5: Core metaphors

5: Core metaphors

In this lesson we show you another commony used metaphor: The Passengers on the Bus. We also walk you through how metaphors work, giving a little glimpse into Relational Frame Theory. In the therapy video you will see I also weave into the basic metaphor other ACT interventions strategies - in particular the use of 'Physicalizing' thoughts, giving them a name, creating perspective on them. This metaphor has such broad use and it can very helpfully organise the work in any setting. 

ESSENTIAL: Watch this video of David working with Anne - a woman with social anxiety and low self esteem. 

ESSENTIAL: Watch this video of how metaphors work

Feel free to make reflections, comments and questions in the comments below.

ADDITIONAL: Download and read this paper on the RFT understanding of metaphor


And that is also the end of the pre workshop flipped classroom learning. We hope you have digested, reflected, assimilated and taken on some of these ideas, we look forward to seeing you live and helping you to use the skills and knowledge that you have been learning here to work with your clients, to address your own barriers to interventions and to deepen your practice of ACT.

David Gillanders