2022 Presenter Resources
2022 Presenter Resources
Welcome to the ACBS World Conference Presenter Resources Page! This page contains valuable information to help you prepare for the upcoming conference.
Session Types
Learn about the various types of sessions in the ACBS program here.
Powerpoints and Handouts
For your convenience ACBS has provided a Powerpoint template that you may use. This file also includes disclosure slides that can be used when appropriate.
The Powerpoint template and suggestions provided will be helpful for the viewing experience of our virtual audience. Many of the in-person conference sessions will have their audio and ppt captured, and using the template as suggested with photos of the presenters will make for an improved viewing experience.
If you are participating in a panel and weren't planning on a robust ppt presentation, please consider at least creating slides with images of the presenters (as suggested in the template) if you are being recorded. This will improve the post-conference viewing experience.
As always we would like to collect as many powerpoint presentations as we can prior to the conference, to make them available for attendees on the conference platform. When your powerpoint or other handouts are ready, please submit them to this Dropbox folder: https://www.dropbox.com/request/qSDdlE0YMlH8IDWNwDW6
*Make sure your session number and a description are in the file name. For example, “56 ppt” or “56 handout”
We can only guarantee that powerpoints or handouts submitted by May 26 will be posted online prior to the conference. If you send your powerpoint or handouts after May 26, they may not be posted online until after the conference is over in June.
In an effort to reduce paper consumption at the conference, we will only be printing workshop handouts that are worksheets to be completed during sessions. (PPT slides with space for notes are not considered worksheets.) If you have a worksheet that you would like to make available to your attendees, add it to the Dropbox folder linked above by May 16 so that it can be printed. Make sure to indicate in the file name what needs to be printed (for example, “56 handout – print - 2 sided”). Copies will be delivered to your workshop room just prior to your session during the conference.
Additionally, we would like to collect as many powerpoint presentations as we can prior to the conference, to make them available for attendees and ACBS members. When your powerpoint or other handouts are ready, please email it to: acbsstaff@contextualscience.org with “WORKSHOP PPT” in the subject line, and the workshop Title and Authors in the body of the email, and we will post them on our website.
Audio Visual Equipment
Every room will come equipped with a projector. The projectors will have HDMI cables. ACBS will have limited adaptors for your use, but may not have all types. If you know that your laptop does not have an HDMI port, please bring the necessary adaptor with you.
Note: If you use a MAC laptop, please bring an adapter for hooking it up to the projector's HDMI cable. Likewise, please bring any needed international plug adapters if applicable. Also bring your presentation (PC capable) on a memory stick, as a back up.
There will be microphones in most of the breakout rooms – the type and quantity will be dependent on the session type and number of presenters.
Presenters are requested to provide their own laptops for their presentations. If you are unable to supply your own laptop, you must note this when answering the call for submissions.
Books for Sale
Our conference bookstore is operated by New Harbinger Publications, however they include books from other publishers in our bookstore. New Harbinger will make every reasonable effort to include your suggested book in the bookstore.
If you'd like your book considered for inclusion in the ACBS Conference bookstore, please submit your information here by April 15, 2022.