Experiencing of Self Scale (EOSS)

Experiencing of Self Scale (EOSS)

Experiencing of Self Scale (EOSS) for assessment in FAP

Valero-Aguayo, L., Ferro-García, R., López-Bermúdez, M. ángel, & Selva-López De Huralde, M. D. L. ángeles. (2014). Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Experiencing Of Self Scale (EOSS) for assessment in functional analytic psychotherapy. Psicothema, 26(3), 415-422. https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/10490 The original EOSS and the translation are in Table 1.

Kanter, J. W., Parker, C. R., & Kohlenberg, R. J. (2001). Finding the self: A behavioral measure and its clinical implications. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 38(2), 198-211.


EOSS - Spanish

EOSS - Spanish

Valero-Aguayo, L., Ferro-García, R., López-Bermúdez, M. ángel, & Selva-López De Huralde, M. D. L. ángeles. (2014). Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Experiencing Of Self Scale (EOSS) for assessment in functional analytic psychotherapy. Psicothema, 26(3), 415-422.  The original EOSS and the translation are in Table 1.
