities

  • Educational and training events
  • Social events
  • Email listserv



USA - Michigan - Meeting Minutes

USA - Michigan - Meeting Minutes

Listed below are the various notes and materials from every official meeting of the MIACBS Chapter.


MIACBS Meeting #1 (BAAM)

MIACBS Meeting #1 (BAAM)

The first ever meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science! 

Below you will find the PPT and recording of the meeting. Please consider nominating yourself or someone else for board positions, and/or volunteering to help coordinate and run the various chapter activities and events.

Meeting #1 Webex Recording Password: 7gM3NH36

Meeting PowerPoint


USA - Michigan Chapter Information

USA - Michigan Chapter Information

Michigan Chapter

Affiliated 2025

Type of Chapter:


Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:

The geographic boundaries of the state of Michigan will delineate membership eligibility.

Chapter's mission/objectives:

The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice across the state of Michigan, as to alleviate human suffering and advance human wellbeing.

Description of membership:

Members of the chapter shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice. The types of membership shall be professional, student, and affiliate. 
