RFT SIG Member-Led Initiative - Moreno et al. Reading Group

RFT SIG Member-Led Initiative - Moreno et al. Reading Group

What is this member-led initiative?

Part of the role of the RFT SIG Steering Committee is to support member-led initiatives. In line with this, we are delighted to announce that, in collaboration with the RFT SIG Steering Committee, Jesse Moreno will be hosting a monthly reading group. Each month, attendees will be invited to read and discuss a journal article in a fun, low-stakes environment. Articles will be drawn from the list of papers identified by the RFT SIG membership as useful for those who are “Just Getting Started” and those who are looking for something “Contemporary and Advanced": https://contextualscience.org/top_10_rft_research_articles_spring_2023

These events are open to all RFTers, regardless of their familiarity and fluency with RFT. The first set of sessions will focus on articles for those who are "Just Getting Started", so beginners are particularly welcome :-)

To register your interest and join these sessions, email Jesse at jmoreno345@hotmail.com

Session 10 - Reading Group

This session was held 02-July 2024 and the recording is available here.  Attendees discussed "Healthy selfing: Theoretically optimal environments for the development of tacting and deictic relational responding." Pdf available here.

Session 9 - Reading Group

This session was originally scheduled for 04-June but has been rescheduled for 03-September 2024 (9 to 10:30 am, Pacific Time). Attendees will discuss "Derived relational responding as generalized operant behavior." Pdf available here.

Session 8 - Reading Group

This session was held on 07-May 2024 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "A brief tutorial on acceptance and commitment therapy as seen through the lens of derived stimulus relations." Pdf available here.

Session 7 - Reading Group

This session was held 06-August 2024 and the recording is available here.  Attendees discussed "Development of communication in infants: Implications for stimulus relations research." Pdf available here.

Session 6 - Reading Group

This session was held on 05-Mar 2024 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "Language generativity, response generalization, and derived relational responding." Pdf available here.

Session 5 - Reading Group

This session was held on 06-Feb 2024 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "An Introduction to relational frame theory: Basics and applications."

Session 4 - Reading Group with a presentation from Dr. Siri Ming

This session was held on 09-Jan 2024 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "Derived relational responding and generative language: Applications and future directions for teaching individuals with autism spectrum disorders." Pdf available here.

Session 3 - Reading Group with a presentation from Jose (Jesse) Moreno

This session was held on 05-Dec 2023 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "Relational frame theory and Skinner’s Verbal Behavior: A possible synthesis." Pdf available here.

Session 2 - Reading Group with a presentation from Dr. Sarah Cassidy 

This session was held on 07-Nov 2023 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "Relational Frame Theory and Human Intelligence." Pdf available here.

Session 1 - Reading Group with a presentation from Stu Law, PhD student

This session was held on 03-Oct 2023 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "Relating is an Operant: A Fly Over of 35 Years of RFT Research." 
