Women in ACBS SIG

Women in ACBS SIG

Women in ACBS Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2016

Click here to join the Women in ACBS SIG and its Listserv!

Contact Information

Sarah Pegrum

SIG Board

Maira Orive (Co-President, 2024-2026)  
Sarah Pegrum (Co-President, 2023-2025) 
Natalia De Gorgue (Co-Manager, 2024-2026) 
Francesca Brandolin (Co-Manager, 2023-2025) 
Melisa Quintero (Member at large, 2024-2026) 
Camille Summers (Member at large, 2023-2025)
Racheli Miller (Member at large, 2023-2025) 
Vicotria Leonard (Student Representative) 
Weronica Skoczylas (Student Representative)

SIG Mission

Gender disparities are reflected in the field of behavioral science, as well as in ACBS. These issues, however, are not specific to our organization, but rather, are a worldwide problem that we believe requires patient, relentless attention and engagement in order to foster prosocial change. We believe that women’s lack of a platform from which to share their perspectives diminishes us as a scientific organization, and limits our ability to represent and serve others who may become part of, or benefit from, our work as a professional body. We suggest that the best way to address this issue is to create a space in which women and allies interested in women’s issues may speak and listen to one another. In so doing, we hope that this space will reflect a more balanced and diverse perspective capable of effecting meaningful change in our organization and our world. Thus, we propose the development of a Women’s SIG.

The ACBS Women’s SIG will reflect diversity not just as a value, but also as a practical strategy for facilitating more individual, innovative approaches that include challenges to the organization to overcome disparity as well as to support meaningful growth. As well, we hope that a women's SIG will support the development of a more diverse organization by providing a safe space in which individuals may speak from or share women’s perspectives. We hope that this SIG will allow us to raise issues pertaining to women, and to create sensitivity to the context in which women live, as that context often inherently reflects discrimination and a power differential, to different degrees, across most environments. It is our hope that this SIG will enrich the conversation for all, regardless of gender. We will strive to engage in the community in prosocial ways that help ACBS identify policies and practices that need to change, and to follow those discoveries with action. We would like this group to be a powerful advocate for women of color, for women in oppressive cultures, for young women clinicians and behavioral scientists. Our goal will be to lift them up by its example, help build their strengths, and help them speak with authority and expertise as well as to feel comfortable in bringing the unique and valuable perspective of women to bear on the growth and development of ACBS.

SIG Activities

1. Conference presentation at the ACBS World Conference
2. SIG meeting at the ACBS World Conference
3. Email listserv
4. Work to further equity for women across the world through small projects

Go here to give to the Women in ACBS SIG

Robyn Walser

WIACBS Resources and Activities

WIACBS Resources and Activities

In an effort to connect and empower each other, we’ve created this page to amplify the work of our members.

If you have something to share, please contact any of our board members.

Social Media Contacts


Sabrina Norwood @sabrina_norwood Lynn Farrel @LynnTFarrell
Deirdre Waters @deirdremwaters  Amy House @AmyHousePhD
Lauren Borges @laurenmborges Janina Scarlet @ShadowQuill
Dianne Shumay @dianneSF Helen McGillivray @CompassTherapy
Dr Claire Milligan @ClaireMilliga11 Brenda Bomgardner @BrendaBomgardnr
Louise Hayes @_louise_hayes Leann Harris @TTReadThis
Natalie Roberts @DrNatalieDawn1 Dr. Graciela Rovner @GracielaRovner
Taslim Tharani @TaslimTharani Jennifer Kemp @jenniferkemp2
Tiffany Rochester @thesamemountain  
Dr Helen Sinclair @DrHelenPsych Jill Stoddard @jill_stoddard
Vanessa del Aguila @vanemindful Priscilla Almada @PriscillaAlmada
Sari harenwall @harenwall Nealon Lennox @NealonLennox
Laura Silberstein-Tirch @SilbersteinPsyD  



Abigail Twyman - @afapw  



Abigail Twyman - https://facebook.com/cruising_with_babs  

Grant funding

- 2019 – 2022 VA Rehabilitation Research and Development, VA Merit Award Borges & Barnes (PIs)
Thriving in the Midst of Moral Pain: The Acceptability and Feasibility of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Moral Injury (ACT-MI) Among Warzone Veterans. Within this project Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Moral Injury is being developed and its acceptability and feasibility in the VA system is being evaluated among warzone Veterans at the Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center. 1I01RX002854-01A1
Role: Co-Principal Investigators: Lauren M. Borges, Ph.D. and Sean M. Barnes, Ph.D. 
Study Team : Co-Investigators: Jacob K. Farnsworth, Ph.D., Robyn D. Walser, Ph.D., Kent Drescher, Ph.D., Wyatt Evans, Ph.D., and Craig Rosen, Ph.D.; Consultants: Lisa A. Brenner, Ph.D., Joseph Currier, Ph.D., and Jason Nieuwsma, Ph.D.
Total Direct Costs: $572,499 



- Borges, L. M. (2019). A Service Member’s experience of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Moral Injury (ACT-MI): “Learning to accept my pain and injury by reconnecting with my values and starting to live a meaningful life.” Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 13, 134-140. doi:10.1016/j.jcbs.2019.08.002

- Borges, L. M., Bahraini, N. H., Holliman, B. D., Gissen, M. R., Lawson, W. C., & Barnes, S. M. (2019). Veterans’ perspectives on discussing moral injury in the context of evidence-based psychotherapies for PTSD and other VA treatment. Journal of Clinical Psychology. doi:10.1002/jclp.22887

- Borges, L. M., Nazem, S., Matarazzo, B., Barnes, S. M. & Wortzel, H. (2019) Therapeutic Risk Management: Chain Analysis of Suicidal Ideation and Behavior. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 25(1), 46-53. doi:10.1097/PRA.0000000000000358

- Currier, J. M, McDermott, R. C., Farnsworth, J. K., & Borges, L. M. (2019). Temporal associations between moral injury and PTSD symptom clusters in military veterans. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 32(3), 382-392. doi:10.1002/jts.22367


Books by WIACBS

- Dr. Janina L. Scarlet has a book coming out March 1, 2020 titled Dark Agents, Book One: Violet and the Trial of Trama, which is a graphic novel for teens and young adults. She also has a book coming on March 5, 2020 titled Super-Women: Super hero Therapy for Women Battling Depression, Anxiety and Trauma. Her previously written books include Superhero Therapy: A Hero's Journey Through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Therapy Quest: An Interactive Journey Through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

- Dr. Jill Stoddard published a new book in January 2020 titled Be Mighty: A Women's Guide to Liberation from Anxiety, Worry, and Stress Using Mindfulness and Acceptance

- Dr. Robyn Walser published a book in October 2019 titled The Heart of ACT: Developoing a Flexible, Process-Based, and Client- Centered Practice Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

- Dr Jenna LeJeune published a book in December 2019 titled Values In Therapy: A clinician's Guide to Helping Clients Explore Values, Increase Psychological Flexibility, and LIve a More Meaningful Life.

- Dr. Carissa Gustafson published a book in January 2020 titled Reclaim Your LIfe: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in 7 Weeks.

- Dr Giulia Suro published a book in October 2019 titled Learning to Thrive: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Workbook

- Dr Laura Silberstein-Tirch published a book in June 2019 titled How to Be Nice to Yourself: The Everyday Guide to Self Compassion: Effective Strategies to Increase Self-Love and Acceptance

Articles / Blog Posts by WIACBS

Jill Stoddard on Scary Mommy: https://www.scarymommy.com/brother-pedophile-oblivious-trust/

Jill Stoddard's column on Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/be-mighty


- Psychologists Off The Clock - a podcast about the science and practice of living well. This podcast has four psychologist who love to chat about the best ideas from psychology. They are Debbie Sorensen, Ph.D., Diana Hill, Ph.D., Yal Schonbrun, Ph.D., Jill Stoddard, Ph.D. You can find them on the web at https://www.offtheclockpsych.com/ or on Apply Podcasts, Sticher, Spotify, Tunin, iHeartRadio, Deezer, and Google Podcasts.

- Huggins, J. (Producer), Barnes, S. M. (Host), & Borges, L.M. (Guest). (2019 Aug 13). Chain Analysis for Therapeutic Risk Management of Suicidal Ideation and Behavior. Rocky Mountain MIRECC Short Takes on Suicide Prevention [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from https://www.mirecc.va.gov/visn19/education/media/podcasts/8_13_2019.asp

- Jill Stoddard was a guest on Katlin Harkess podcast Wisdom for Wellbeing: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/moving-through-anxiety-to-the-mighty-me-you-want-to-be/id1493284810?i=1000463161565

- Jill Stoddard was a guess on Leann Harris's podcast Shelf Aware Books: https://www.shelf-aware.com/episode/be-mighty-by-dr-jill-stoddard-interview/


Give to Women in ACBS SIG via Paypal

Give to Women in ACBS SIG via Paypal

Donate Here

Your donations are not tax deductible according to U.S. tax law.


SIG Member Experience, Expertise and Availability to Support

SIG Member Experience, Expertise and Availability to Support

Want to learn more about the members of the Women's SIG?  Need support?  Want to let us know about your areas of expertise, your areas of development, you ability to offer support to other members?   We have a growing database expressly for these purposes.  Feel free to follow a link below to familiarize yourself with the community.  Please feel equally free to add yourself to the data base.  

Two options:

1. If you'd like to have a look at the database, follow this link:     https://1drv.ms/x/s!AgUt68QYvQ7IixCfIupI_AmkZPgO
2. If you'd like to add yourself to our database, follow this link:   https://1drv.ms/x/s!AgUt68QYvQ7IixCfJwXIgeT2YxRy

Stronger together,

The Women's SIG Board


WOMEN’S SIG MONTHLY SERIES: Connecting and supporting women in the ACBS community

WOMEN’S SIG MONTHLY SERIES: Connecting and supporting women in the ACBS community

The Women's ACBS SIG is hosting a monthly webinar/workshop series for the year. This is to connect and support women, as well as create open spaces to share our voices.


Women's SIG-sponsored webinar "The Client's Journey: Understanding Women's Experiences with Trauma" (5/9/2021 live presentation) - link to recording

Women's SIG-sponsored webinar "The Client's Journey: Understanding Women's Experiences with Trauma" (5/9/2021 live presentation) - link to recording

Please find below a link to a recording of the 5/9/2021 ACBS Women's SIG-sponsored webinar: "The Client’s Journey: Understanding Women’s Experiences with Trauma." If you were not able to attend this helpful workshop, I hope you will check out the recording!
Thanks to the presenters: Katelyn Kendrick, Dawn Johnson, Lisa Thoman, Sari Harenwall, Mary Hill, Robyn Walser, and Janina Scarlet.

Meeting Recording:


Access Passcode: *M?Aw1Mb    

For ACBS members, you will find the recording on the ACBS website here.
