ACBS is turning 10 years old!

ACBS is turning 10 years old!

October 16th marks the 10th birthday of ACBS and we have our party pants on and are ready to celebrate.

During the past decade ACBS grew from a small group of individuals with a vision into an international organization with an inspiring community of members. We believe this is a milestone that should be celebrated with some level of budget conscious fanfare.
Wondering how we're celebrating this occasion? The amazing ACBS community has been sending us videos, messages, and pictures to help commemorate this milestone. We will be adding more of these masterpieces as our birthday gets closer.


Use #ACBS10 on social media to join in the fun!

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ACBS Birthday Videos

ACBS Birthday Videos


We love hearing from all of you! Send in your birthday videos to Courtney at

#ACBS10 Birthday wishes from our New Harbinger friends

Birthday wishes from the ACBS Staff 

#ACBS10 Birthday wishes from Robyn Walser's Workshop in Buenos Aires, Argentina

A message from the UCD CBS Lab

Martin Ivancic sends birthday wishes to ACBS

#ACBS10 with David Gillanders 

Thank you ACBS from Joanna Dudek

 Warm birthday greetings from ACBS BeNe

Ontario ACBS sends birthday wishes #ACBS10 

#ACBS10 birthday love from Ryan O'Donnell with Institute of Meaningful Instruction


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Birthday Messages

Birthday Messages

Thank you to everyone who has sent in a message! Send in your birthday messages to Courtney at

Happy 10th Birthday ACBS!

It is my pleasure to congratulate ACBS at this milestone.

ACBS is a multifaceted organization like no other. With a global membership that serves diverse contingencies, impressive progress is being made on both applied and basic fronts.

ACBS has challenged me professionally, intellectually, scientifically, and personally. ACBS has introduced me to many dear friends. And ACBS is an organization I proudly introduce to my students.

In the past 10 years it is breathtaking to think of how ACBS and its members have grown. Wow - time flies when we are having fun, working hard, and making a difference.

To many more!

Andrew Gloster, Ph.D.

To celebrate ACBS 10th birthday let me share that with you all.
I almost stumbled on ACT about three years ago because I was desperately searching ("Susan" and) for something helpful to treat anxiety in a very difficult patient I was struggling with.
I had bought two books: the one about ACT and the other about something else. Those days I had a bad flu which left me quite weak and the "about something else"-book was a big hardcover monster of a thing: it looked like it was able to answer all the questions I had but unfortunately it was also very heavy to carry around. For that reason I decided starting reading the ACT book, which seemed to be... well... lighter... In hindsight it was really the most casual and fruitful decision I took in years!
Happy Birthday ACBS: you really changed the way I work, the way I encounter my patients and somehow the person I am!!
Alida Di Gangi

The lesson is clear: Wait to decide which book you are going to read until you have a flu... :-))))


A couple of years ago, I was at this Brazilian Conference, when a former student complained that all she wanted to hear was someone talking about their failures. She said: "Everybody comes here just to tell the good stories. My cases don't fit there". This year, just after World Con in Berlin, I called her to say: "Hey, I think I've found the place you're looking for".
The most amazing thing about ACBS for me is how it brings together so many brave, honest, human and generous people.
I'm so proud to be part of this beautiful community!
Happy birthday! I wish you many, many decades of life!

Mônica Valentim

Happy one-decade birthday, ACBS! Thank you so much for the scholarship to attended the ACBS conference in Berlin this year. It is the first conference that I felt so belonged and at home! I benefited professionally and had so much fun at the same time. May you continue to grow contextually to benefits the society!

Love from,
Sook Huey, Malaysia 

Hi everyone,

Ten years ago, I had sold my rock climbing guide service in CO and made the pilgrimage to Kalamazoo, MI to take core BA undergrad courses and work as a research assistant in a few well known labs before applying to grad schools in behavior analysis.

There was just one problem. Apparently, when they mapped out MI, they forgot to add mountains. Even short, steep cliffs were drawn out of the picture. I needed to do something with my free time, and since climbing wasn't an option, I read everything I could get my hands on. Making sense of spirituality was among the most mountainous things I'd ever read. In many ways, it still is.

Eric Fox was a newly minted professor, and my stats instructor. Eric said, "I became a PhD. because I liked the idea of people calling me Doc Fox." We hung out a bit, and Eric told me about ACBS and the move from ABAI. I told him that this reminded me of the formation of ABA when it left APA. Eric told me that if things continue in this manner, there would be a journal too, much like JEAB had been the antidote to editorial bias against behavior analysis in the APA journals.

I'd been to ABA a few times by that point. I'd seen the Follies. Best skit ever: the year Steve and Linda Hayes divorced, they put on a Follies skit. I'd been reading their work. They were both at the apex of their careers. And then comes a divorce. So what do they do? They put on a Follies skit about getting their divorce and what people are likely to be saying about it behind their backs. It was brilliant. After that, no one talked. There was just nothing to say that wasn't already out there.

These guys were my heroes. I wanted what they had. They still are my heroes. But now I have what I want: a life of rich, deep meaning and complexity.

Thank you, Steve, Linda, Eric, and ACBS.

Happy birthday!!!!!!!


Thomas G. Szabo, PhD. 

Happy Birthday to ACBS,

I joined just over a year ago and since then feel like I have engaged in almost daily professional development that has directly impacted my practice. I frequently take the ideas that people post and thread them through my work. The ACBS community has significantly contributed to the framework I use in my work, both in depth and breadth.

Wishing ACBS a very happy 10th year birthday and thank you to those who gave birth to the organisation, and to those who take the time to share their knowledge and experience.

Many thanks,


Tresna Hunt, Ph.D.

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Birthday Pictures

Birthday Pictures

We've loved looking at all of your ACBS pictures! Keep sending in your birthday pictures to Courtney at


Thank you to Eric Fox for the birthday wish!

The ACBS website 10 years ago


















































































































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Messages from the ACBS Office

Messages from the ACBS Office

Messages from the ACBS Office

On our 10th birthday...

Thank you. Thank you to our Boards, thank you to our members, thank you to our staff.

I've learned so much over the last ten years and have been so grateful to make this journey with all of you. We started out as an idea, and have become a large, diverse, questioning, energetic, and passionate organization that I am proud to be a part of.

When anyone asks me "what do you do for a living?" I get to say that "I get to work with great people and get to affect real change and help others." Not everyone can say that, but I'm thrilled that I can.

ACBS is a community effort and there are so many people responsible for our successes, but I would like to give a special thanks to our graduate student staff and office staff over the years that we have been lucky to have.

Jennifer Plumb Vilardaga
John Dehlin
Douglas Long
Kate Morrison
Brandon Sanford

(current staff:)
Ben Pierce
Fred Chin
Ashley Zebell
Courtney Zirkle

And I'd also like to thank my husband, N. Joe Rodrigues who has been "nearly" staff over the years through all of his help and support.

Here's to 10 more!

Emily Rodrigues
Executive Director (Trouble Maker in Chief)

It’s been a pleasure to get to know our members and become a part of the ACBS community the past three years on staff at ACBS. I’m proud to serve our members who truly care about helping others live a life according to their values. Thank you to the ACBS community for the past 10 years of growth, learning, and laughter.

Happy Birthday ACBS!

Ashley Zebell
Administrative Assistant  (The Skipper of Smooth Sailing)

Happy Birthday ACBS!

I joined the ACBS team almost one year ago, and have spent the past 350+ days marveling at what a wonderful community I get to work with. The work the ACBS members are doing, well as the values they promote are truly awe-inspiring. This year has provided me with meaningful and fulfilling work, and for that I am very grateful.

Thank you to the community of members for your patience and kindness. It is a privilege to work here, and I cannot wait for the next birthday!

Courtney Zirkle 
Administrative and Social Media Assistant (Ambassador of Buzz)
