Program, June 21-24
Program, June 21-24
Below is a working list of the sessions that will be presented at the WC8. A complete program will go online as soon as it is complete.
View/download the final World Conference 8 Program (PDF file, 2.86MB)
- Stress Less, Live More: How Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Can Help You Lead a Busy yet Balanced life --- RICHARD BLONNA, EdD
- Matrix Workgroups for Adolescents --- SAM FARLEY, MSW, KEVIN POLK, Ph.D.
- Eating Dialog – An academic program for physician and dietitian using ACT to make the shift from the diet paradigm focuses on weight to the HAES paradigm focuses on well being. --- AYELET KALTER, MSc. RD
- An Engaging Partnership: Integration of ACT and the Motivational Interviewing Model --- KRISTIN L. DEMPSEY, MFT, Member, Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT), Ali Hall, JD, MINT
- ACT with Depression --- ROB ZETTLE, Ph.D.
- ACT With Challenging Patients --- KIRK STROSAHL, Ph.D.
- ACT as a Brief Intervention --- KIRK STROSAHL, Ph.D.
- ACT-consistent relaxation techniques: “Body- and Mindfulness” in practice. --- GRACIELA ROVNER, MSc Physical Therapist, Pain Specialist
- Ongoing Defusion and Deliteralization of Language in ACT --- ZAMIR KORN, Ph.D.
- Enhancing ACT-Based Contextual Behavioral Supervision --- SONJA V. BATTEN, Ph.D., ROBYN D. WALSER, Ph.D.
- Improving clinicians' empathy skills with ACT --- MATTHIEU VILLATTE, PH.D, JEAN-LOUIS MONESTES, ROGER VILARDAGA
- Linking RFT to the Hexaflex: How basic principles apply to clinical issues and ACT techniques. --- MATTHIEU VILLATTE, Ph.D , JEAN-LOUIS MONESTES
- The Matrix and the Art of Improvisation: Making snap decisions in psychotherapy that work --- KEVIN POLK, Ph.D., & JEROLD HAMBRIGHT, Ph.D.
- Supporting self-help ACT with e-mail counseling --- KARLEIN SCHREURS, Ph.D., MARTINE FLEDDERUS, MSC
- Sticky Thoughts & Other Unwanted Experiences --- MARTIN J BROCK, MSc, ROBYN D WALSER, Ph.D
- Yoga and Mindfulness: Flexibility and strength for body and mind --- GRACIELA ROVNER, MSc Physical Therapist, Pain Specialist
- ACT-Based Family Intervention for Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa --- RHONDA M. MERWIN, Ph.D., ALIX C. TIMKO, Ph.D., NANCY L. ZUCKER, Ph.D., Lindsay Martin, BS, Ashley A. Moskovich, BA
- ACT for Spiritual Development --- HANK ROBB, Ph.D., ABPP
- Doing ACT While Still Recalling Your A-B-C’s --- HANK ROBB, Ph.D., ABPP
- Using Acceptance and Commitment Group Training in Vocational Rehabilitation Programs with Special Needs Veterans. --- JOHN P. BILLIG, Ph.D., JOHN MERLADET, Ph.D., DIANE ACORD, MA, CRC, CBIS
- How to integrate ACT into your existing treatments for OCD --- MICHAEL P. TWOHIG, Ph.D., JEFF SZYMANSKI, Ph.D.
- ACT in Real Time: A workshop to ACTively Refine your ACT skills --- MARY SAWYER, ROBYN WALSER
- Standing Your Ground: Why Philosophy Matters for Clinicians --- JOANNE STEINWACHS, LCSW, ARNICA BUCKNER, Ph.D., MATT HEERMAN, M.A.
- Values and Willingness: New Strategies to Enhance Willingness in ACT Values Work --- MATTHEW MCKAY, Ph.D.
- ACT Group Treatment for Health Anxiety --- LISBETH FROSTHOLM, Ph.D., TRINE EILENBERG, M.SC.
- Social Communication and Relational Frame Theory --- LOUISE MCHUGH, MATTHIEU VILLATTE, ROGER VILARDAGA, M.A.
- ACT according to RFT. Transformation of functions involved in values clarification and defusion. --- CARMEN LUCIANO, Ph.D., FRANCISCO J. RUIZ, MARISA PÁEZ-BLARRINA
- ACT Training: What is carried forward, what might be left behind, and does it matter? --- DARRAH WESTRUP, Ph.D.
- Creating Real Behavior Change in Primary Care: Providing ACT for the Masses --- PATRICIA ROBINSON, Ph.D., DEBRA A. GOULD, MD, MPH
- Using ACT to Enhance Mindfulness and Engagement in Primary Care Practice --- PATRICIA ROBINSON, Ph.D., DEBRA A. GOULD, MD, MPH, KIRK D. STROSAHL, Ph.D.
- ACT Treatment for Depression in Groups --- KIRK STROSAHL, Ph.D., PATRICIA ROBINSON, Ph.D.
- The shaping game – using DBT, FAP & ACT for clients with chronic distress --- SANDRA GEORGESCU, PSY.D., Paul Holmes, Psy.D.
- Experiential Metaphor: The life line --- JOANNE DAHL, Ph.D.
- An Experiential Journey Through the Matrix --- KEVIN POLK, Ph.D., MARK WEBSTER, BENJAMIN SCHOENDORFF
- Transformation in Psychotherapy --- BEATE EBERT
- ACT Noodles in the Soup of Dharma --- JAMES SACAMANO, MD, FRCPC
- Using Appreciation in ACT --- KELLY WILSON, PH.D, MAUREEN FLYNN, M.A., NADIA LUCAS, B.A.
- Doing ACT research: An interactive primer for beginners --- JASON LILLIS, Ph.D.
- Single Case Designs for Clinicians- Bridging the gap between research and practice --- JENNIFER BOULANGER, M.A., MERRY SYLVESTER, M.A.
- Enhancing Values Work in Psychotherapy: Practical Tools and Exercises --- JOANNE DAHL, Ph.D., JENNIFER PLUMB, M.A.
- Using the Matrix and FAP tools to conceptualize and strengthen the therapeutic relationship in ACT --- BENJAMIN SCHOENDORFF
- How do we ACT in teams? --- PETER HEUTS, MD, Ph.D., KARLIN SCHREURS, Ph.D.
- ACT in the Treatment of Psychosis --- PATRICIA BACH, Ph.D.
- ACT for Anxious Children, Adolescents, and Families --- LISA COYNE, PH.D, ELIZABETH DAVIS, M.A.
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Body Image Dissatisfaction: A 3 Hour Clinician's Workshop --- ADRIA PEARSON, Ph.D.
- RFT and the Self: Theory, Research and Applications --- JENNIFER BOULANGER, M.S., IAN STEWART, Ph.D.
- Things Might Go Terribly, Horribly Wrong --- KELLY WILSON, PH.D, REGAN M. SLATER
- ACT on Happiness?? --- KATHRYN JARDINE, Ph.D.
- The Basic Behavior Analytic Principles of Psychotherapy --- WILLIAM FOLLETTE, Ph.D., GLENN CALLAGHAN, Ph.D., SABRINA DARROW, M.A., JORDAN BONOW, M.A.
- ACT in Practice: Case Conceptualization in Acceptance & Commitment Therapy --- PATRICIA BACH, Ph.D., DANIEL J. MORAN, Ph.D., BCBA-D
- ACT for Safety --- DANIEL J. MORAN, Ph.D., BCBA-D
- Finding Hope Inside Creative Hopelessness --- JENNIFER BOULANGER, M.A.
- ACT for Conceptualization, Assessment, and Treatment of Disordered Eating --- EMILY SANDOZ, M.S., KATIA MANDUCHI, NANNI PRESTI, M.D.
- ACT on Living and Dying: End-of-life, meaning, and mechanisms of longevity --- JENNIFER GREGG, Ph.D.
- ACT for young adults (16-28 year olds) – ACT used in group format as prevention or an early intervention aimed towards psychological ill-health and stress --- FREDRIK LIVHEIM, clinical psychologist
- ACT with Young People: Exploring Ways to Create Experiential Exercises --- DR. LOUISE HAYES
- ACT-Enhanced Behavioral Parent Training --- CLINT FIELD, Ph.D., ANDREW ARMSTRONG, M.S., JESSICA MALMBERG, M.S.
- ACT for Addiction --- KELLY WILSON, PH.D
Symposia: Symposium title in italics with papers following
- Further Developments in Measuring Cognitive Fusion --- HELEN BOLDERSTON, DAVID GILLANDERS, Lindsey Campbell, Sian Kerr
- Clinical validation of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire --- HELEN BOLDERSTON, Sue Clarke
- Further developments of the CFQ in community samples --- DAVID GILLANDERS, Lindsey Campbell, Louise Tansey
- Cognitive Fusion, Beliefs about Thinking and Rumination in Depression --- DAVID GILLANDERS, Sian Kerr
- ACT with Students and Educators: A Review of Successes and Challenges --- ANTHONY BIGLAN, ROSA M. VIZCAINO, NADIA LUCAS, TAKASHI MUTO , MICHELLE WOIDNECK, M.A.
- Evaluation of an Acceptance and Mindfulness Training for Elementary Staff, Educators, and Administrators --- MICHELLE WOIDNECK, M.A., Micheal P. Twohig, Ph.D., Donna Gilbertson, Ph.D., Jesse M. Crosby
- A Randomized Controlled Trial of an ACT Intervention to Support Teacher Wellbeing --- ANTHONY BIGLAN, Ph.D., LAURA BACKEN JONES, Christine Cody, KATHLEEN FORRESTER, Erika Hinds
- Deictic framing protocols to increase discrimination of own behavior and reduce maladaptive behavior --- ROSA M. VIZCAINO, Carmen Luciano, Francisco Ruiz, Vanessa Sánchez, Enrique Gil
- Why Am I In College? Bringing Values to the Classroom --- NADIA LUCAS, Maureen Flynn, M.A., Kelly Wilson, Ph.D., Kate Kellum, Ph.D.
- Using ACT Bibliotherapy to Reduce Distress Among Japanese International College Students --- TAKASHI MUTO, Ph.D., Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D., Tami Jeffcoat
- Testing the efficacy of third wave interventions --- LOUISE MCHUGH
- How deictic relational responding can improve mindfulness skills --- MATTHIEU VILLATTE, Suzy Yardley, Roger Vilardaga, M.A., Jean-Louis Monestès, Louise McHugh
- Decision making deficits after Acquired Head Injury: Mindfulness as a potential intervention --- LOUISE MCHUGH, Rodger Wood
- The Role of Mindfulness on the Relations between Disordered Eating-Related Cognition and Psychological Distress --- AKIHIKO MASUDA, Ph.D.
- Development of a novel mode of service-delivery (PH-ACT) to promote autonomy in socially-isolated older people --- ANDREAS LARSSON, Lisa Osborne, Phil Reed, Louise McHugh
- Research and Therapeutic Application in the Context of Valued Living --- STEPHANIE L. NASSAR
- Exploring the Use of the Hexaflex Functional Dimensional Experiential Interview (HFDEI) --- MAUREEN K. FLYNN , Kelly G. Wilson, Ph.D., Kate Kellum, Ph.D., Stephanie L. Nassar, Regan M. Slater
- Update on Values-Centered Adaptation of The Expressive Writing Paradigm --- STEPHANIE L. NASSAR, Kelly G. Wilson, Ph.D., Kate Kellum, Ph.D.
- Exploring Values and Present Moment: An Examination of the Sweet Spot Exercise --- REGAN M. SLATER, Kate Kellum, Ph.D., Kelly G. Wilson, Ph.D.
- ACT and Trauma: New Data and Directions --- VICTORIA FOLLETTE, Ph.D., Chair, ROBYN WALSER, Ph.D., Discussant, SONJA BATTEN, Ph.D., Discussant
- Experiential Avoidance and Anger in Veterans with PTSD --- SONJA BATTEN, Andrew P. Santanello, m.b. ranucci
- Mindfulness and Acceptance-Based Group Treatment for Uniformed Services Professionals with Complex Trauma --- JAMES BASTIEN, Barbara Hermann, Dana Moore
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Group Treatment for Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder --- ALETHEA A VARRA, Tracy L. Simpson, Matthew Jakupcak
- ACT for Complex PTSD in Trauma Survivors --- VICTORIA FOLLETTE, Ph.D., Devika Ghimire, Jessica Heaton
- Intensive Outpatient PTSD Treatment --- KEVIN POLK
- Developing behavioral measures of ACT/RFT processes: An international lab meeting --- Douglas M. Long, TAHASHI MUTO, Ph.D., CHAD E DRAKE, Ph.D., MICHAEL LEVIN, NIC HOOPER
- Is Interresponse time (IRFT) variability useful for a measurement for psychological flexibility? --- TAHASHI MUTO, Ph.D.
- IRAPing our Way to Psychological Flexibility --- CHAD E DRAKE, Ph.D.
- Using derived relations to model thought suppression: Combining cognitive paradigms with behavioral preparations --- NIC HOOPER
- Testing the Impact of a Brief Acceptance, Mindfulness and Values Intervention on Multiple Features of Task Persistence --- MICHAEL LEVIN
- Modeling key psychological phenomena using RFT --- LOUISE MCHUGH
- Modeling the direct and indirect effects of thought suppression on behavioral preference --- NIC HOOPER, Louise McHugh, Ian Stewart
- Contextual control over non arbitrary relational responding and pragmatic verbal analysis --- IAN STEWART, Ph.D. , Gillian Kelly, Louise McHugh, Dermot Barnes-Holmes, Denis O’Hora
- Complex hierarchical relational networks: analysis of the transformation of functions --- Enrique Gil , Carmen Luciano, Ph.D., FRANCISCO J. RUIZ
- Transformation of functions through temporal relations --- Juan C. López, CARMEN LUCIANO, Francisco J. Ruiz
- ACT for the Spectrum of Body-Image and Disordered Eating-Related Concerns: Theory, Assessment, and Practice --- AKIHIKO MASUDA, Ph.D.
- The Validation of Italian Version of Body Image Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (BIAAQ) --- ELISA RABITTI PsyD, Katia Manduchi PsyD, Giovanni Miselli PsyD, Giovambattista Presti MD, Paolo Moderato PsyD
- The Role of Psychological Flexibility in the Relations between Eating Disorder-Related Cognition and Psychological Distress Specific and Non-specific to Disordered Eating Spectrum Problems --- AKIHIKO MASUDA, Ph.D., Johanna W. Wendell
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Obesity and Weight Management: A Preliminary Investigation --- Giovambattista Presti, MD, Katia Manduchi, Psy D, FRANCESCA SCAGLIA, Psy.D., Giovanni Miselli, Psy. D, Elisa Rabitti, Psy.D
- Mindfulness and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Eating Disorders Treatment: A Single Case Study --- SARA BORELLI, Psy D, Ronchei, M. Psy
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Eating Disorders: Clinical Practice with a complex case --- KATIA MANDUCHI, Psy.D, Giovambattista Presti, MD, Giovanni Miselli, Psy.D, Elisa Rabitti, Psy.D
- Psychological Health/Flexibility in the context of Behavioral Medicine --- AKIHIKO MASUDA, Ph.D.
- Pain Intensity, Psychological Inflexibility, and Acceptance of Pain as Predictors of Functioning in Adolescents with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis --- Amanda B. Feinstein, Evan M. Forman, AKIHIKO MASUDA, Ph.D., Lindsey L. Cohen, James D. Herbert
- Pain Intensity, Psychological Inflexibility, and Acceptance of Chronic Illness as Predictors of Quality of Life in Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease --- Lindsey Cohen, AKIHIKO MASUDA, Ph.D., Amanda B. Feinstein, Josie Welkon, Kevin E Vowles
- Emotional awareness and acceptance predict coping with cancer screening and protect mental health --- JODIE LANDSTRA, M.A., JOSEPH CIARROCHI, Ph.D., Frank Deane, Ph.D., Leon Botes, Richard Hillman
- From Basic Science to Clinical Application: Empirical Advances in ACT Research with Children and Families --- LISA W. COYNE, CHAIR, AMY R. MURRELL, DISCUSSANT, ALYSHA D. THOMPSON, JASON J. BENDEZU, MELINDA I. MORRILL
- ACT-Relevant Constructs in Child Therapy Process: The Role of Child Experiential Avoidance, Willingness, and Safety Seeking Behaviors in a Family-Based CBT for Young Children with OCD --- ELIZABETH DAVIS, EVAN R. MARTINEZ, Lisa W. Coyne, Angela M. Burke, Abbe M. Garcia
- Experiential Avoidance of Parenting Questionnaire (EAP): Development Study --- MELINDA I. MORRILL, Katy Crowe, James V. Cordova
- Maternal Emotion Regulatory Strategy Mediates Maternal Depression and Child Internalizing Problems --- ALYSHA D. THOMPSON
- Maternal Avoidant Emotion Regulation and its impact on Emotion Regulation in Early Childhood --- JASON J. BENDEZU, Angela M. Burke, Jaclyn Jenkins, Evan Martinez, Mia Bensouda
- The Effects of Cognitive Defusion vs Restructuring on Distress --- JARED DILLOW, B.S., J. T. Blackledge, Ph.D.
- Thought suppression versus defusion in the mitigation of learned helplessness --- NIC HOOPER, LOUISE MCHUGH, Ph.D
- A RFT analysis of the verbal processes involved in acceptance, suppression, and distraction --- MARISA PÁEZ-BLARRINA, Carmen Luciano, Olga Gutiérrez-Martínez, Francisco J. Ruiz, Ph.D., Sonsoles Valdivia-Salas
- Cognitive Defusion versus Thought Distraction: A Clinical Rationale, Training, and Experiential Exercise in Altering Psychological Impacts of Negative Self-Referential Thoughts --- AKIHIKO MASUDA, Ph.D., Johanna W. Wendell, Amanda B. Feinstein, Shawn Sheehan
- Implementing ACT Online: Past and Future Projects --- MICHAEL LEVIN
- Supporting people diagnosed with cancer: Developing an ACT intervention for the internet --- JOSEPH CIARROCHI
- Strategies and difficulties in building, administering and testing ACT based and CBT based podcasts in a university counseling project. --- ANNA BIANCA PREVEDINI, M.A. , Giovanni Miselli, Psy. D., Francesco Pozzi, M.S., Elisa Rabitti, M.A., Giovanbattista Presti, M.D.
- The Red Room: ACT interventions on television and online in the Netherlands --- ANDO ROKX, Msc
- Smoking cessation and prevention of mental health problems: Discussing two ongoing projects --- MICHAEL LEVIN, Jacqueline Pistorello, Ph.D., Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D., John Seeley, Ph.D., Jennifer Plumb, M.A.
- Developing ACT-based web treatment for Eating Disorders --- PÄIVI LAPPALAINEN, MA, Marja Koskinen, Raimo Lappalainen
- Perspectives on Applied Clinical Processes Involved in Compassion-Focused Psychotherapy Techniques in ACT --- DENNIS TIRCH, Ph.D., Chair, KELLY WILSON, Ph.D., Discussant
- An ACT-Consistent, Compassion-Focused Intervention for Generalized Anxiety Disorder --- DENNIS TIRCH, Ph.D., Chair
- Different Roads, Same Direction: DBT and ACT Processes --- JENNIFER TAITZ, Ph.D., Dennis Tirch, Ph.D., Robert Leahy, Ph.D.
- Relationships among Emotional Schemas, Psychological Flexibility, Dispositional Mindfulness, and Emotion Regulation --- LAURA SILBERSTEIN, Ph.D., Dennis Tirch, Ph.D., Robert Leahy, Ph.D.
- Applied ACT and RFT processes relevant to self-compassion --- BENJAMIN SCHOENDORFF, M.A.
- Leadership in Times of Change --- RAMONA HOUMANFAR, PH.D, Chair, IAN STEWART, Ph.D., Discussant
- The Additive Impact of Values Clarification Training to an Online Goal Setting Module on Academic Performance and Student Retention Rates --- JARED CHASE, M. A., RAMONA HOUMANFAR, PH.D., JENNIFER C. PLUMB, TODD A. WARD, M. A.
- The Potential Role of Motivative Augmentals in the Analysis of Cooperative Behavior in Organizations --- SHARLET RAFACZ, M. A., RAMONA HOUMANFAR, PH.D.
- Psychological Flexibility and Innovative Leadership --- TODD A. WARD, M. A., RAMONA HOUMANFAR, PH.D
- Functional Eclecticism: Four Conversations about Complex Behavior --- CHAD E DRAKE, Ph.D.
- The Treachery of Language: Do Emerging Artistic Styles throughout Human History Parallel the Pattern of Relational Frame Development for the Individual? --- DANIEL J. MORAN, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Julie L. Giampaolo
- Pulling the listener into the present moment: Using a self-assessment of verbal behavior to drive conversations that make a difference --- SCOTT A. HERBST
- Transforming The Matrix into a Measure of Psychological Flexibility --- BENJAMIN SCHOENDORFF, Benjamin Putois
- Fooling around with Definitions of Psychological Flexibility --- CHAD E DRAKE, Ph.D.
- Taking it Out of the Box: Multilevel ACT/RFT Applications inside Clinical Behavior Analysis --- MERRY SYLVESTER, MA
- An Investigation of Language-Building Procedures on Derived Relations of Coordination and Distinction: Implications for Comprehension. --- KENDRA RICKARD, MA, BCBA, Kimberly Nix-Berens Ph.D., BCBA-D, Patrick Ghezzi, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Tiffany Humphreys
- Improving Social Skills by Building Fluency on Deictic Framing and Relevant Relational Classes --- DONNY NEWSOME, MA, W. Larry Williams, Ph.D., BCBA-D
- The Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) in an Organizational Context: An Initial Field Study --- THOMAS G. SZABO, MA, BCBA, Merry Sylvester, MA, W. Larry Williams, Ph.D., BCBA-D
- Taking the Barrier with You: An ACT Group Treatment to Improve Behavior Plan Compliance Among Parents of Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities. --- MERRY SYLVESTER, MA, Ashley Greenwald, MA, Thomas G. Szabo, MA, BCBA, Donald Jackson, Ph.D.
- Speaking across islands: Building communication between ACT and other approaches to clinical psychology --- MATTHIEU VILLATTE, PH.D
- ACT, RFT, & “Conventional” Behavior Analysis: Bridges, Gaps, and Group Hugs --- JOHN T. BLACKLEDGE, Ph.D.
- Integrating CBT and ACT --- JOSEPH CIARROCHI, Ph.D.
- Humanists and ACT --- HANK ROBB, Ph.D.
- Perspectives on Perspective Taking --- ROBERT D. ZETTLE, Ph.D., Chair, JASON LUOMA, Ph.D., Discussant
- Who Am I Now?: Perspectives on Self Following a Disabling Injury. --- MERRY SYLVESTER, MA , Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D.
- Enhancing Self as Context and Pain Tolerence --- NAKISHA CARRASQUILLO , Robert Zettle, Ph.D
- Developing a Spirituality Inventory --- SUZANNE GIRD , Robert D. Zettle, Ph.D. , Debra Renollet , Blake K. Webster , Britania Latronica
- Associations among Deictic Relational Responding, Empathy, Experiential Avoidance and Social Anhedonia in a sample of College Students --- ROGER VILARDAGA, M.A. , Ana Estévez , Michael Levin , Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D.
- Positive growth without Pollyannas thinking: Integrating ACT with Positive Psychology interventions --- JOSEPH CIARROCHI, Ph.D. , TODD KASHDAN, Ph.D.
- New Directions in ACT for Addiction ---
- Telephone-delivered Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) for adult smoking cessation: A feasibility study --- JONATHAN BRICKER, Ph.D.
- The role of brief residential programs in alcohol addiction treatment: presentation of an ACT consistent program --- GIOVANNI ZUCCHI, Psy.D. , Giovanni Miselli, Psy.D. , Elena De Bernardis, Psy.D.
- Mindfulness and Acceptance Processes in Relation to Weight-Related Difficulties and Diabetes ---
- Experiential avoidance and obesity: A random population study of adult women. --- CAROLINE HORWATH, Ph.D., Clara Madden, Sookling Leong
- Understanding values associated with weight control problems among Finnish obese subjects --- PÄIVI LAPPALAINEN, MA, Essi Sairanen, Henna Tuomela
- Psychological Inflexibility and Symptom Expression in Anorexia Nervosa --- RHONDA M. MERWIN, Ph.D., Ashley Moskovich, Nancy L. Zucker, Ph.D.
- The role of thought believability in the relationship between depression, diabetes, and stress. --- ERIC SCHMIDT, B.A., Kate Ward, Jennifer Gregg, Ph.D.
- The Influence of Summer Camps for Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus on Acceptance of Chronic Disease --- ELISA RABITTI, PsyD, Valerio Miselli, MD, Tosca Soprani, MD, Giovanni Miselli PsyD, Giovanni Zucchi PsyD, Paolo Moderato PhD.
- Assessment of Mindfulness and Acceptance Processes in ACT ---
- Mindfulness and Experiential Avoidance as Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Avoidance Symptom Severity --- BRIAN L. THOMPSON, Ph.D., Jennifer Waltz, Ph.D.
- Measuring cognitive fusion and defusion in depression using a modified Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale. --- BRIAN KEARNEY
- Continuing Assessment of the Bullseye Survey of Valued Living --- JOHN T. BLACKLEDGE, Ph. D., Cory Ruffing, Jennifer Taylor
- What is the Role of Self in ACT and Mindfulness? Are the Two Accounts Similar in this Regard? --- MAIREAD FOODY, Yvonne Barnes-Holmes, Dermot Barnes-Holmes
- New Interventions and Applications of ACT ---
- Preliminary results from the Lifengage trial - a randomised controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy for medication-resistant psychosis --- JOHN FARHALL, Ph.D., Neil Thomas, Frances Shawyer
- The role of values in suicidal patients --- GIOVANNI ZUCCHI, Psy.D., Annalisa Oppo, Psy.D., Giovanni Miselli, Psy.D.
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Treatment-Severe and Resistant Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Case Study --- MASSIMO RONCHEI, Psy.D
- A four session Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for depression --- RAIMO LAPPALAINEN, Ph.D., Elina Timo, Aino Kohtala
- Interventions to Foster Resilience and Psychological Flexibility in Non-Clinical Populations ---
- ACT on stress: The efficacy of ACT for reducing stress and improving the quality of therapy in clinical psychology interns. --- MS JEANIE STAFFORD-BROWN, Kenneth I Pakenham
- Evaluation of an ACT Resilience Intervention for Adults --- KENNETH PAKENHAM, Ph.D, Nicola Burton, Ph.D., Wendy Brown, Ph.D.
- Parenting, Families, and Couples: ACT Applications ---
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Treatment for Couple Dysfunction: the six core ACT processes in relationship issues. --- MASSIMO RONCHEI, Psy.D
- Treatment of Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Utilizing Parent-Facilitated Acceptance and Commitment Therapy --- JENNIFER YARDLEY
- Acceptance and action or experiential avoidance in parents: can temperament make a difference? --- ELDA ANDRIOLA, PSY.D, GIOVANNI MISELLI, PSY.D, Georgianna G. Gardner, Psy.D
- Training and Assessment of Relational Precursors and Abilities (TARPA): Preliminary findings and future directions --- IAN STEWART, Ph.D.
- Pillars and Posts and Arches, Oh Boy!: What's Up With This Response Style Business Anyway? --- KIRK STROSAHL, Ph.D.
- For the Benefit of My Patients, A Family Physician's Journey into ACT --- DEBRA A. GOULD, MD, MPH
- Many Hands: Raising the Single-Case Design Collaboration! --- KELLY KOERNER Ph.D.
- Translating the Progress in Contextual Behavioral Science into the Creation of More Nurturing Cultures --- ANTHONY BIGLAN, PH.D.
- Balancing Clinical Innovation with the Imperative to Utilize Best Available Practices --- JAMES HERBERT, PH.D.
- Using the Hexaflex Model to Develop Depth in a Dynamic ACT Conceptualization --- BRENT G. RYDER, M.S., MELISSA ROWLAND, M.A., D.J. MORAN, PH.D, BCBA
- The client's perspective on a preliminary brief group intervention for chronically depressed treatment resistant people. --- DR JACOPO PISATURO, MARK WEBSTER
- Multi professional pain rehabilitation based on ACT principles. --- PER-OLOF OLSSON, LENA THERMAENIUS-SPÅNGMARK, Åsa Storkamp, Anna-Maria Weingarten
- Cultivation is not control: Broadening and Building on ACT --- TAMARA LOVERICH, Ph.D., Eric Miller, M.A, Sarah Wice, M.A.
- Dissemination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Depression in the Veterans Health Administration --- BRADLEY KARLIN, Ph.D., ROBYN WALSER, Ph.D.
- ACT Peer Consultation Groups: Opportunities for Learning and Supporting --- JONATHAN BRICKER, Ph.D., JOEL GUARNA, Ph.D., TRYM JACOBSEN, Cand.psych, SANDRA GEORGESCU, Psy.D, MATTHEW SMOUT, Ph.D.
- ACT Based Preventive Programming on College Campuses --- CHARLES MORSE, MA, LMHC, JACQUELINE PISTORELLO, Ph.D., MICHAEL LEVIN
- Special Issues in ACT Supervision: Training, Trauma, and Context --- VICTORIA FOLLETTE, RAIMO LAPPALAINEN, IRMELI SILTAKOSKI
- Evolving as an ACT trainer: What is working and where are we going? --- JOEL GUARNA, Ph.D., KEVIN POLK, Ph.D., GIOVANNI MISELLI, PsyD, JEAN-LOUIS MONESTES
- ACT/CBS Chapters: Serving Regional Needs of Clinicians, Scientifists, and Clients --- JONATHAN B. BRICKER, Ph.D., GIOVANNI MISELLI, Psy.D, CARMEN LUCIANO, Ph.D., JOSEPH CIARROCHI, Ph.D., JENNIFER PLUMB, M.A.
- ACT and the Full Spectrum of Disordered Eating: Challenges and Possibilities --- C. ALIX TIMKO, Ph.D., RHONDA MERWIN, Ph.D., NANCY ZUCKER, Ph.D., EMILY SANDOZ, MS, RAIMO LAPPALAINEN, Ph.D., MATTHEW BOONE, LCSW-R, ADRIA PEARSON, Ph.D., CARLA WALTON, B.Sc, D.Psyc.
- Surfing the Learning Curve: ACT, RFT, and Functional Contextualism --- MATTHEW BOONE, LCSW-R, KEVIN POLK, Ph.D., JOANNE STEINWACHS, LCSW, KELLY MINOR, Ph.D., ROB ARCHER, MSc , CATHY STONE, MSW,LISW-CP
- Reconstructing Measurement Theory From a Contextualist Perspective --- KELLY WILSON, PH.D , FRANK BOND, PH.D, JOSEPH CIARROCHI, PH.D, STEVEN HAYES, PH.D, MICHAEL BORDIERI, M.S., Chair
- Efficacious and effective practice: from clinical trials to everyday therapeutic routine. A panel discussion --- GIOVAMBATTISTA PRESTI, JENNIFER PLUMB, M.A., MICHAEL TWOHIG, KELLY KOERNER, Ph.D., JOSEPH CIARROCHI, Ph.D.
- Toward a contextual neuroscience? --- BENJAMIN SCHOENDORFF, STEVEN HAYES, PH.D, LINDSAY FLETCHER, M.A.
- Analysis of “Intrapersonal” Psychological Processes from an “Interpersonal” Perspective --- JORDAN T. BONOW, M.A., GLENN CALLAGHAN, Ph.D., BARBARA KOHLENBERG, Ph.D., WILLIAM C. FOLLETTE, Ph.D.
- Contributions of a Contextual Behavioral Approach to the Assessment and Treatment of Trauma --- JORDAN T. BONOW, M.A., VICTORIA M. FOLLETTE, Ph.D., ROBYN D. WALSER, Ph.D., SONJA V. BATTEN, Ph.D., ALETHEA VARRA, Ph.D., WILLIAM C. FOLLETTE, Ph.D.
- IRAP round table: Relational Frame Theory is more “Cognitive” than Mainstream Social-Cognitive Psychology: How Weird is That? --- DERMOT BARNES-HOLMES (via WebConference), NIGEL VAHEY, CHAD E DRAKE, Ph.D., IAN STEWART
- Where is the field going in the treatment of anxiety disorders? --- MICHAEL TWOHIG, Ph.D., TODD KASHDAN, Ph.D., JEFF SZYMANSKI, VICTORIA FOLLETTE, Ph.D., JAMES HERBERT