ACBS Training Institute 2014
ACBS Training Institute 2014This event has concluded. Please find information regarding the upcoming ACBS World Conference here.
This 3 day event will bring together expert trainers in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Relational Frame Theory (RFT), and Contextual Behavioral Science. This psychology training will be relevant to clinical practice, and other behavioral health applications.
Cet événement de 3 jours réunira des formateurs experts en thérapie d'acceptation et la thérapie d'engagement (ACT), la Théorie des Cadres Relationnels (RFT), et les sciences contextuelles comportementales. La formation sera utile pour votre pratique clinique, et vos interventions en santé comportementale.
Onsite Registration available/Inscription
formulaire d'inscription en français,doc / pdf
3 & 4 October/Octobre
We have intensive 2-day Intensive Workshops with:
Nous vous proposons des ateliers intensifs de 2 jours avec:
JoAnne Dahl, Ph.D., University of Uppsala, Sweden - ACT for Chronic Pain
Matthieu Villatte, Ph.D., Evidence Based Practice Institute, Seattle, Washington, USA - ACT/RFT Applications for Clinicians
Benjamin Schoendorff, M.A., MSc, MPs, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada (training in French; formation en français) - Introduction à l'ACT
Jason Luoma, PhD, & Jenna LeJeune, PhD Portland Psychotherapy Clinic, Research, and Training Center, Portland, Oregon, USA - ACT Core Skills (Introductory)
Lisa W. Coyne, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School/McLean; Suffolk University, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA - ACT with Children and Adolescents
Evening of 3 October, we will have a research poster and cocktail event followed by optional Case Conceptualization and Role Plays (in English and French).
Soirée de 3 Octobre, nous aurons une soirée de présentation de posters de recherche autour d'un cocktail amical.
5 October/Octobre
This day will consist of a series of 1.5 hour and 3 hour clinical workshops by our 2-day workshop presenters as well other peer selected trainers. See the program here!
Cette journée consistera en une série d'ateliers cliniques de 1,5 heures et 3 heures par nos présentateurs de l'atelier de 2 jours et d'autres formateurs sélectionnés. 1 série d'ateliers sera en français. Voir le programme ici!
Networking lunches, coffee/tea breaks, and evening activities included!
Réseau déjeuners, les pauses café / thé, et les activités du soir inclus!
Location/ Hotel
Sheraton Brussels -
Place Rogier, 3 · Brussels/Bruxelles, 1210 · Belgium/Belgique

2014 Training Institute Powerpoints & Handouts
2014 Training Institute Powerpoints & HandoutsPowerpoints and handouts files added where available.
Please check back often as we continue to update this page.
2-day Workshops (3-4 October):
Promouvoir des changements rapides et durable avec la matrice ACT - Schoendorff
Powerpoint Part 1
Powerpoint Part 2
Powerpoint Part 3
Wielding the Double-Edged Sword: How to Use Relational Frame Theory to Master Verbal Interactions, Experiential Exercises, and Metaphors in Therapy - Villatte
Powerpoint for the 2-day Villatte workshop
Developing the Core Skills and Competencies of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - Luoma & LeJeune
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4
ACT Applied to Pain - Dahl
ACT for Children, Teens, & Parents - Coyne
Day 1 powerpoint
Day 2 powerpoint
Additional materials:
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Sunday Workshops (5 October):
1. Effective Case Conceptualization for Children and Teens from a Contextual Behavioral Perspective - Lisa Coyne, Ph.D.
2. The RFT of the Matrix (made simple) - Benjamin Schoendorff, M.Sc.
3. ACTing on your values when facing struggle as a therapist - Rikke Kjelgaard, M.Sc.
4. The Flexible and Compassionate Therapist: Art and Science of Compassion in Clinical Training and Supervision - Stanislaw Malicki
5. Surmonter la douleur chronique avec la thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement - Frédérick Dionne, Ph.D.
6. ACT with Compassion: Using ACT to Work with High Self-Critical and Shame-Prone Clients - Jason Luoma, Ph.D., & Jenna LeJeune, Ph.D.
Handout 1
7. Using ACT with Acute and Chronic Health Issues - JoAnne Dahl, Ph.D.
8. La pratique experientielle sans exercice: Utiliser la TCR pour pratiquer l'ACT sans outils formels et protocoles - Matthieu Villatte, Ph.D.
9. Compassionate ACT: Exploring Compassion Focused Therapy and Resonance Within the ACT Framework - Martin J. Brock, M.Sc.
10. Increasing precision in Therapeutic connection: Unifying the power of attachment theory, primary-process emotional systems and functional analytic psychotherapy - Tien Mandell, M.Sc.
11. Mindfulness for Three: Mindful Peer Counseling Supervision - Igor Krnetic, Ph.D.
12. A New ACT Protocol for Treating Couples - Avigail Lev, PsyD.
13. La pleine conscience dans la relation thérapeutique - Egide Altenloh & David Vandenbosch
14. ACT in Multidisciplinary teams: Experiences from Belgium - Joris Corthouts, Tinne Deboel, Jorell Beyens, & Selien Van Der Mast
Handout 1
Handout 2
15. Améliorer son efficacité clinique et booster sa croissance professionnelle: des méthodes simples au service du changement - Christophe Cazauvieilh
16. Pratiquer l'ACT par le clown - Jean-Christophe Seznec & Elise Ouvrier Buffet
3 October evening/ 3 Octobre soirée
3 October evening/ 3 Octobre soiréePoster Session/ Séance d'affiches & Cocktail/ Hors D'oeuvres 5:30-6:00pm
Third Floor/ troisième étage, Sheraton Hotel
We will have a small poster session and cocktails and hor d'oeuvres, followed by...
Nous aurons une petite séance d'affiches et des cocktails et hors d'œuvre , suivi par ...
Case Conceptualizations & Role Plays/ Cas conceptualisations et jeux de rôle 6:00-7:30pm
In addition to the fantastic workshops available at the ACBS ACT Training Institute in Brussels, we will also be offering some unique training opportunities during the evening. On Friday, 3 October from 6:00-7:30 all Institute participants will have to opportunity to attend small group case consultations with some of the workshop presenters, including case consultations offered in both English and French. This is a fantastic opportunity to get expert consultation on your own cases from some of the leading ACT trainers.
Alternatively, attendees can choose to see some of the other trainers “in action”, doing live role plays. These role plays will give folks the opportunity to see more extended clinical demonstrations of how many of the ACT processes and strategies they will be learning about during their workshops might look when woven into a therapy session. Because more than one trainer will be doing the role plays, it is also a great chance to see different the flexibility of ACT and how it can be utilized with various therapists’ styles.
En plus des ateliers fantastiques disponibles à l'Institut de formation ACT ACBS à Bruxelles , nous offrirons également des possibilités uniques de formation au cours de la soirée. Le vendredi 3 Octobre à partir de 6:00-7:30 participants au colloque devront occasion d'assister à cas conceptualisations avec quelques-uns des animateurs d'ateliers, y compris les consultations de cas offerts en anglais et en français. C'est une occasion fantastique pour obtenir une consultation d'experts sur vos propres cas de certains des plus grands entraîneurs de l'ACT.
Alternativement, les participants peuvent choisir de voir quelques-uns des autres formateurs "en action", faire des jeux de rôle. Ces jeux de rôle seront donner aux gens l'occasion de voir des démonstrations cliniques plus étendues de la façon dont la plupart des processus et des stratégies ACT qu'ils vont apprendre à propos lors de leurs ateliers pourraient regarder quand tissé dans une séance de thérapie. Parce que plus d'un formateur fera les jeux de rôle, c'est aussi une grande chance de voir différente de la flexibilité de l'ACT et comment il peut être utilisé avec tous les styles différents thérapeutes.
5 October program / 5 Octobre programme
5 October program / 5 Octobre programmeUpdated 11 September 2014
Program for sessions in English (PDF)
Programme pour les sessions en français (PDF)
Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Continuing Education (CE) CreditsPossible credit hours:
- 2-day workshops (3-4 October): approx. 12.5 hours
- 5 October (attending all CE events): 6 hours
Types of Credit Available:
- CE credit is available for psychologists. (APA type, USA)
- CE credit is available for LCSW and MFT credits with the State of California, Board of Behavioral Sciences.
The Association for Contextual Behavioral Science is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Association for Contextual Behavioral Science maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
APA CE rules require that we only issue credits to those who attend the entire workshop. Those arriving more than 15 minutes late or leaving before the entire workshop is completed will not receive CE credits.
ACBS is an approved provider of continuing education for MFCCs and/or LCSWs by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, provider #PCE 4653.
A €33/$45 fee will be required to earn CEs.
Refunds & Grievance Policies: Participants may direct any questions or complaints to ACBS Executive Director Emily Rodrigues, 1-269-267-4249 or through the Contact Us link on this website.
- CEs are only available for events that qualify as workshops, some other specialty sessions do not qualify for Continuing Education.
- (Note: CE credits are only available for professionals. You may not earn CE credits with a student registration.)