

Association for Contextual Behavioral Science: China Chapter

Affiliated 2014

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Contact Information

Xiaoyu Bai, Ph.D. - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Science; Beijing, China

Geographic (or language) Boundaries of the Chapter

People's Republic of China

Chapter Officers 

(2022,Jan ~ 2024,Jan)

President: Prof. Shuanghu Fang
President -elect: Prof. Yan Zong
Past President: Prof. Zhuohong Zhu
Vice-Presidents: Prof. Siguang Chen, Prof. Maorong Hu, Prof.Xingying Li, Prof. ShousenXu
Secretary-General: Dr. Qi Zhang
Deputy secretary-general: Dr. Hui Cao, Dr. Xaioyu Bai
Secretaries: Jing Cao,Yue Chen, Dr.Tao Tu , Fenfen Wang, Xun Wang, Dr.Zhifeng Zhang
Chairman of Supervisors: Prof. Xiaomei Li
Deputy Supervisors: Prof. Liu Jun'e, Prof. Mai Yanhua,Prof. Zhang Benshing
Supervisors: Guo Wenyu, Dr. Yang Lei, Zhang Xuelin
Standing Board Members (37 in alphabetical order by surname):
Xiaoyu Bai, Hui Cao, Xue Jan, Jing Chen,Siguang Chen, Dongyan Ding, Zhuhui Deng,Shuanghu Fang, Zhiqing Gao, Lulu Ge, Jing Han, Shanshan Han, Xianzhong Hao, Caixia Hou,Yu Huang, Maorong Hu,Weidong Ji, Xingying Li, Jian Liu, Xiqing Liu, Min Lu, Houzhu Luo, Zhihong Ren, Junyan Shi, Guangxiao Tian,Tao Tu , Zhen Wei, Shousen Xu, Xianghua Xu,Yingmei Xu,Chi Zhang, Chunqing Zhang, Benshing Zhang, Ruisheng Zhang,Zhifeng Zhang,Zhuohong Zhu,Yan Zong  


The Association may engage in activities designed to accomplish its purposes, including:

  • Email listserv for members to join
  • Peer consultation groups, peer and student supervision, communicating referrals
  • Providing workshops and presentations, translating English publications to Chinese and vice versa
  • Publishing Chinese publications (books, journals, training materials, online-publications, etc.) to introduce contextual behavior science and practices organizing taskforces to contribute to local/global ACBS SIGs
  • Communicating on Chapter Website and Listserv
  • Hosting domestic and international conferences
  • Providing contextual behavioral therapies and presentations to ACBS China Chapter members and citizens at large
  • May provide for the formation and dissolution of any core activities within the Association
  • Association may hold periodic meetings for the transaction of business and presentations regarding developments in contextual behavioral science, application, and the advancement of human welfare
  • Association may promote and provide research opportunities to world-wide practitioners, researchers, and scholars for the cross-cultural contextual behavioral therapies

Chapter Activities

The 3rd Annual China Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Summit is Coming Soon !

The China Chapter of Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (CACBS) will host the 3rd China Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Summit online from January 15th to 16th, 2022. The core theme of this year’s Summit is “Changing Lives Through Action”. ACT experts and practitioners from China and overseas, including Steven C. Hayes, Russ Harris (the author of ACT Made Simple) and Louis Hayes (the founder of the DNA-V model for adolescents), have been invited to deliver theme reports, academic and applicational research results, and workshops to Chinese ACT enthusiasts.

Before the Summit, Richard Bennett and Joe Oliver, the two authors of 100 Key Points and Techniques of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), as well as Professor Zhuohong Zhu, the chairman of CACBS, will co-run a workshop named “ACT: 100 Key Points and Techniques” before the summit, i.e., from January 13th to 14th, 2022.
“ACT: 100 Key Points and Techniques” Online Workshop

Richard Bennett and Joe Oliver, the authors of 100 Key Points and Techniques of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), as well as Professor Zhuohong Zhu, the incumbent chairman of CACBS and the first person who introduced ACT into China, will co-run a workshop named “ACT: 100 Key Points and Techniques” from January 13th to 14th, 2022 right before the 3rd Annual China Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Summit.

1.Why running this workshop?

Since the publication of Professor Hayes' first book about ACT 20 years ago, ACT has been offering psychotherapists a new perspective, many methods and tools to solve psychological problems. However, ACT may puzzle some beginners as certain concepts of ACT seem to be obscure. The book of ACT: 100 key Points and Techniques published this year just filled this gap.

The founder of ACT, Professor Hayes himself said, " I’ve read a lot of beginning ACT books… in my opinion this is the best. It’s simple and yet comprehensive… Even experienced ACT people will find it a great refresher."

In the book, Richard Bennett and Joe Oliver used a very novel way to interpret ACT, that is, using "head, hands and heart" to respectively represent the ACT theory, method and practical application. and creatively designed this interactive and fascinating workshop around these three parts. The workshop aims to provide an overview of ACT latest methods and present solutions to various problems a practitioner may encounter on ACT theory and in practice. And the co-speaker, Professor Zhu, will also interpret the 100 key points and techniques within the context of the development of ACT in China, which may help participants to better grasp the essence of this workshop.

2. Highlights of this workshop

The workshop will adopt an interactive format and demonstrate ACT counseling skills on the spot and be telecast live to participants all over the country. The participants are also allowed to revisit the contents of this workshop within one month after its completion.

3. Agenda of this workshop

Day One (January 13th, 2022)
Time Speaker Contents
14: 30-18: 30 Richard Bennett and Joe Oliver 1.The "head" of ACT - philosophy and theory
2.The "hands" of ACT- technique and practice
19: 30-21: 30 Zhuohong Zhu Understanding 100 key points and techniques of ACT within the context of Chinese culture (Part I)
Day Two (January 14th, 2022)
14: 30-18: 30 Richard Bennett and Joe Oliver 1.The "heart" of ACT - context, strategy and process
2.Interaction: technique demonstration and Q&A
19: 30-21: 30 Zhuohong Zhu Understanding 100 key points and techniques of ACT within the context of Chinese culture (Part II)

4. The agenda of the Summit is as follows:

Day One (January 15th, 2022)
Time Speaker Activity Subject
9: 00-9: 15 / Opening ceremony /
9: 15-9: 30 Steven C. Hayes, Russ Harris, Louis Hayes, Richard Bennett, Joe Oliver, and Lisa Coyne Greetings from ACT experts /
9: 30-10: 10 Steven C. Hayes and Lisa Coyne Theme report Dialogue on the research strategy of contextual behavioral science
10: 10-10: 20 Break
10: 20-10: 45 Zhuohong Zhu Theme report The development of contextual behavioral science in China
10: 45-11: 10 Shuanghu Fang ACT intervention for hoarding behavior of college students and the underlying mechanism
11: 10-11: 35 Zhihong Ren Effect and mechanism of ACT on improving mental health
11: 35-12: 00 Shousen Xu Application and practice of ACT in assisting the Chinese Skeleton Racing Team to prepare for the Winter Olympic Games
12: 00-13: 30 Lunch
13: 30-13: 45 Jian Liu Theme reports on ACT’s clinical practice Clinical practice of ACT group training for obsessive compulsive disorder
13: 45-14: 00 Qingchun Zhang The application of ACT in Chinese accomplished athletes
14: 00-14: 15 Yan Zong ACT conceptualized-self clinical technology from the perspective of self-narrative style
14: 15-14: 30 Xiucheng Tang ACT intervention for bipolar disorder
14: 30-14: 45 Xuelin Zhang Application of ACT on chronic heart failure patients and their family members
14: 45-15: 00 Jing Han Study on the effects of ACT group intervention
15: 00-15: 10 Break
15: 10-15: 25 Shanshan Han Theme reports on ACT and children and adolescents Application of DNA-V in adolescents
15: 25-15: 40 Weidong Ji Application of ACT in NSSI for children and adolescents;
15: 40-15: 55 Lijie Liu Adolescents' psychological flexibility and non-suicidal self-injury behavior
15: 55-16: 10 Hui Cao Parental psychological flexibility: parenting from the perspective of ACT
16: 10-16: 25 Bin Yuan Psychological intervention on the parents with autism children
16: 25-16: 35 Break
16: 35-16: 50 Zhiqing Gao Theme reports on ACT’s other research "Think through and be able to do": the application of ACT in sport psychological counseling
16: 50-17: 05 Lulu Ge Applicational research on improving psychological flexibility of the people’s police
17: 05-17: 20 Yiyi Wang Effect of ACT on physical exercise behavior of bilingual international students
17: 20-17: 35 Junyan Shi Process-based cognitive behavioral therapy
19: 30-20: 30 Election of the new CACBS Chairman (closing door)
Day Two (January 16th, 2022)
Time Speaker Activity Subject
9: 00-10: 00 Houyuan Luo Workshop The practice of ACT case conceptualization
10: 00-11: 00 Zhuohong Zhu Single counseling model: introduction, elucidation, transition and closing 

Past Workshops:

2014/03/15 – 16, Beijing, China, 2-day entry level ACT therapy workshop, (Teacher, Dr. Zhu zhuohong)
2014/06/21 – 22, Beijing, China, 2-day mid-level ACT therapy workshop, (Teacher, Dr. Li Yan)
2014/09/20 – 23, Beijing, China, 4-day entry-mid level ACT therapy workshop, (Teacher, Dr. Robyn Walser; Interpreter, Frank Xu)

2015/09/09-10,lanzhou,China,2-day entry level ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/09/17-20,Kaifeng,China,4-day entry level ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/10/10-11,Chengdu,China,2-day entry level ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/10/16-18,Zhongshan,China,3-day ACT workshop (Teacher,Dr,Zhu zhuohong)

2015/10/20-24,Shanghai,China,5-day ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr. Zhu zhuohong)

2015/10/30-31,Hangzhou,China,5-day ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/11/10,Psychology department,Tsinghua University,Beijing,China,ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/11/20,Psychology department, Capital Normal University,Beijing,China,ACT workshop(Teacher, Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/12/5-6,Suzhou,China,2-day ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/12/8,Beijing Normal University,ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/12/11-14,Midfuleducation Company,Beijing ,China, ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2016/01/2-3,Harbin Engineering University, Harbin,China,ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2016/01/08-10, Beijing,ACT workshop(Teacher,Pro.YanLi)

2016/01/07-11,Henan University,Kaifeng,China,ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

Past Meetings:
2014/09/22, Beijing China, Meeting: Discussion of ACT and contextual behavior therapy’s further development in China (Hosted by Dr. Zhu Zhuohong, and Dr. Robyn Walser)
2014/09/27, Beijing, China, Meeting: The first group meeting for ACBS China Chapter application preparation, and the Chapter Board election. (Hosted by Dr. Zhu Zhuohong)

2016/01/24,Beijing,China,Meeting: Summary of the work in 2015 and discuss the development of  China Chapter of ACBS.

Translation of ACT books:
Learning ACT: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Skills-Training Manual for Therapists (Chinese Translation in progress)
ACT Made Simple: An Easy-To-Read Primer on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Chinese Translation, in press)

Description of Membership

The types of membership shall be professional, student, and affiliate. For details regarding the types of membership, and the corresponding rights and responsibilities, please refer to the ACBS China Chapter By-laws documentation.

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Published Papers

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