Psychological Flexibility or Inflexibility Measures
Psychological Flexibility or Inflexibility Measures CommunityAcceptance & Action Questionnaire (AAQ) and AAQ-II
Acceptance & Action Questionnaire (AAQ) and AAQ-IIThe 7-item Acceptance and Action Questionnaire - II (AAQ-II)
The AAQ-II was developed in order to establish an internally consistent measure of ACT’s model of mental health and behavioral effectiveness. Although the original AAQ (Hayes, Luoma, Bond, Masuda and Lillis, 2004), obtaining sufficient alpha levels for it has at times been a problem. It appears that there are several reasons for this (e.g., scale brevity, item wording, item selection procedures), and they were addressed in developing the AAQ-II. As a result, it is recommended that researchers and practitioners use this newer scale instead of the original AAQ (which from here forward will be termed the AAQ-I).
NOTE: The AAQ-II started out as a 10-item scale, but after final psychometric analysis has been reduced to a 7-item scale (2011). Please be sure to download the 7 item version, below.
It was designed to assess the same construct as the AAQ-I and, indeed, the two scales correlate at .97, but the AAQ-II has better psychometric consistency. The reference for the AAQ-II is:
Bond, F. W., Hayes, S. C., Baer, R. A., Carpenter, K. M., Guenole, N., Orcutt, H. K., Waltz, T., & Zettle, R. D. (2011). Preliminary psychometric properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionniare - II: A revised measure of psychological flexibility and experiential avoidance. Behavior Therapy, 42, 676-688.
Use of the AAQ-II: Permission is given to use the AAQ-II for research and with clients, and does not require additional author permission. If, however, the AAQ-II was to be used in any type of money making enterprise (e.g., consultancy to organizations), seeking permission is requested by the authors. - Frank Bond, Goldsmiths College, London
What do we call ACT's model of mental health and behavioral effectiveness? (Or, what does the AAQ-I and -II measure?)
[Taken from Bond et al.]
When ACT was originally developed, the overarching term for its underlying model was experiential avoidance – the attempt to alter the form, frequency, or situational sensitivity of negative private events (e.g., thoughts, feelings, and physiological sensations), even when doing so leads to behavioral difficulties (Hayes, Wilson, Gifford, Follette, & Strosahl, 1996). Acceptance was the term used to positively describe this model; thus, it is defined as the willingness to experience (i.e., not alter the form, frequency, or sensitivity of) unwanted private events, in the pursuit of one’s values and goals.
The ACT model has matured over the years, with more emphasis on the dynamic and flexible fit between context, private experiences and valued action, which have always been inherent in the model. Such flexibility is seen when ACT therapists note that sometimes persisting in behavior is helpful, while at other times changing it is helpful: it depends upon the value- and goal-related opportunities that are available in a given context. Furthermore, as other parts of the ACT model are now given emphasis (e.g., cognitive defusion, contacting the present moment, mindfulness, and perspective-taking), experiential avoidance and, hence, acceptance are taking on a narrower meaning and are being used less often as terms for the overarching model (Hayes et al., 2006). Instead, the term psychological flexibility (or flexibility) is now being used to describe this model. It is defined as the ability to fully contact the present moment and the thoughts and feelings it contains without needless defense, and, depending upon what the situation affords, persisting or changing in behavior in the pursuit of goals and values (Hayes et al., 2006). While experiential avoidance and acceptance are still useful and acceptable ways to describe this construct, psychological flexibility is the more current and overarching term. In addition, it needs to be acknowledged that in some contexts (e.g., industrial-organizational psychology) it is important to speak of this domain positively (acceptance or flexibility) and in other contexts (e.g., psychopathology) it is easier to speak of it negatively (experiential avoidance or psychological inflexibility). These differences are terminological, not substantive.
The AAQ-II and key psychometric findings for the scale can be found below. Older versions of the AAQ (i.e., AAQ-9, AAQ-16 and AAQ-49) are also listed below.
There are more specific acceptance and defusion measures available. A good measure has been developed in the area of smoking; a pain measure developed from the earliest versions of the AAQ called the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire has been published and worked very well in this area.
Several AAQ measures for specific problems and populations are posted under Disease and disorder specific AAQ variations.
There are also a variety of translated versions of the AAQ and AAQ-II posted here: AAQ-II in 30+ Languages.
Click here for a list of publications that have reviewed the AAQ and AAQ-II.
- Bond, F. W., Hayes, S. C., Baer, R. A., Carpenter, K. M., Guenole, N., Orcutt, H. K., Waltz, T., & Zettle, R. D. (2011). Preliminary psychometric properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionniare - II: A revised measure of psychological flexibility and experiential avoidance. Behavior Therapy, 42, 676-688.
- Fledderus, M., Oude Voshaar, M. A. H., ten Klooster, P. M., & Bohlmeijer, E. T. (2012). Further evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–II. Psychological Assessment, 24(4), 925–936.
- Flynn, M. K., Berkout, O. V., & Bordieri, M. J. (2016). Cultural considerations in the measurement of psychological flexibility: Initial validation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–II among Hispanic individuals. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 16(2), 81-93.
- Renshaw, T.L. (2018). Probing the relative psychometric validity of three measures of psychological inflexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 7, 47-54.
- McAndrews, Z., Richardson, J., & Stopa, L. (2019) Psychometric properties of acceptance measures: A systematic review. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 12, 261-277. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2018.08.006
- Ong, C. W., Lee, E.B., Levin, M.E., & Twohig, M.T. (2019). A review of AAQ variants and other context-specific measures of psychological flexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 12, 329-346.
- Borgogna, N.C., McDermott, R.C., Berry, A., Lathan, E.C., & Gonzales, J. (2020). A multicultural examination of experiential avoidance: AAQ – II measurement comparisons across Asian American, Black, Latinx, Middle Eastern, and White college students. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 16, 1-8.
- Aller T.B., Barrett, T., Levin, M.E., Brunson McClain, M. (2022). Measuring psychological flexibility in autistic adults: Examining the validity and reliability of the AAQ-II, BEAQ, and VQ. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 26, 125-133.
- Ong, C.W., Barthel, A.L., & Hofmann, S.G. (2023). The Relationship Between Psychological Inflexibility and Well-Being in Adults: A Meta-Analysis of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. Behavior Therapy.
AAQ-II in 30+ Languages
AAQ-II in 30+ Languages CommunityAAQ-II in Arabic
AAQ-II in ArabicAAQ II, 7 item, with scoring. Courtsey of Belal Mustafa.
Hemaid, Fairouz & El-Astal, Sofián & Cangas, Adolfo & Navarro, Noelia & Aguilar-Parra, Jose & Alsaqqa, Ayah & Saqer, Ayah. (2017). PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF THE PALESTINIAN VERSION OF THE ACCEPTANCE AND ACTION QUESTIONNAIRE-II (AAQ-II) APPLIED IN THE GAZA STRIP. International Journal of Psycho-Educational Sciences, 5(3), 52-59.
Bougueffa, I. (2020) فعالية العلاج بالتقبل والإلتزام في التخفيف من أعراض الوسواس القهري [The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy in relieving OCD symptoms]. Dissertation, University of Batna. The AAQ-II Arabic version is in the appendix. Retrieved from
AAQ-II in Chinese
AAQ-II in Chinese王小龙, 曹静, 安静, 丁万兵, 索玉兰, 苏华, 李燕, 祝卓宏, 汤永隆 (2015). 中文接纳与行动问卷第二版(AAQ-II)与认知融合问卷(CFQ)在回族和哈萨克族青少年中的信效度检验. 心理学进展, 5(11), 695-701. [Wang Xiaolong, Cao Jing, Jing Jing, Ding Wanbing, Suo Yulan, Su Hua, Li Yan, Zhu Zhuohong, Tang Yonglong (2015). Chinese Acceptance and Action Questionnaire Second Edition (AAQ-II) and Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ ) in Hui and Kazak adolescents. Advances in Psychology, 5(11) , 695-701.]
Chun-Qing Zhang, Pak-Kwong Chung, Gangyan Si & Jing Dong Liu (2014). Psychometric Properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–II for Chinese College Students and Elite Chinese Athletes. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 47(4), 256-270. DOI: 10.1177/0748175614538064
CAO Jing, JI Yang, & ZHU Zhuo-Hong (2013). Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Second Edition(AAQ-Ⅱ)in college students. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 11, 873-877.
Chang, W.H., Chi, L., Lin, SH. et al. (2017). Psychometric Properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire – II for Taiwanese College Students and Elite Athletes. Curr Psychol 36, 147–156.
AAQ-II in Croatian
AAQ-II in CroatianŠego, A. (2022). Mentalno zdravlje zdravstvenih djelatnika u vrijeme pandemije COVID–19. [Mental health of healthcare workers in the COVID-19 pandemic]. Thesis: Sveučilište u Splitu, Medicinski fakultet [University of Split, School of Medicine].
AAQ-II in Czech
AAQ-II in CzechPtáček, Martin. (2022). Assessing Effectiveness of the Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment Approach in Sport. Thesis: Masarykova Univerzita. Retrieved from The Czech version of AAQ-II is in the Appendix.
AAQ-II in Danish
AAQ-II in DanishHoffmann, D. Halsboe, L., Eilenberg, T., Jensen, J.S., & Frostholm, L. (2014) A pilot study of processes of change in group-based acceptance and commitment therapy for health anxiety. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3(3), 189-195.
AAQ-II in Danish. Updated, 31/8/2015. Login to see attachment
AAQ-II in Dutch
AAQ-II in DutchAAQ-II translated in Dutch. Login to see the attachments.
Fledderus, M., Oude Voshaar, M. A. H., ten Klooster, P. M., & Bohlmeijer, E. T. (2012). Further evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–II. Psychological Assessment, 24(4), 925–936.
Jacobs N, Kleen M, De Groot F, A-Tjak J. (2008) Measuring experiential avoidance. Dutch translation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) [in Dutch]. Gedragstherapie, 41, 349–361.
AAQ-II in Finnish
AAQ-II in FinnishLappalainen, P., Keinonen, K., Pakkala, I., Lappalainen, R., & Nikander, R. (2021). The role of thought suppression and psychological inflexibility in older family caregivers’ psychological symptoms and quality of life. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 20, 129-136.
(Login to your ACBS account to see the attachment)
AAQ-II in French
AAQ-II in FrenchVersion française de l'AAQ-II dans la Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée.
Monestès, JL., Villatte, M., Mouras, H., Loas, G., & Bond, F. (2009). Traduction et validation française du questionnaire d'acceptation et d'action (AAQ-II). European Review of Applied Psychology, 59, 301-308.
Les résultats indiquent que la version française du questionnaire d'acceptation et d'action-II est fiable et valide. Elle peut donc être utilisée en recherche comme en clinique. [French version of AAQ-II in European Review of Applied Psychology; Abstract below)]
Résumé: L'évitement d'expériences psychologiques douloureuses a été choisi comme cible privilégiée par plusieurs nouvelles approches thérapeutiques issues des thérapies comportementales et cognitives. La tentative de suppression des événements psychologiques désagréables conduit à une perte de la flexibilité psychologique fortement corrélée avec un nombre important et varié de troubles psychologiques. Ces nouvelles approches thérapeutiques tentent d'accroître l'acceptation afin de lutter contre cette rigidité psychologique. Parmi ces approches, la thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement (ACT) évalue la flexibilité psychologique au moyen du questionnaire d'acceptation et d'action (AAQ-II), qui présente de bonnes propriétés psychométriques. Une version française de l'AAQ-II est ici évaluée sur un groupe de 210 sujets témoins et de 118 patients souffrant de troubles anxieux ou dépressifs. La version française de l'AAQ-II présente une bonne consistance interne. Sa validité concourante comme sa validité de construit semblent solides. Le questionnaire est fiable dans une évaluation en test-retest. La structure factorielle à un facteur de la version francophone de l'AAQ-II est la même que celle de la version originale. Ces résultats assurent une utilisation de la version française de l'AAQ-II en recherche comme en pratique clinique.
Keywords: Acceptance & action questionnaire (AAQ-II), Acceptance and commitment therapy, Psychological flexibility
Abstract: Avoidance of painful psychological experience has been chosen as the prime target by several new therapeutic approaches derived from cognitive and behavioral therapies. Attempts to suppress unpleasant emotional events lead to a loss of psychological flexibility strongly correlated with a significant number and variety of psychological disorders. These new therapeutic approaches attempt to increase acceptance in order to decrease this psychological rigidity. Among these approaches, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) measures psychological flexibility by mean of Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II), which presents good psychometric properties. A French version of the AAQ-II was evaluated in a group of 210 control subjects and 118 patients with anxiety disorders or depression. The French version of the AAQ-II presents good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha: 0.76-0.82). Its concurrent validity and construct validity appear strong. The questionnaire is reliable in test-retest evaluation. The one-factor structure of the French version of the AAQ-II reproduces the structure of the original version. These results ensure the use of the French version of the AAQ-II in research as well as in clinical practice.]
AAQ-II in Georgian
AAQ-II in GeorgianNino Gogichadze, Teona Lodia, Nata Meparishvili, & Jodi Polaha (2017) The AAQ-II Translation to Georgian: A Preliminary Validation Study. Poster presented at ACBS Annual World Conference 15
AAQ-II in German
AAQ-II in GermanHoyer, J. & Gloster, A.T. (2013) Psychologische Flexibilität messen: Der Fragebogen zu Akzeptanz und Handeln II. Verhaltenstherapie, 23, 42–44.
Gloster, A., Klotsche, J., Chaker, S., Hummel, K.V., & Hoyer, J. (2011). Assessing psychological flexibility: what does it add above and beyond existing constructs? Psychological assessment, 23(4), 970-82 .
AAQ-II in Greek
AAQ-II in GreekKarekla, M. & Michaelides, M.P. (2017) Validation and invariance testing of the Greek adaptation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire -II across clinical vs. nonclinical samples and sexes. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6(1), 119-124.
AAQ-II in HINDITyagi, A. & Agarwal, A. (2021). Validation of the Factor Structure of Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) in the Indian Context. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 12(7), 10033-10043.
See attachment for translation by Sayma Jameel & Dr M Manjula, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
AAQ-II in Hebrew
AAQ-II in HebrewHebrew translations of the AAQ II is below.
Rabbi Dov Ben-Yaacov BA. LLB.PgD-Psychiatry
MSc Psychiatry candidate, Cardiff Medical School
Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK
AAQ-II in Hungarian
AAQ-II in HungarianBalazsi, R., Pentek, I., Vargha, J., & Szabo, K. (2019). The investigation of the factor structure, construct validity and gender related differences of the Hungarian version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II: A latent mean difference approach. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 19(1), 73-89. DOI: 10.24193/jebp.2019.1.5
Eisenbeck, N., & Szabó-Bartha, A. (2018). Validation of the Hungarian version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 9, 80-87.
See attachments for AAQ-II in Hungarian.
Please contact Krizstina-Gabriella Szabo ( for additional information.
AAQ-II in Indonesian
AAQ-II in IndonesianNurmalita Sari, Margaretha Sih Setija Utami, Esthy Rahayu (2022). The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Reducing Depression in Post-Stroke Patients. Philanthropy: Journal of Psychology, 6(1), 13 – 31. Retrieved from
AAQ-II in Italian
AAQ-II in ItalianPennato, T., Berrocal, C., Bernini, O. et al. (2013) Italian Version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II): Dimensionality, Reliability, Convergent and Criterion Validity. J Psychopathol Behav Assess, 35, 552–563 (2013). The Italian AAQ-II items are in the Appendix Table 8.
AAQ-II in Japanese
AAQ-II in JapaneseAAQ-II translated in Japanese. Naoko Kishita, Tetsuya Yamamoto, & Hironori Shimada Author contact information: Naoko Kishita Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda University, Japan
7 items AAQ-II: Daiki Shima, Mika Yanagihara, Satoshi Kawai, Hiroaki Kumano (2013) Japanese version of Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II 7-item version. Proceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association.
10 items AAQ-II: Naoko Kinoshita, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Hironori Shimada (2008). Attempt to create Japanese version of Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Health Psychology, 46.
AAQ-II in Korean
AAQ-II in KoreanHeo, J.H., Choi, M.S., & Jin, H.J. (2009). Study on the reliability and validity of Korean translated Acceptance-Action Questionnaire-II. Journal of the Korean Psychological Association: Counseling and Psychotherapy, 21(4), 861–878.
AAQ-II in Latvian
AAQ-II in LatvianSadauska, I. & Koļesovs, A. (2021). Validity and Reliability of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II: Latvian Version. Cilvēks, tehnoloģijas un izglītības kvalitāte, 2021[Human, Technologies and Quality of Education, 2021], 71-82.
AAQ-II in Malay
AAQ-II in MalayReferences:
Mohd Bahar, F. H., Mohd Kassim, M. A., Pang, N. T. P., Koh, E. B. Y., Kamu, A., & Ho, C. M. (2022). Malay Version of Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II): A Reliability and Validity Analysis in Non-Clinical Samples. IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 21(3).
Shari, N. I., Zainal, N. Z., Guan, N. C., Ahmad Sabki, Z., & Yahaya, N. A. (2019). Psychometric properties of the acceptance and action questionnaire (AAQ II) Malay version in cancer patients. PloS one, 14(2), e0212788. The Malay Translation is in Appendix 1.
AAQ-II in Norwegian
AAQ-II in NorwegianTranslated AAQ-II in Norwegian. Norsk konsensusversjon (backtranslated), mars 2009 - og revidert i2011 henhold til engelskspråklig validering. Forhåpentligvis vil det gjøres en valideringsstudie av den i nærmeste fremtid. Denne versjonen er utarbeidet av (i alfabetisk rekkefølge): Roar Fosse PhD Børge Holden dr.philos. Didrik Heggdal Psykologspesialist Steffen Holthe Psykolog Trym Nordstrand Jacobsen MA. Ayna B. Johansen PhD Lars Mariero Med.Stud. (for spørsmål kan Trym Nordstrand Jacobsen nåes på
Tom Østergaard, Tobias Lundgren, Robert D. Zettle, Nils Inge Landrø, Vegard Øksendal Haaland (2020) Norwegian Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (NAAQ): A psychometric evaluation. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 15, 103-109. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2019.12.002
The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II) aims to measure psychological flexibility (PF), described as the ability to act according to chosen values while consciously being in contact with present moment experiences that might function as obstacles. To date, the psychometric properties of a Norwegian translated version of the AAQ-II (NAAQ) have not been published, thus limiting the confidence of findings based on its use with Norwegian samples. The current study sought to address this omission by evaluating the psychometric properties of the NAAQ in a clinical sample (N = 163) with a history of major depressive disorder and residual symptoms of depression. A confirmatory factor analysis supported a unidimensional structure of the scale with good internal (α = 0.87) and satisfactory levels of concurrent and convergent validity. Incremental validity beyond two measures of value-based living was found in predicting depression, anxiety, and three of four domains reflective of quality of life. The overall results support the use of the NAAQ in both research and clinical practice with Norwegian samples.
Børge Strømgren, Stian Orm Jon A. Løkke (2021) Psychometric Properties of the Norwegian Acceptance and Action Questionnaire in a Non-clinical Sample. International journal of psychology and psychological therapy, 21(2), 199-206.
AAQ-II in Persian
AAQ-II in PersianAbasi, E., Fti, L., Molodi, R., Zarabi, H. (2013). Psychometric properties of Persian Version of Acceptance and Action Questionnaire –II. Journal of Psychological Models and Methods, 3(10), 65-80.
Nezamaddin Ghasemi, Mehrdad Kalantari, Karim Asghari, Hossaein Molavi (2014) Factor Structure, Validity and Reliability of the Persian version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II-7). International Journal of Education and Research, 2(9), 85-96.
AAQ-II translated into Farsi courtesy of Dr. Ali Sahebi. Please contact for more information. See attached file.
AAQ-II in Polish
AAQ-II in PolishKleszcz, Bartosz & Dudek, Joanna & Białaszek, Wojciech & Ostaszewski, Pawel & Bond, Frank. (2018). Właściwości psychometryczne polskiej wersji Kwestionariusza Akceptacji i Działania (AAQ-II). Studia Psychologiczne, 1, 1-20.
Polski. Oto strona zawierająca Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II, mierzący elastyczność psychologiczną. Dostępne są dwie wersje - męska i żeńska. Pełne dane dostępne będą po opublikowaniu wyników. Test jest darmowy do użytku w ramach interwencji psychologicznych i badań naukowych. W razie pytań wyślij maila do
English. This is the page containing the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II, measuring psychological flexibility. Two versions are available - male and female. Full data will be available after publishing. The test is free for use in psychological intervetions and research. Should you have any questions please send a mail to
AAQ-II in Portuguese
AAQ-II in PortugueseAAQ-II translated in Portuguese. (login to your ACBS account to see attachment)
Pinto-Gouveia, J., Gregório, S., Dinis, A., & Xavier, A. (2012). Experiential Avoidance in Clinical and Non-Clinical Samples: AAQ-II Portuguese Version. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 12(2), 139-156.
Barbosa, L.Martins. & Murta, S. G. (2015). Propriedades psicométricas iniciais do Acceptance and Action Questionnaire - II - versão brasileira. Psico-USF, 20(1), 75-85.
Berta-Otero, T., Barceló-Soler, A., Montero-Marin, J., Maloney, S., Pérez-Aranda, A., López-Montoyo, A., Salvo, V., Sussumu, M., García-Campayo, J., & Demarzo, M. (2023). Experiential Avoidance in Primary Care Providers: Psychometric Properties of the Brazilian “Acceptance and Action Questionnaire” (AAQ-II) and Its Criterion Validity on Mood Disorder-Related Psychological Distress. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), 225.
AAQ-II in Romanian
AAQ-II in RomanianSzabó, K.G., Vargha, J.L., Balazsi, R., Bartalus, J., & Bogdan, V. (2011) MEASURING PSYCHOLOGICAL FLEXIBILITY: PRELIMINARY DATA ON THE PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF THE ROMANIAN VERSION OF THE ACCEPTANCE AND ACTION QUESTIONNAIRE (AAQ-II). Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, Cluj-Napoca, 11, (1), 67-82.
Preliminary data regarding the psychometric properties of the Romanian AAQ-II:
The calculated Cronbach’s Alpha’s value was .80 for the 10-item AAQ-II, and .84 for the 7-item AAQ-II (n = 350, 145 males).
A full description of the psychometric properties is described in the attached documents in English and Romanian. Please contact Krizstina-Gabriella Szabo ( for additional information.
AAQ-II in Russian
AAQ-II in RussianAAQ-II
Опросник Принятия И Дейcтвий -II
Yasin, M.I. (2022). Русскоязычная адаптация методик для диагностики принятия и избегания опыта [Russian-language adaptation of methods for diagnosing acceptance and avoidance of experience]. Современная зарубежная психология [Journal of Modern Foreign Psychology], 11(2), 113–121.
AAQ-II in Serbian
AAQ-II in SerbianDragan Žuljević, Nikolija Rakočević, & Igor Krnetić (2020). Testing the Model of Psychological Flexibility in the Serbian Cultural Context: The Psychometric Properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. Psihologija, 53 (2), 161-181.
Translated to Serbian by Dr Dragan Zuljevic, Dr Igor Krnetic and Nikolija Rakocevic.
Please contact for more information
AAQ-II in Spanish
AAQ-II in SpanishReferences
- Patrón Espinosa, F. (2010). La evitacion experiencial y su medicion por medio del AAQ-II. Enseñanza e Investigación en Psicología, 15(1), 5-19. At the end of the article is the measure
- Ruiz, F.J., Langer Herrera, A.I., Luciano, C., Cangas, A.J. & Beltrán, I. (2013). Measuring experiential avoidance and psychological infl exibility: The Spanish version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire - II. Psicothema, 25, 123-129. DOI: 10.7334/psicothema2011.239
- Paladines-Costa, B., López-Guerra, V., Ruisoto, P., Vaca-Gallegos, S., & Cacho, R. (2021). Psychometric Properties and Factor Structure of the Spanish Version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) in Ecuador. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(6), 2944.
- Arias, P. R., Barraca, J., & García, F. E. (2023). Propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Aceptación y Acción-II en adultos ecuatorianos. Actualidades En Psicología, 37(134), 99–116. DOI: 10.15517/ap.v37i134.48374
AAQ-II Adaptación Luciano, Ruiz, 2007 (Login to your ACBS account to see attachments)
AAQ-II in Swedish
AAQ-II in SwedishHayes et al utvecklade den första versionen av AAQ med 10 frågor. Den har senare översatts till svenska och förkortat till 6 frågor av Tobias Lundgren och Thomas Parling vid Uppsala Universitet. Du hittar instrumentet här.
[1] Nilsson, P. (2021) Psykologisk Inflexibilitet och Kognitiv Fusion hos Vuxna med Autism: En Studie om Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Mituniversitetet, thesis. Swedish 7 item AAQ-II is in Bilaga 3.1. Retrieved from
[2] Thorsell Cederberg, J., Sandra Weineland, S., Dahl,J., & Ljungman, G. (2018). Validation of the Swedish Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (SAAQ) for parents of children with cancer. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 10, 50-54.
[3] Tobias Lundgren & Thomas Parling (2017): Swedish Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (SAAQ): a psychometric evaluation, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Du kan läsa artikeln i fullängd här:
[4] Bond, F. W., Hayes, S. C., Baer, R. A., Carpenter, K. C., Guenole, N., Orcutt, H. K., Waltz, T. and Zettle, R. D. (2011). Preliminary psychometric properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire – II: A revised measure of psychological flexibility and acceptance. Behavior Therapy, 42, 676-688.
[5] Hayes S.C., Strosahl K.D., Wilson K.G., Bissett R.T., Pistorello J., Toarmino D., Polusny M.A., Dykstra T.A., Batten S.V., Bergan J., Stewart S.H., Zvolensky M.J., Eifert G.H., Bond F.W., Forsyth J.P., Karekla M, McCurry SM. Measuring experiential avoidance: a preliminary test of a working model. The Psychological Record 2004;54:553–78.
[6] Otto, N. (2010). Den svenska versionen av Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. En psykometrisk utvärdering. Opublicerad psykologexamensuppsats, Institutionen för psykologi, Uppsala universitet, Uppsala.
AAQ-II in Tamil
AAQ-II in TamilDr. Veera Balaji Kumar has shared his Tamil translation of AAQ-II. Therapists working with Tamil speaking clients can utilize this measure.
Proviso: Although this translation was cross-checked by a language expert and found workable in Veera's practice, it has not been psychometrically tested for accuracy.
AAQ-II in Thai
AAQ-II in ThaiSumalrot, T., Phannajit, N., & Phattharayuttawat, S. (2022). Psychometric Properties of Scales for Assessing Experiential Avoidance. Siriraj Medical Journal, 74(11), 760–768.
Sucheera Phattrayuttrawat, Thanayot Sumalrot & Naphol Phannajit (2019) A STUDY OF PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF SELF-RATING SCALES FOR ASSESSING EXPERIENTIAL AVOIDANCE. Proceeding of Graduate Research Forum 2019 An Academic Conference for Graduate Student.
Pimpanit Condee, Nattasuda Taephant Kullaya Pisitsungkagarn (2017) Development of a Thai version of the Acceptance Scale and Preliminary Psychological Properties for Individuals after Leukemia Treatment. Journal of the Royal Thai Army Nurses, 18 (suppl.1),174-80. Available from: /view/90119 The Thai translation of the AAQ-II items is in the table 1.
AAQ-II in Turkish
AAQ-II in TurkishFatih Yavuz, Sevinc Ulusoy, Mehtap Iskin, Fatma Betul Esen, Huseyin Sehid Burhan, Mehmet Emrah Karadere & Nuran Yavuz (2016) Turkish Version of Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II): A reliability and Validity Analysis in Clinical and Non-Clinical Samples. Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni-Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 26(4), 397-408,
Meunier, B., Atmaca, S., Ayranci, E., Gökdemir, B. P., Uyar, T., & Bastug, G. (2014). Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the acceptance and action questionnaire-II (AAQ-II). Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 14(2), 179.
Fatih Yavuz, M.D., Mehtap Iskin, Psyc, Sevinc Ulusoy, M.D., Betul Esen, M.D., Huseyin Sehid Burhan, M.D. (2014) Turkish Version of AAQ-II: Preliminary Analysis of Reliability and Validity. Poster presented at the ACBS Annual World Conference 12.
KABUL VE EYLEM FORMU-2 (See attachment)
AAQ-II in Ukranian
AAQ-II in Urdu
AAQ-II in UrduAAQ-II in Urdu Translated by Sumayya Sajjad <>
Centre for Clinical Psychology
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II-Urdu Translated by Rabia Khawar, Ph.D -
Associate Professor
Chairperson Department of Applied Psychology
GC University Faisalabad
AAQ in languages other than English
AAQ in languages other than English CommunityAAQ in Albanian
AAQ in AlbanianMorina, N. (2007) Der Zusammenhang zwischen Erlebnisvermeidung und posttraumatischen Belastungssymptomen nach Kriegstraumatisierung - eine Kurzmitteilung [The Relationship Between Experiential Avoidance and Posttraumatic Symptoms Following War Trauma - A Brief Report]. Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie, 58, 69-71.
AAQ in Chinese
AAQ in ChineseAAQ translated in Chinese.
Author contact information:
Ai-Ti Tseng
Clinical psychologist, Taiwan
AAQ in French
AAQ in French adminAAQ in German
AAQ in GermanAAQ (22 item) German
AAQ (22 item) GermanGerman 22-item AAQ.
AAQ (9 item) German
AAQ (9 item) GermanThis German version of the AAQ was used in a study by these authors
AAQ in Hebrew
AAQ in HebrewHebrew translations of the AAQ 10 and 7-item scales are below.
AAQ 10-item scale:
Liad Bareket-Bojmel
Department of Behavioral Sciences, Ben-Gurion University
AAQ II 7-item scale:
Rabbi Dov Ben-Yaacov BA. LLB. PgD-Psychiatry
MSc Psychiatry candidate, Cardiff Medical School
Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK
AAQ in Korean
AAQ in Korean16 question AAQ in Korean. Courtsey of HEO, Jaehong.
AAQ in Spanish
AAQ in SpanishSpanish version of the AAQ.
Barraca, J. (2004). Spanish Adaptation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ). International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 4, (3), 505-515.
Ruiz, F.J., Langer, A.I., Luciano, C., Cangas, A.J., & Beltrán, I. (2013). Midiendo la evitacion experiencial y la inflexibilidad psicologica: version espanola del Cuestionario de Aceptacion y Accion-II [Measuring experiential avoidance and psychological inflexibility: the Spanish translation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire]. Psicothema, 25,123-129.
AAQ -Spanish excel version
AAQ -Spanish excel versionAttached there is an excel version of the Spanish AAQ (Barraca Mairal, 2006), with automatic correction.
AAQ in Swedish
AAQ in SwedishThe 22 item version (the one you can score all vaidated ways) of the AAQ-I in Swedish. Translated by Rikard Calmbro and Henrik Torneskog. The translators can be reached at
Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (BEAQ)
Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (BEAQ)Gámez, W., Chmielewski, M., Kotov, R., Ruggero, C., Suzuki, N., & Watson, D. (2014). The Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire: Development and initial validation. Psychological Assessment, 26(1), 35–45.
Vázquez-Morejón, R. et al. (2019). Validation of a Spanish version of the Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (BEAQ) in clinical population. Psicothema, 31(3), 335-340. DOI: 10.7334/psicothema2019.60 You can find the BEAQ in the appendix.
Ong, C.W., Pierce, B.G., Petersen, J.M., Barney, J.L., Fruge, J.E., Levin, M.E., & Twohig, M.P. (2020). A psychometric comparison of psychological inflexibility measures: Discriminant validity and item performance. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 18, 34-47.
Aller, T.B., Barrett, T., Levin, M.E., McClain, M.B. (2022). Measuring psychological flexibility in autistic adults: Examining the validity and reliability of the AAQ-II, BEAQ, and VQ. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 26, 125-133. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2022.09.001
BEAQ - Chinese Validation
BEAQ - Chinese ValidationCao, H. et al (2021) Chinese validation of the Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (BEAQ) in college students. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 19, 79-85. The BEAQ translation in Simplified Chinese is in the Appendix.
Lo, H.H.M., Powell, C.L.Y.M., Chan, S.H.W. et al. (2023). Validating an Adapted Version of the Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire in Hong Kong Chinese. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 45, 207–220.
BEAQ - Czech
BEAQ - CzechPetříková, K. (2021). Atributy acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) v kontextu syndromu vyhoření u studentů medicíny. Thesis: Masarykova Univerzita. Retrieved from The Czech version of BEAQ is in the Appendix.
BEAQ - German Validation
BEAQ - German ValidationReferences:
Schaeuffele, C., Knaevelsrud, C., Renneberg, B., & Boettcher, J. (2022). Psychometric Properties of the German Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (BEAQ). Assessment, 29(7), 1406-1421.
BEAQ - Japanese
BEAQ - JapaneseSAKAGUCHI, R., SEGUCHI, A., & MITAMURA, T. (2023). 日本語版 Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire BEAQ) の開発 [Developing the Japanese version of the Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire]. RITSUMEIKAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN SCIENCES, 47, 1-11.
BEAQ - Korean
BEAQ - KoreanLee Ju-Yeon, You Sung-Eun (2017) 한국판 다차원적 경험회피 척도(K-MEAQ)의 타당화 및 단축형(K-MEAQ-24) 개발 [Validation of the Korean Version of the Multidimensional Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire(K-MEAQ) and Development of a Brief Form(K-MEAQ-24)]. Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Korea, 17, 2, 181 - 208.
BEAQ - Spanish Validation
BEAQ - Spanish ValidationVázquez-Morejón, R. et al. (2019). Validation of a Spanish version of the Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (BEAQ) in clinical population. Psicothema, 31(3), 335-340. DOI: 10.7334/psicothema2019.60
The BEAQ in Spanish and English are included in the appendix of this article.
Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT)
Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT)The CompACT was developed as a general measure of psychological flexibility (and constituent sub-processes) as conceptualized within the ACT model. The development and initial validation of the measure is reported in the manuscript attached below, which has been published in the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (accessible here).
The CompACT is free to use for clinical and research purposes: we have attached the CompACT response form and a scoring calculator below. We hope it will prove to be a useful measure, building on the promise of our initial findings. There are also now CompACT short form versions.
Citations for CompACT:
Francis, A.W., Dawson, D.L., & Golijani-Moghaddam, N. (2016) The development and validation of the Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 5(3), 134-145.
Ong, C.W., Pierce, B.G., Petersen, J.M., Barney, J.L., Fruge, J.E., Levin, M.E., & Twohig, M.P. (2020). A psychometric comparison of psychological inflexibility measures: Discriminant validity and item performance. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 18, 34-47.
Adamowicz, J.L., Thomas, E.B.K., Hsu, T., Denburg, N.L. & Roche, A.I. (2023). A Preliminary Investigation into the Factor Structure of Two Psychological Flexibility Measures in a Sample of Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Clinical Gerontologist, 46(4), 561-573. DOI: 10.1080/07317115.2022.2131496
Citations for CompACT Short Form Versions:
CompACT-15: Hsu, T., Hoffman, L., & Thomas, E. B. K. (2023). Confirmatory measurement modeling and longitudinal invariance of the CompACT-15: A short-form assessment of psychological flexibility. Psychological Assessment, 35(5), 430–442.
CompACT-10: Golijani-Moghaddam, N., Morris, J.L., Bayliss, K., & Dawson, D.L. (2023). The CompACT-10: Development and validation of a Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes short-form in representative UK samples. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 29, 59-66.
CompACT-8: Morris, J., Golijani-Moghaddam, N., & Dawson, D. (2019) Development and validation of a short form of the Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT-SF). DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
CompACT-8: Dawson, D.L. & Golijani-Moghaddam, N. (2020). COVID-19: Psychological flexibility, coping, mental health, and wellbeing in the UK during the pandemic. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 17, 126-134. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2020.07.010
CompACT - Chinese
CompACT - ChineseChen, Y., Luo, H., Wang, S., Bai, X., & Zhu, Z. (2023). Preliminary validation of a Chinese version of the comprehensive assessment of acceptance and commitment therapy processes. Current Psychology, 42, 15528–15538.
CompACT - Czech
CompACT - CzechPtáček, M., & Jelínek, M. (2024). Assessing psychological flexibility: The psychometric properties of the Czech translation of the CompACT questionnaire. Československá psychologie, 68(1), 30–48. The CompACT Czech version is available on Open Science Framework:
CompACT - German
CompACT - GermanGiovannetti, A. M., Pöttgen, J., Anglada, E., Menéndez, R., Hoyer, J., Giordano, A., Pakenham, K. I., et al. (2022). Cross-Country Adaptation of a Psychological Flexibility Measure: The Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Processes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3150. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
Giovannetti, A.M., Rosato, R., Galán, I. et al. (2024). Cross-cultural validity and reliability of the comprehensive assessment of acceptance and commitment therapy processes (CompACT) in people with multiple sclerosis. Quality of Life Research, 33, 1359–1371.
CompACT - Indonesian
CompACT - IndonesianGitta Annisa Vania Suganda & Fitri Ariyanti Abidin (2022). The Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Treatment Process (Compact): Adaptation of The Indonesian Version. Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 11(3). Retrieved from
CompACT - Italian
CompACT - ItalianGiovannetti, A. M., Pöttgen, J., Anglada, E., Menéndez, R., Hoyer, J., Giordano, A., Pakenham, K. I., et al. (2022). Cross-Country Adaptation of a Psychological Flexibility Measure: The Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Processes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3150. MDPI AG. Retrieved from<
Giovannetti, A.M., Rosato, R., Galán, I. et al. (2024). Cross-cultural validity and reliability of the comprehensive assessment of acceptance and commitment therapy processes (CompACT) in people with multiple sclerosis. Quality of Life Research, 33, 1359–1371.
CompACT - Korean
CompACT - KoreanJo, D., Jin, Y., Lee, J. et al. (2024). A psychometric validation of the Korean CompACT-15. Current Psychology, 43, 32976–32992.
CompACT - Malay
CompACT - MalayMusa, N., Pang, N.T.P., Kamu, A., Ho, C.M., Waters, C., Berrett, J., Moghaddam, N., & Wider, W. (2022). The Development and Validation of the Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Processes (CompACT)—Malay Version. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 9624. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19159624
CompACT - Persian
CompACT - PersianReferences:
Hajloo, N., Pourabdol, S., Sobhi-Gharamaleki, N., & Beyki, M. (2022). Psychometric Properties of the Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT). Qom University of Medical Science Journal, 15(11). URL:
Soleimani, Z., Shairi, M. (2022). Examination of validity and reliability of the Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (COMPACT) in non-clinical iranian sampels. Clinical Psychology and Personality, 19(2), 121-137.
CompACT - Polish
CompACT - PolishDudek, J., Cyniak-Cieciura, M., & Ostaszewski, P. (2024 in press) Psychometric properties of the Polish version of The Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Processes (CompACT) Psychiatria Polska.
CompACT - Portuguese
CompACT - PortugueseReferences
Inês A. Trindade, Nuno B. Ferreira, Ana Laura Mendes, Cláudia Ferreira, Dave Dawson, & Nima Golijani-Moghaddam (2021). Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT): Measure refinement and study of measurement invariance across Portuguese and UK samples. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 21, 30-36.
Inês A.Trindade, Paula Vagos, Helena Moreira, Daniela V.Fernandes, & IanTyndall (2022). Further validation of the 18-item Portuguese CompACT scale using a multi-sample design: Confirmatory factor analysis and correlates of psychological flexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 25, 1-9.
CompACT - Romanian Version
CompACT - Romanian VersionCălinici, M. S., & Călinici, T. (2021). COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF ACT PROCESSES COMPACT. ROMANIAN ADAPTATION AND SHORT FORM VALIDATION. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 21(2). DOI: 10.24193/jebp.2021.2.19
Submitted by Simona Calinici on January 23, 2021
Completați cu scoruri de la 0 la 6, în funcție de cât de bine vi se potrivesc următoarele afirmații ( 0= deloc, 6= maxim)
1. Pot identifica lucrurile care contează în viață pentru mine și să le urmăresc.
2 r. Unul dintre cele mai importante scopuri ale mele este a evita amintirile dureroase.
3. r Desfășor activități semnificative fără să fiu cu adevărat atent la ele.
4r .Încerc să fiu mereu ocupat ca să nu-mi vină gânduri sau emoții în minte.
5. Acționez în concordanță cu felul cum doresc să-mi desfășor viața.
6r.Sunt atât de prins în gândurile mele că nu pot să fac nici lucrurile pe care doresc cel mai mult să le fac.
7. Fac alegeri în funcție de ce este important pentru mine, chiar dacă este stresant.
8 r Îmi spun că n-ar trebui să am anumite gânduri.
9.r Îmi este greu să rămân concentrat pe ceea ce se întamplă în prezent.
10. Mă comport conform valorilor mele.
11.r Evit situațiile care mi-ar putea produce gânduri, emoții sau senzații neplăcute.
12. r Chiar și când fac lucruri care contează pentru mine, îmi dau seama că le fac fără să fiu atent la ele.
13. Sunt dispus să trăiesc orice gânduri, emoții sau senzații se ivesc, fără să încerc să le schimb sau să mă apăr de ele.
14. Întreprind lucruri care au semnificație pentru mine, chiar dacă mi-e greu.
15.r Mă străduiesc mult să țin la distanță sentimentele supărătoare.
16. r Fac lucruri și sarcini automat, fără să-mi dau seama când le fac.
17. Pot să-mi urmez planurile pe termen lung chiar și atunci când progresul este lent.
18.r Nu fac ceva, chiar dacă e important pentru mine, dacă există riscul de a suferi.
19.r Se pare că funcționez pe pilot automat, fără prea multă atenție la ce fac.
20. Gândurile sunt doar gânduri, ele nu controlează ce fac eu.
21.Valorile mele se reflectă cu adevarat în acțiunile mele (în comportamentul meu).
22. Pot să iau gândurile și emoțiile așa cum vin , fără să încerc să le controlez sau evit.
23. Pot să perseverez în ceva, dacă e important pentru mine.
Traducere și adaptare pentru populația românească Simona Călinici (UMF Iuliu Hațieganu Cluj Napoca,
CompACT - Spanish
CompACT - SpanishSalvador Reyes-Martín; Mónica Hernández-López; Miguel Rodríguez-Valverde (2021) Spanish adaptation of the Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT). Poster presented at ACBS Annual World Conference 19.
Giovannetti, A. M., Pöttgen, J., Anglada, E., Menéndez, R., Hoyer, J., Giordano, A., Pakenham, K. I., et al. (2022). Cross-Country Adaptation of a Psychological Flexibility Measure: The Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Processes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3150. MDPI AG. Retrieved from<
Giovannetti, A.M., Rosato, R., Galán, I. et al. (2024). Cross-cultural validity and reliability of the comprehensive assessment of acceptance and commitment therapy processes (CompACT) in people with multiple sclerosis. Quality of Life Research, 33, 1359–1371.
CompACT - Swedish
CompACT - SwedishMarie-Louise Möllerberg, Graciela Rovner, Jeanette Melin, & Magnus Johansson. (2021, June 11). CompACT-23 questionnaire, Swedish translation. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4925832
The Swedish translation is described and available at:
CompACT - Tamil Version
CompACT - Tamil VersionThe original Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and commitment therapy processes (CompACT) has been tranlsated into Tamil language and is in the process of validation. Researchers can help in the process of assessing the psychometric properties of the translated version.
CompACT-15A short-form multidimensional measure of psychological flexibility components, including openness to experiences, behavioral awareness, and valued action subscales. Attached is the scale and an Excel coding sheet for ease of use.
Hsu, T., Hoffman, L., & Thomas, E. B. K. (2023). Confirmatory measurement modeling and longitudinal invariance of the CompACT-15: A short-form assessment of psychological flexibility. Psychological Assessment, 35(5), 430–442. DOI: 10.1037/pas0001214
Here is a link to the publicly available manuscript:
The manuscript reports on CFA and IFA latent variable measurement models that supported a 15-item short-form. The three-factor structure demonstrated good fit. Acceptable reliability was observed across the three factors. Moreover, the results indicated measurement equivalence of the items to assess latent change over time. Construct validity was also demonstrated.
Many thanks to the CompACT's authors (Ashley W. Francis, David L. Dawson, & Nima Golijani-Moghaddam) for their willingness to allow us to use the scale's items in this work!
Everyday Psychological Inflexibility Checklist (EPIC)
Everyday Psychological Inflexibility Checklist (EPIC)References:
Thompson, M., Bond, F.W., & Lloyd, J. (2019) Preliminary psychometric properties of the Everyday Psychological Inflexibility Checklist. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 12, 243-252. The Everyday Psychological Inflexibility Checklist is at the end of the article.
Ong, C,.W., Sheehan, K.G., Haaga, D.A.F. (2023) Measuring ACT in context: Challenges and future directions. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 28, 235-247.
Flexibility Index Test (FIT-60)
Flexibility Index Test (FIT-60)References:
Batink, T., & Delespaul, P. (2015). Meten van psychologische flexibiliteit – De Flexiibiliteits Index Test (FIT-60). Tijdschrift voor Gedragstherapie, 48(4), 310-332.
Batink, T., Jansen, G., & de Mey, H. (2013). Development of the Flexibility Index Test (FIT-60). Poster presented at ACBS Annual World Conference 11. (See attachment below)
Batink, T., Jansen, G. & De Mey, H.R.A. (2012). De Flexibiliteits Index Test (FIT-60): Een beknopte beschrijving. GZ-Psychologie, 5, 18-21.
The English vesion and Dutch version of the FIT-60 can be found at
FIT-60 - Dutch
FIT-60 - DutchBatink, T., & Delespaul, P. (2015). Meten van psychologische flexibiliteit – De Flexiibiliteits Index Test (FIT-60). Tijdschrift voor Gedragstherapie, 48(4), 310-332.
Batink, T., Jansen, G. & De Mey, H.R.A. (2012). De Flexibiliteits Index Test (FIT-60): Een beknopte beschrijving. GZ-Psychologie, 5, 18-21.
The Flexibility Index Test (FIT-60) Dutch version is here
Multidimensional Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (MEAQ)
Multidimensional Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (MEAQ)Gámez, W., Chmielewski, M., Kotov, R., Ruggero, C., & Watson, D. (2011). Development of a measure of experiential avoidance: The Multidimensional Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire. Psychological Assessment, 23(3), 692–713.
MEAQ - Dutch
MEAQ - DutchJansen, S., Klundert, N. van de, & Rinia, K. (2016) De drijfveren van experiëntiële vermijding: het verband tussen experiëntiële vermijding, regulatiefocus en actie-oriëntatie [The drivers of experiential avoidance}. Universiteit Utrecht, Thesis. The Multidimensional Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (Nederlandse vertaling) is in Appendix C.
MEAQ - Korean
MEAQ - KoreanJung, J.-H. (2018). A study on the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the multidimensional experience avoidance questionnaire. Journal of the Korean Contents Association, 18 (1), 517–526.
MEAQ - Persian
MEAQ - PersianMoradi, A., Barghi Irani, Z., Bagiyan Koulemarz, M., Kariminejad, K., & Zabet, M. (2018). Factor Determination and Psychometric Features of the Multidimensional Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (MEAQ). Social Cognition, 6(2), 57-82.
MEAQ - Polish
MEAQ - PolishBaran L., Hyla M., Kleszcz B. (2019). Elastyczność psychologiczna. Polska adaptacja narzędzi dla praktyków i badaczy. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Read the book online at
See attachments for female and male versions of the MEAQ-30.
MEAQ - Thai
MEAQ - ThaiSumalrot, T., Phannajit, N., & Phattharayuttawat, S. (2022). Psychometric Properties of Scales for Assessing Experiential Avoidance. Siriraj Medical Journal, 74(11), 760–768.
Phattrayuttrawat, S., Sumalrot, T. & Phannajit, N. (2019). A STUDY OF PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF SELF-RATING SCALES FOR ASSESSING EXPERIENTIAL AVOIDANCE. Proceeding of Graduate Research Forum 2019 An Academic Conference for Graduate Student.
MEAQ - Turkish
Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI)
Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI)GOALS IN DEVELOPING THE MPFI
Dr. Ron Rogge developed the MPFI in collaboration with Dr. Kelly Wilson and Jaci Rolffs. We specifically wanted to create the first scale to comprehensively assess the 6 key dimensions of flexibility and 6 key dimensions of inflexibility from the Hexaflex model.
We created an item pool of over 550 items (including 22 of the most widely used scales from the ACT and mindfulness literatures) and gave those items to over 3000 online respondents. We then identified 12 dimensions of flexibility and inflexibility corresponding to the Hexaflex model and selected the 5 most effective items for assessing each dimension with Item Response Theory (IRT) to create the 60-item MPFI.
Subscales – To score the MPFI subscales, you assign responses point values from 1 to 6 and then average the responses across the items of each scale so that higher scores reflect higher levels of the dimension being assessed by each set of items.
Global Composites – The averages of the 6 flexibility subscales can be averaged to create a composite representing global flexibility. Similarly, the averages of the 6 inflexibility subscales can be averaged to create a global inflexibility composite.
Shorter Global Composites – The first two items of each of the flexibility subscales can be averaged to create a shorter 12-item global flexibility composite. Similarly, the first 2 items of each of the inflexibility subscales can be averaged to create a shorter 12-item global inflexibility composite.
Normative Information – The research article developing the MPFI (Rolffs, Rogge, & Wilson, 2016; see citation below) presents basic normative data on its subscales (e.g., means and standard deviations by gender). That information will help to place individual scores into a larger context.
Reliable Change – The article also presents Minimal Detectible Change (MDC-95; Stratford, Finch, et al., 1996) estimates for each subscale and for the global composites. These MDC-95 estimates tell researchers and clinicians how many points an individual would need to change on each scale between assessments for that change to be statistically significant. Thus, these MDC95 estimates allow ACT researchers and clinicians to identify clinically significant (i.e., reliable) change groups as suggested by Jacobson and Truax (1991).
Online Interpretative Profiles – The research team is currently piloting an online system (the MindFlex Assessment System - that not only administers the MPFI (along with some well-validated measures of global functioning) to clients, but also scores the results and provides therapists with standardized flexibility/inflexibility profiles to help inform their work with those clients. In fact, we are currently recruiting therapists for the MindFlex Assessment Project, a research project helping to validate this online service that provides the first ~100 therapists to enroll an opportunity to earn up to $100 for participating (and the first ~300 clients an opportunity to earn up to $80).
If you are using this scale, then you should cite the research article validating it as follows:
Rolffs, J. L., Rogge, R. D., & Wilson, K. G. (2016). Disentangling Components of Flexibility via the Hexaflex Model Development and Validation of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI). Assessment, 25(4), 458–482.
Additional Citations:
Lavefjord, A., Sundström, F.T.A., Chia, D., Tabrizi, F., Buhrman, M., & McCracken, L.M. (2025). Comprehensive and Efficient Assessment of Psychological Flexibility in the Context of Chronic Pain. European Journal of Pain, 29, e4781.
Grégoire, S. et al (2020). Validation of the English and French versions of the multidimensional psychological flexibility inventory short form (MPFI-24). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 18, 99-110.
Barrett, K., O’Connor, M. & McHugh, L. A. (2019). Systematic Review of Values-Based Psychometric Tools Within Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). The Psychological Record, 69, 457–485.
MPFI - Chinese Validation
MPFI - Chinese ValidationLin, Y., Rogge, R.D., Swanson, D.P. (2020). Cross-cultural flexibility: Validation of the traditional Mandarin, simplified Mandarin, and Japanese translations of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 15, 73-84. The MPFI Chinese translation is in Appendix A Supplementary data.
(Login into your ACBS account to see the attachments)
MPFI - French Validation
MPFI - French ValidationMultidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory short form (MPFI-24) French Validation
Grégoire, S. et al (2020). Validation of the English and French versions of the multidimensional psychological flexibility inventory short form (MPFI-24). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 18, 99-110. The French Translation of the MPFI is in Appendix A.
MPFI - Italian
MPFI - ItalianLandi, G. et al (2021). Italian Validation of the Italian Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 21, 57-65. Italian Translation is in the appendix.
MPFI - Japanese
MPFI - JapaneseLin, Y., Rogge, R.D., Swanson, D.P. (2020). Cross-cultural flexibility: Validation of the traditional Mandarin, simplified Mandarin, and Japanese translations of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 15, 73-84. The MPFI Japanese translation is in Appendix A Supplementary data.
MPFI - Norwegian
MPFI - NorwegianNorsk versjon kort og lang samt skåringsark tilgjengelig for egen bruk
MPFI - Persian
MPFI - PersianZahra Azadfar, Abbas Abdollahi, Indrajit Patra, Ya-Ping Chang, Tawfeeq Alghazali, Saad Ghazi Talib (2022). The Iranian form of psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 35.
MPFI - Portuguese
MPFI - PortuguesePereira, C., Cunha, M., Massano-Cardoso, I., & Galhardo, A. (2023). Assessment of psychological (in)flexibility in the Portuguese population: Validation of the short version of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI-24). Portuguese Journal of Behavioural and Social Research, 9(1), 1–19.
MPFI - Spanish
MPFI - SpanishReferences:
Simkin, H., Freiberg-Hoffmann, A., Caselli, G., Prozzillo, P., Rogge, R. D., & Wilson, K. G. (2023). Adaptation and Validation into Spanish of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI): evidence of internal validity and factorial Invariance. Revista AJAYU, 21(2), 111–130. The MPFI Spanish version is in the Appendix.
Navarrete, J., Rodríguez-Freire, C., Sanabria-Mazo, J. P., Martínez-Rubio, D., McCracken, L. M., Gallego, A., Sundstrom, F. T. A., Serrat, M., Alonso, J., Feliu-Soler, A., Nieto, R., & Luciano, J. V. (2025). Psychometric examination of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory Short Form (MPFI-24) and the Psy-Flex Spanish versions in individuals with chronic pain. European Journal of Pain, 29, e4704.
MPFI - Swedish
MPFI - SwedishReferences:
Tabrizi, F. F., Larsson, A., Grönvall, H., Söderstrand, L., Hallén, E., Champoux-Larsson, M., Lundgren, T., Sundström, F., Lavefjord, A., Buhrman, M., Sundin, Ö,. McCracken, L., Åhs, F., & Jansson, B. (2023). Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 52(4), 295-316. DOI: 10.1080/16506073.2022.2153077
Sundström, F.T.A., Lavefjord, A., Buhrman, M., & McCracken, L.M. (2023). Assessing Psychological Flexibility and Inflexibility in Chronic Pain Using the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI). The Journal of Pain, 24(5), 770-781.
Lavefjord, A., Sundström, F.T.A., Chia, D., Tabrizi, F., Buhrman, M. & McCracken, L.M. (2025). Comprehensive and Efficient Assessment of Psychological Flexibility in the Context of Chronic Pain. European Journal of Pain, 29, e4781. [MPFI-24P]
MPFI - Turkish
Open and Engaged State Questionnaire (OESQ)
Open and Engaged State Questionnaire (OESQ)The OESQ is a brief, state-related self-report process measure of psychological flexibility.
Benoy, C., Knitter, B., Knellwolf, L., Doering, S., Klotsche, J., & Gloster, A.T. (2019) Assessing psychological flexibility: Validation of the Open and Engaged State Questionnaire. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 12, 253-260.
Rogge, R.D., Daks, J.S., Dubler, B.A., & Saint, K.J. (2019) It's all about the process: Examining the convergent validity, conceptual coverage, unique predictive validity, and clinical utility of ACT process measures. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 14, 90-102.
Personalized Psychological Flexibility Index (PPFI)
Personalized Psychological Flexibility Index (PPFI)References:
Xia, W. et al (2023). Psychometric validation of the modified Chinese version of the personalized psychological flexibility index in patients with cancer. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 10(6), 100240. DOI: 10.1016/j.apjon.2023.100240
Kashdan, T. B., Disabato, D. J., Goodman, F. R., Doorley, J. D., & McKnight, P. E. (2020). Understanding psychological flexibility: A multimethod exploration of pursuing valued goals despite the presence of distress. Psychological Assessment, 32(9), 829–850.
Cherry, K.M., Vander Hoeven, E., Patterson, T.S., & Lumley, M.N. (2021). Defining and measuring “psychological flexibility”: A narrative scoping review of diverse flexibility and rigidity constructs and perspectives. Clinical Psychology Review, 84, 101973.
The PPFI English version and in Persian version in this Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science article Appendix A.
PPFI - Chinese
PPFI - ChineseReferences:
Fang, S., Huang, M, Wang, Y. (2023). Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of personalized psychological flexibility index (C-PPFI) in college students. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 28, 23-32. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2023.03.008
Xia, W., Yan, M., Jiang, W., Ou, M., Xie, C., Liu, X., & Xu, X. (2023). Psychometric validation of the modified Chinese version of the personalized psychological flexibility index in patients with cancer. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 10(6), 100240. DOI: 10.1016/j.apjon.2023.100240.
PPFI - Persian
PPFI - PersianAkbari, M., Disabato, D., Seydavi, M. & Zamani, E. (2021). The Persian Personalized Psychological Flexibility Index (P-PPFI): Psychometric properties in a general population sample of Iranians. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 22, 32-43. The Persian PPFI is in Appendix A.
PPFI - Turkish
PPFI - TurkishKimya, E., Hatun, O., & Ekşi, H. (2024). Dispositional hope, psychological flexibility, and psychological distress: Psychometric properties of the Personalized Psychological Flexibility Index among Turkish adults. Psychological Assessment, 36(4), e1–e12.
Psy-FlexThe Psyflex is a six-item self-report questionnaire assessing all six processes involved in ACT in a state form with high temporal specificity (last week).
The Psy-Flex measure is available
Benoy, C., Knitter, B., Schumann, I., Bader, K., Walter, M., & Gloster, A.T. (2019). Treatment sensitivity: Its importance in the measurement of psychological flexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 13, 121-125.
Gloster, A.T. et al (2021) Psy-Flex: A contextually sensitive measure of psychological flexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 22, 13-23. The Psy-Flex measure is in the Appendix.
Validation of Psy-Flex for Adolescents (PsyFlex-A): Soares, R., Cunha, M., Massano-Cardoso, I., & Galhardo, A. (2023). Assessing psychological flexibility in adolescents: Validation of PsyFlex-A . Portuguese Journal of Behavioral and Social Research, 9(1), 1–18. DOI: 10.31211/rpics.2023.9.1.284
Jo, D., Seong, B., & Yang, E. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Psy-flex scale: A validation study in a community sample in Korea. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 30, 70-79.
Matos-Pina, I., Ferreira, J., Marta-Simões, J., Moura-Ramos, M., & Ferreira, C. (2025). Advancing the assessment of psychological flexibility: Development and validation of a novel context-sensitive measure in people with chronic physical illness. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. The European Portuguese version of the Psy-Flex-CI measure is in the Appendix.
Psy-Flex (Arabic)
Psy-Flex (Arabic)Topalian, M., El Mir, R., Diana Malaeb, D. Fouad Sakr, F. Mariam Dabbous, M., Souheil Hallit, S., Feten Fekih-Romdhane, F., & Obeid., S. (2024). Psychometric Properties of the Arabic Translation of the Psy-Flex Scale in a sample of Lebanese Adolescents. Preprint.
Psy-Flex (Chinese)
Psy-Flex (Chinese)Psy-Flex Chinese version by: C. Y. Y. Chong
Fang, S., Ding, D., Huang, M., & Zheng, Q. (2024). Chinese version of the Simplified Psychological Flexibility Scale-6 (C-Psy-Flex): study of its psychometric properties from the perspective of classical test theory and network analysis. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 32, 100769.
Li, S.N., Chien, W.T., Lam, S.K.K. et al. (2024). Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of the Psy-Flex Among Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Psy-Flex (Dutch)
Psy-Flex (Dutch)Psy-Flex Dutch version by: Tom Van Daele
Psy-Flex (Finnish)
Psy-Flex (Finnish)Psy-Flex Finnish version by: Raimo Lappalainen
Psy-Flex (French)
Psy-Flex (French)Psy-Flex French version by Jean-Louis Monestès
Psy-Flex (German)
Psy-Flex (German)German Validation Study: Gloster, A.T. et al (2021) Psy-Flex: A contextually sensitive measure of psychological flexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 22, 13-23.
The Psy-Flex German version is available at
Psy-Flex (Greek)
Psy-Flex (Greek)Validation study: Paraskeva-Siamata, M., Spyridou, G., Gloster, A., & Karekla, M., (2018, July). Psyflex: Validation of a new psychological flexibility measure in a Greek-Cypriot sample. Poster presented at the Association of Contextual Behavior Science annual world conference, Montreal, Canada.
The Psy-Flex Greek version is available at
Psy-Flex (Hebrew)
Psy-Flex (Hebrew)Psy-Flex Hebrew version by: D. Mouadeb
Gur, A., Mouadeb, D., Reich, A., Atar, L. (2024). Translation and psychometric evaluation of the Hebrew version of Psy-Flex to assess psychological flexibility. Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, 34(1), 100483. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbct.2023.100483
Psy-Flex (Hungarian)
Psy-Flex (Hungarian)Psy-Flex Hungarian version by: Dorottya Őri
Psy-Flex (Italian)
Psy-Flex (Italian)Psy-Flex Italian version by: Giovambattista Presti
Psy-Flex (Korean)
Psy-Flex (Korean)Psy-Flex Korean version by: D. Jo
Jo, D., Seong, B., & Yang, E. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Psy-flex scale: A validation study in a community sample in Korea. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 30, 70-79. The Psy-Flex Korean version is in the Appendix.
Psy-Flex (Latvian)
Psy-Flex (Latvian)Psy-Flex Latvian version by: Jelena Lubenko
Psy-Flex (Montenegrin)
Psy-Flex (Montenegrin)Psy-Flex Montenegrin version by: Iva Ivanovic
Psy-Flex (Polish)
Psy-Flex (Polish)Psy-Flex Polish version by Bartosz Kleszcz
Psy-Flex (Portuguese)
Psy-Flex (Portuguese)Portuguese version by: David Manuel Dias Neto & Ana Nunes da Silva
Neto, D.D., Mouadeb, D., Lemos, N., Gloster, A. T., & Perez, W. F. (2024). Contextual similarities in psychological flexibility: the Brazil-Portugal transcultural adaptation of Psy-Flex. Current Psychology (2024).
Matos-Pina, I., Ferreira, J., Marta-Simões, J., Moura-Ramos, M., & Ferreira, C. (2025). Advancing the assessment of psychological flexibility: Development and validation of a novel context-sensitive measure in people with chronic physical illness. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2025.100876 The European Portuguese version of the Psy-Flex-CI measure is in the Appendix.
Cunha, M., Temido, A., Moniz, A., & Galhardo, A. (2024). Assessing psychological flexibility and mental health in adults: The Psy-Flex European Portuguese version. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 32, 100730. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2024.100730
Neto, D.D., Mouadeb, D., Lemos, N. et al. (2024). Contextual similarities in psychological flexibility: the Brazil-Portugal transcultural adaptation of Psy-Flex. Current Psychology, 43, 25595–25603.
Cunha, M., Temido, A., Pinto-Gouveia, A., & Galhardo, A. (2023). Assessing psychological flexibility by the Psy-Flex and its relationship with mental health. European Psychiatry, 66(S1), S368-S369. DOI: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2023.800
Cunha, M., & Temido, A. M. (2021). A versão Portuguesa da Psy-Flex [Manuscrito não publicado]. Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Centro de Investigação em Neuropsicologia e Intervenção Cognitivo-comportamental da Universidade de Coimbra.
Psy-Flex (Romanian)
Psy-Flex (Romanian)Psy-Flex Romanian version by: Adriana Baban
Psy-Flex (Slovenian)
Psy-Flex (Slovenian)Psy-Flex Slovenian version by: David Gosar
Psy-Flex (Spanish)
Psy-Flex (Spanish)Psy-Flex Spanish version by Francisco Ruiz Jiménez, Maria Belén García-Martín & Miguel A. Segura-Vargas
Navarrete, J., Rodríguez-Freire, C., Sanabria-Mazo, J. P., Martínez-Rubio, D., McCracken, L. M., Gallego, A., Sundstrom, F. T. A., Serrat, M., Alonso, J., Feliu-Soler, A., Nieto, R., & Luciano, J. V. (2024). Psychometric examination of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory Short Form (MPFI-24) and the Psy-Flex Spanish versions in individuals with chronic pain. European Journal of Pain.
Psy-Flex (Swedish)
Psy-Flex (Swedish)Psy-Flex Swedish version by: David Nilsson
Chia, D. (2024). A Validation Study of the Psy-Flex in the Swedish Chronic Pain Population. Dissertation: Uppsala University. Retrieved from
Psy-Flex (Turkish)
Psy-Flex (Turkish)Psy-Flex Turkish version by: Gökçen Aydın
Yıldırım, M., Aziz, I.A. (2023). Turkish validation of the Psy-Flex Scale and its association with resilience and social support. Environment and Social Psychology, 8(1), 1513. DOI: 10.18063/esp.v8.i1.1513
The Mindful Healthcare Scale
The Mindful Healthcare ScaleThe MHS is a 13 item self report measure that measures psychological flexibility in the context of helping and social care professionals. It can be used to measure the effects of ACT training or well being support. The MHS validation is described in the following journal article:
Engaged subscale: Reverse score items 3, 4, and 13 and add them to items 1 and 7.
(Higher scores = greater engagement)
Awareness subscale: Reverse score items 5 and 10 and add them to items 6, 8, and 12
(Higher scores = greater awareness)
Defusion subscale: Reverse score and sum items 2, 9, 11
(Higher scores = less fusion / greater defusion)
Total score = sum all items, after doing the reversals described above
Translations are already underway in Turkish, Farsi, Chinese, Spanish and Italian. Feel free to contact me if you would like to undertake a translation into another language, my email address is in the JCBS article linked. Permission usually is conditional on making the items and data summary available here, not restricting access and keeping the scale free to use, and working together in a language community to avoid multiple translations being made.
Problem Specific Psychological Flexibility or Inflexibility Measures
Problem Specific Psychological Flexibility or Inflexibility MeasuresAAQ variations for specific problems
AAQ variations for specific problemsThe AAQ has been developed for specific disorders, syndromes, and types of chronic disease.
AADQ (Diabetes)
AADQ (Diabetes)Gregg, J.A., Callaghan. G.M., Hayes, S.C., & Glenn-Lawson, J.L. (2007). Improving diabetes self-management through acceptance, mindfulness, and values: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 75(2), 336-343.
AADQ - Chinese
AADQ - ChineseXIE Chanjuan, XU Xianghua, OU Meijun, MAO Ting, CHEN Yongyi (2019) Chineseization and reliability and validity test of Diabetes Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. 护理研究, 1, 37-41. Article retrieved from CAOD.
AADQ - German
AADQ - GermanSchmitt, A., Gahr, A., Hermanns, N., Kulzer, B. & Haak, T. (2013). Evaluation der deutschen Fassung des Fragebogens AADQ zur Diabetesakzeptanz [Evaluation of the AADQ (German Version) in Measuring Diabetes Acceptance]. Diabetes, Stoffwechsel und Herz, 22, 9-15. The German AADQ is on page 10. Retrieved from
AADQ - Japanese
AADQ - JapaneseSaito, J., Shoji, W. & Kumano, H. (2018) The reliability and validity for Japanese type 2 diabetes patients of the Japanese version of the acceptance and action diabetes questionnaire. BioPsychoSocial Medicine, 12, 9.
AADQ - Persian
AADQ - PersianRajaeiramsheh, F., Rezaie, Z., Davoudi, M. et al. (2021) Psychometric properties of the Persian versions of acceptance and action diabetes questionnaire (AADQ) and the diabetes acceptance and action scale (DAAS), in Iranian youth with type 1 diabetes. J Diabetes Metab Disord. AADQ Persian Translation is in the article's Supplementary Information.
AADQ - Turkish
AADQ - TurkishKaradere, M. E., Yavuz, K. F., Asafov, E. Y., & Küçükler, F. K. (2019). Reliability and Validity of a Turkish Version of the Acceptance and Action Diabetes Questionnaire. Psychiatry investigation, 16(6), 418–424. The Turkish AADQ is in the Supplementary Material.
AAEpQ (Epilepsy)
AAEpQ (Epilepsy)Lundgren, T., Dahl, J., Melin, L., & Kies, B. (2006). Evaluation of acceptance and commitment therapy for drug refractory epilepsy: a randomized controlled trial in South Africa—a pilot study. Epilepsia, 47(12), 2173-2179.
Lundgren, L., Dahl, J., & Hayes, S.C. (2008). Evaluation of mediators of change in the treatment of epilepsy with acceptance and commitment therapy. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 31(3), 225,235.
AAQ for Cancer
AAQ for CancerAAQ for use with cancer patients.
Arch, J.J. & Mitchell, J. L. (2016). An acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) group intervention for cancer survivors experiencing anxiety at re-entry. Psycho-Oncology, 25(5), 610-615.
AAQ-ABI (acquired brain injury)
AAQ-ABI (acquired brain injury)The AAQ-ABI is a 9 item scale assessing both acceptance and avoidance of thoughts that may arise as a result of brain injury. It uses a 5-point Likert scale (0=’not at all true’ to 4=’very true’) with scores ranging from 0 to 36. Higher scores indicate greater psychological inflexibility. The AAQ-ABI correlates highly with the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) (rs= .70, N= 75, p< .01) (Whiting et al., in press).
Faulkner, J.W., Snell, D.L., Theadom, A., Mahon, S., Barker-Collo, S. & Skirrow, P. (2021) Psychological flexibility in mild traumatic brain injury: an evaluation of measures. Brain Injury, 35(9), 1103-1111, DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2021.1959062
Whiting, D. L., Deane, F. P., Ciarrochi, J., McLeod, H. J., & Simpson, G. K. (2015). Validating measures of psychological flexibility in a population with acquired brain injury. Psychological Assessment, 27(2), 415–423.
AAQ-ABI - Dutch
AAQ-ABI - DutchRauwenhoff, J., Peeters, F., Bol, Y., & Van Heugten, C. (2021). Measuring psychological flexibility and cognitive defusion in individuals with acquired brain injury. Brain Injury, 35(10), 1301-1307. DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2021.1972155
AAQ-AHL (Hearing Loss)
AAQ-AHL (Hearing Loss)Ong, C.W., Whicker, J.J., Muñoz, K., & Twohig, M.P. (2019). Measuring psychological inflexibility in adult and child hearing loss. International Journal of Audiology, 58(10), 643-650. DOI: 10.1080/14992027.2019.1630759
Yang, Y., Liu, Y., Xiao, Y., Zhang, L., Li, Y., Zhu, H., & Bian, J. (2022). Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, and validity of the Chinese version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Adult Hearing Loss. International Journal of Audiology, 61 (10), 876-881. DOI: 10.1080/14992027.2021.2002954
San Miguel, G.G., Muñoz, K., Barrett,T.S. & Twohig, M.P. (in press) Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Adult Hearing Loss (AAQ-AHL): validation with hearing aid users. International Journal of Audiology. DOI: 10.1080/14992027.2022.2142161
AAQ-AHL - Chinese
AAQ-AHL - ChineseYang, Y., Liu, Y., Xiao, Y., Zhang, L., Li, Y., Zhu, H., & Bian, J. (2021 in press) Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, and validity of the Chinese version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Adult Hearing Loss. International Journal of Audiology. DOI: 10.1080/14992027.2021.2002954
AAQ-D (Depression)
AAQ-D (Depression)Cooper, E. A. (2009) Acceptance and commitment therapy and depression: the development of a depression specific process measure. DPsyc (Clin) dissertation, University of
Wollongong. The AAQ-D is in the appendix.
AAQ-Ex (Exercise)
AAQ-Ex (Exercise)Staats, S. B., & Zettle, R. D. (2011, November). The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Exercise (AAQ-Ex). Poster session presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto.
Staats, S. B., & Zettle, R. D. (2012, July). Exercise behavior and the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Exercise (AAQ-Ex). Poster session presented at the meeting of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, Washington, DC.
Staats, S. B. (2014). Development and Validation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Exercise(Unpublished master's thesis). Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas.
Staats, S. B. (2014, June). Development and validation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Exercise. In R. D. Zettle, Relevance of ACT processes in promoting health behaviors: Assessment and intervention: Contextual Medicine SIG sponsored. Symposium conducted at the world conference of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
***NOTE*** THE 15-ITEM VERSION IS PREFERRED. Please use this one if possible. See attached thesis for normative information on both 15- and 11-item versions (Table 26; p. 89). Thanks! :D
AAQ-Ex - Brazilian Portuguese version
AAQ-Ex - Brazilian Portuguese versionAAQ-EX Brazilian translation and adaptation: Lucena-Santos, Oliveira, & Pinto-Gouveia, 2014 This is translation has not been validated.
Corresponding author: Paola Lucena-Santos.
WhatsApp: +55 (51) 998055874
Affiliation: CINEICC - Cognitive Behavioral Research Center (Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Coimbra)
AAQ-II-P (Pain)
AAQ-II-P (Pain)Reneman MF, Kleen M, Trompetter HR, Schiphorst Preuper HR, Köke A, van Baalen B, Schreurs KM. (2014) Measuring avoidance of pain: validation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II-pain version. Int J Rehabil Res, 37(2), 125-129. doi: 10.1097/MRR.0000000000000044
AAQ-II-P - Dutch
AAQ-II-P - DutchReneman, M. et al (2014). Measuring avoidance of pain validation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II-pain version. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 37(2), 125-129.
AAQ-II-P - German
AAQ-II-P - GermanMajeed R, Faust I, Hüppe M, & Hermann C. (2021). Messung von schmerzbezogener Erlebensvermeidung: Analyse des Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II-Pain bei Patienten mit chronischem Schmerz [Measurement of pain-related experiential avoidance: analysis of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II-Pain in patients with chronic pain]. Schmerz, 35, 401–411. The German Version of the AAQ-II-P is in Table 3.
AAQ-OC (Obsessions and Compulsions)
AAQ-OC (Obsessions and Compulsions)The AAQ for Obsessions and Compulsions (AAQ-OC) is a 13-item self-report measure of experiential avoidance in response to unwanted intrusive thoughts.
The original paper describing its psychometric properties is published here:
Jacoby, R. J., Abramowitz, J. A., Buchholz, J. L., Reuman, L., & Blakey S. M. (2018). Experiential avoidance in the context of obsessions: Development and validation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Obsessions and Compulsions. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, 19, 34-43. doi: 10.1016/j.jocrd.2018.07.003.
Abstract: The unwillingness to remain in contact with obsessions and anxiety (i.e., experiential avoidance, EA) may explain how normally occurring unwanted intrusive thoughts develop into clinical obsessions as seen in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Studies examining the relationship between EA and OC symptoms are mixed, potentially because the existing self-report measure of EA (i.e., the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, AAQ-II) is a general measure that does not adequately capture EA specific to obsessions and compulsions. Thus, we aimed to develop and evaluate an OC-specific version of the AAQ-II. First, we used exploratory factor analysis to empirically reduce an initial pool of 49 items (adapted from original AAQ-II items to reference “intrusive thoughts”) to 13 items. A two-factor solution (Valued Action and Willingness) provided the best fit to the data, accounting for 60.57% of the variance. Second, the reduced AAQ-OC was administered, along with other self-report measures, to an independent sample of adults. The AAQ-OC subscales evidenced good internal consistency as well as convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity. Future work examining the psychometric properties of the AAQ-OC in a clinical sample, as well as the measure's treatment sensitivity are needed.
The AAQ-OC is linked below in PDF format and is downloadable for members. All 13-items are summed to yield a total score of experiential avoidance in response to unwanted intrusive thoughts. There are also two subscales representing impairments in: Valued Action (sum of items 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12) and Willingness (sum of items 2, 5, 7, 11, and 13).
Contact Dr. Ryan Jane Jacoby with questions or comments:
Barrett, K., O’Connor, M. & McHugh, L. A. (2019). Systematic Review of Values-Based Psychometric Tools Within Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). The Psychological Record, 69, 457–485.
Jacoby, R. J., Abramowitz, J. A., Buchholz, J. L., Reuman, L., & Blakey S. M. (2018). Experiential avoidance in the context of obsessions: Development and validation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Obsessions and Compulsions. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, 19, 34-43. doi: 10.1016/j.jocrd.2018.07.003.
AAQ-OC - Persian
AAQ-OC - PersianEsmail Soltani, et al. (2020) Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the acceptance and Action Questionnaire for obsessions and compulsions (AAQ-OC). Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 27, 100582.
AAQ-S (Stigma)
AAQ-S (Stigma)The AAQ-S is a 21 item measure of psychological flexibility/inflexibility with stigmatizing thoughts. The measure includes two subscales (psychological flexibility and psychological inflexibility), which can be analyzed separately or combined into a total score.
The AAQ-S can be downloaded from the Utah State University ACT Research Group.
The citation for the measurement development/validation paper is:
Trigueros, R., Navarro-Gómez, N., Aguilar-Parra, J. M., & Cangas, A. J. (2020). Factorial Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Stigma (AAQ-S) in Spain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(2), 658.
Levin, M.E., Luoma, J.B., Lillis, J., Hayes, S.C. & Vilardaga, R. (2014). Developing a measure of psychological flexibility with stigmatizing thoughts. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3, 21-26.
AAQ-S - Korean
AAQ-S - KoreanLee, H., Kwon, M., & Seo, K. (2021). Validity and Reliability of the Korean Version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Stigma (AAQ-S-K). Healthcare, 9(10),1355.
AAQ-S - Spanish
AAQ-S - SpanishValdivia-Salas, S., Martín-Albo, J., Cruz, A., Villanueva-Blasco, V.J., & Jiménez T.I. (2021) Psychological Flexibility With Prejudices Increases Empathy and Decreases Distress Among Adolescents: A Spanish Validation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–Stigma. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3911.
Trigueros, R., Navarro-Gómez, N., Aguilar-Parra, J. M., & Cangas, A. J. (2020). Factorial Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Stigma (AAQ-S) in Spain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(2), 658. The AAQ-S Spanish translation is in Appendix A.
AAQ-SA (Substance abuse)
AAQ-SA (Substance abuse)The AAQ for Substance Abuse (AAQ-SA) is a measure of psychological flexibility in relation to substance misuse.
The original paper describing it pscychometric properties is:
Luoma, J. B., Drake, C., Hayes, S. C., Kohlenberg, B. (2011). Substance Abuse and Psychological Flexibility: The Development of a New Measure. Addiction Research and Theory, 19(1), 3-13.
The paper can be downloaded here:
Below is the abstract of that study
Psychological flexibility is a relatively new clinical construct targeted by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, a behavior analytic treatment incorporating mindfulness and values interventions, among other processes. Poor psychological flexibility has been shown to relate to clinical problems as well as normative life challenges, and efforts to increase psychological flexibility have correlated with improvements for a variety of psychological difficulties, including substance abuse. The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ) is currently the standard measure of psychological flexibility, but in substance misusing samples, has not shown adequate psychometric properties. Content-specific variants of the AAQ have been effective in other treatment domains, suggesting that a substance abuse focused version of the AAQ may be useful. This paper details the construction and initial validation of such a measure, the AAQ-SA, which demonstrated good internal consistency, factor structure, and construct validity. In addition, the AAQ-SA appeared to be empirically distinguishable from the AAQ. Future researchers are advised to address limitations of the current work and encouraged to expand the empirical database on substance abuse treatment with this new measure.
The measure is attached to this webpage along with scoring instructions.
AAQ-SA - Arabic
AAQ-SA - ArabicElkalla, Ibrahem & El-Gilany, Abdel-Hady & Elwasify, Mohamed. (2020). Acceptance and action questionnaire − substance abuse: translation into arabic, content validity and reliability. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 41(2), 82-88.
Full Text available on the journal website.
AAQ-SA - French
AAQ-SA - FrenchIl s'agit d'une traduction libre du AAQ-SA et qui a été révisée par des membres francophones de la communauté ACBS. Pour usage clinique seulement car elle n'a pas été validée empiriquement. Utile auprès d'une population au prise avec des problématiques reliées à la consommation de drogues et/ou d'alcool.
AAQ-SA - Portuguese
AAQ-SA - PortugueseSequeira, F. & Galhardo, A. (2018) Questionário de Aceitação e Ação para Abuso de Substâncias: desenvolvimento da versão portuguesa, estudo exploratório da estrutura fatorial e propriedades psicométricas. ISMT, Dissertation. The Portuguese AAQ-SA is in the Appendix.
AAQ-SA - Spanish
AAQ-SA - SpanishHilda A. Sánchez-Millán, Alfredo Alicea-Cruz, Coralee Pérez Pedrogo (2021 in press) Measuring psychological flexibility: The cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the AAQ for substance abuse among Spanish speaking population in correctional and community settings. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. The Spanish version of the AAQ-SA items are in Appendix A.
Luis Ángel Pérez-Romero, Ariel Vite-Sierra (2020) Midiendo la flexibilidad psicológica: validación del Cuestionario de Aceptación y Acción en el abuso de drogas [Measuring the psychological flexibility: Validationof Acceptance and Action Questionnaire on substance abuse]. Psicología y Salud, 30(1), 95-104.
AAQ-SA - Turkish
AAQ-SA - TurkishUygur H, Yavuz KF, Eren I, Uygur OF, Selcuk M, Varsak N, Ozbek Yildirim S, Demirel B. (2020) Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Substance Abuse (AAQ-SA) on a Clinical Sample. Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 30(1), 47-54. DOI: 10.5455/PCP.20200320085704
AAQ-SA - Urdu
AAQ-SA - UrduAn AAQ for Substance Abuse (AAQ-SA) was created in French by Habiba Ilyas and attached to this page. See the file for contact info.
AAQ-SI (suicidal Ideation)
AAQ-SI (suicidal Ideation)Boffa, J.W., Tock, J.L., Morabito, D.M. et al. Measuring Psychological Inflexibility of Suicidal Thoughts: The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Suicidal Ideation (AAQ-SI). Cogn Ther Res (2022).
AAQ-SportsBisagni, D., Bisagni, M., & Vaccaro, M. (2018). Mindfulness e flessibilità psicologica nella pratica sportiva: validazione della versione italiana della State Mindfulness Scale for Physical Activity (SMS-PA) e della versione per lo sport dell’Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II) [Mindfulness and psychological flexibility in sport practice: Validation of the italian version of the SMS-PA and the sports version of the AAQ-II]. Psicoterapia cognitiva e comportamentale, 24(2), 153-173.
AAQ-Sports - Italian
AAQ-Sports - ItalianBisagni, D., Bisagni, M., & Vaccaro, M. (2018). Mindfulness e flessibilità psicologica nella pratica sportiva: validazione della versione italiana della State Mindfulness Scale for Physical Activity (SMS-PA) e della versione per lo sport dell’Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II) [Mindfulness and psychological flexibility in sport practice: Validation of the italian version of the SMS-PA and the sports version of the AAQ-II]. Psicoterapia cognitiva e comportamentale, 24(2), 153-173.
AAQ-TS (Trauma Specific)
AAQ-TS (Trauma Specific)Pinto-Gouveia, J., Carvalho, T., Cunha, M., Duarte, J., Walser, R.D. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Trauma Specific (AAQ-TS): A study with Portuguese Colonial War Veterans. J Affect Disord., 185, 81-89. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2015.06.023
AAQ-TS - Portuguese version
AAQ-TS - Portuguese versionPinto-Gouveia, J., Carvalho, T., Cunha, M., Duarte, J., Walser, R.D. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Trauma Specific (AAQ-TS): A study with Portuguese Colonial War Veterans. J Affect Disord., 185, 81-89.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2015.06.023
AAQ-TTM (Trichotillomania)
AAQ-TTM (Trichotillomania)Houghton DC, Compton SN, Twohig MP, et al. (2014). Measuring the role of psychological inflexibility in Trichotillomania. Psychiatry Research, 220(1-2):356-361.
AAQ-US (University Students)
AAQ-US (University Students)Levin, M.E., Krafft, J., Pistorello, J., & Seeley, J.R. (2019) Assessing psychological inflexibility in university students: Development and validation of the acceptance and action questionnaire for university students (AAQ-US). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 12, 199-206. The AAQ-US can be downloaded from the Utah State University ACT Research Group.
AAQ-US - Portuguese
AAQ-US - PortugueseGalhardo, A., Neto, M., Monteiro, B. et al. (2022 in press). Psychological inflexibility in university students: the european portuguese version of the acceptance and action questionnaire—university students. Current Psychology.
Machado, A.B.C., Zancan, R.K., & Oliveira, M.S. (2021). Adaptação do Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for University Students (AAQ-US) para o Português Brasileiro [Adaptation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for University Students (AAQ-US) for Brazilian Portuguese]. Contextos Clínicos, 14 (3). The Portuguese translation of the AAQ-US items are in Tabela 1.
Neto, M.J.O. & Galhardo, A. (2020) Estudo da estrutura fatorial e propriedades psicométricas da versão portuguesa do Acceptance and Action Questionnaire – University Students (AAQ-US). ISMT, Dissertation.
AAQ-US - Spanish
AAQ-US - SpanishBarbosa Güiza, A. (2020.). Propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario aceptación y compromiso en estudiantes universitarios (AAQ-US) en el contexto colombiano. Escuela de Posgrados. Konrad Lorenz, Thesis.
AAQ-US - Turkish
AAQ-US - TurkishKuru, T., Karadere, M.E., Burhanm H.S., & Safak, Y. (2021) Reliability and Validity Study of the Turkish Version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for University Students. Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 11(1), 18-24.
AAQ-W (weight)
AAQ-W (weight)Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Weight-Related Difficulties. The scale and additional information (scoring instructions and a brief summary of psychometric properties) are attached below.
The AAQ-W can also be found on
Lillis, J., & Hayes, S.C. (2008). Measuring avoidance and inflexibility in weight related problems. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 4(4), 348-354.
Weineland, S., Lillis, J., & Dahl, J. (2013). Measuring experiential avoidance in a bariatric surgery population--psychometric properties of AAQ-W. Obesity research & clinical practice, 7(6), e464–e475.
Manwaring, J., Hilbert, A., Walden, K., Bishop, E. R., & Johnson, C. (2018). Validation of the acceptance and action questionnaire for weight-related difficulties in an eating disorder population. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 7, 1-7
References for AAQ-W Revised Versions:
Palmeira, L., Cunha, M., Pinto-Gouveia, J., Carvalho, S., & Lillis, J. (2016) New developments in the assessment of weight-related experiential avoidance (AAQW-Revised). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 5(3), 193-200.
Dochat, C., Afari, N., Wooldridge, J.S., Herbert, M.S., Gasperi, M., & Lillis, J. (2020) Confirmatory factor analysis of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Weight-Related Difficulties-Revised (AAQW-R) in a United States sample of adults with overweight and obesity. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 15, 189-196.
AAQ-W - Brazilian Portuguese version
AAQ-W - Brazilian Portuguese versionAAQ - W Tradução e adaptação brasileira: Lucena-Santos, Pinto-Gouveia, & Oliveira, 2014. This translation has not been validated.
Corresponding author: Paola Lucena-Santos.
WhatsApp: +55 (51) 998055874
Affiliation: CINEICC - Cognitive Behavioral Research Center (Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Coimbra
AAQ-W - Persian
AAQ-W - PersianPirmoradi, M.R., Asgharzadeh, A., Birashk, B. et al. (2021) Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the weight-related experiential avoidance (AAQW): overweight and obese treatment seeker at the clinical setting. BMC Psychiatry, 21, 335.
AAQ-W - Spanish
AAQ-W - SpanishIturbe, I., Echeburúa, E., & Maiz, E. (2023 in press). Psychometric properties of the Spanish Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Weight-Related Difficulties-Revised (AAQW-R). Psychological assessment, 35(5), e12–e21.
AAQ-W - Swedish
AAQ-W - SwedishWeineland, S., Lillis, J., & Dahl, J. (2013). Measuring experiential avoidance in a bariatric surgery population--psychometric properties of AAQ-W. Obesity research & clinical practice, 7(6), e464–e475.
AAQW-R Turkish
AAQW-R TurkishTurksih form of AAQW-R based on Palmeira's revised version of AAQ weight.
Burhan H. S. , Kuru, T. & (2023) RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY STUDY OF THE TURKISH VERSION OF THE ACCEPTANCE AND ACTION QUESTIONNAIRE FOR WEIGHT-REVISED. Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research, 12 (1), 65-70. doi:10.5455/JCBPR.127897
AAQH (Hoarding)
AAQH (Hoarding)Krafft, J., Ong, C.W., Twohig, M.P., Levin, M.E. (2019) Assessing psychological inflexibility in hoarding: The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Hoarding (AAQH). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 12, 234-242. The AAQH is in the Appendix. The AAQH can be downloaded from the Utah State University ACT Research Group.
Ong, C.W., Krafft, J., Levin, M.E., & Michael P. Twohig, M.P. (2021). A systematic review and psychometric evaluation of self-report measures for hoarding disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 290, 136-148.
AIS (Smoking)
AIS (Smoking)The Avoidance and Inflexibility Scale (AIS) assesses ACT processes in the context of cigarette smoking. Reference: Gifford, E. V., Antonuccio, D.O, Kohlenberg, B.S., Hayes, S.C., & Piasecki, M.M. (2002). Combining Bupropion SR with acceptance and commitment-based behavioral therapy for smoking cessation: Preliminary results from a randomized controlled trial. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavioral Therapy, Reno, NV.
Gifford, E.V., Kohlenberg, B.S., Hayes, S.C., Antonuccio, D.O., Piasecki, M.M., Rasmussen-Hall, M.L., & Palm, K.M. (2004). Acceptance-based treatment for smoking cessation. Behavior Therapy, 35(4):689–705.
Farris, S.G., Zvolensky, M.J., DiBello, A.M., & Schmidt, N.B. (2015). Validation of the Avoidance and Inflexibility Scale (AIS) among treatment-seeking smokers. Psychological Assessment, 27(2), 467-477.
AIS - Greek
AIS - GreekSavvides, S. N. (2014). Evaluating an acceptance and commitment therapy internet-based intervention for smoking cessation in young adults. Dissertation, University of Cyprus. Retrived from The Greek AIS is in the Appendix.
BI-AAQ (Body Image)
BI-AAQ (Body Image)Sandoz, E. K., Wilson, K. G., Merwin, R. M., & Kellum, K. (2013). Assessment of body image flexibility: The Body Image – Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 2(1–2), 39-48.
Acceptance and mindfulness components are increasingly incorporated into treatment for eating disorders with promising results. The development of measures of proposed change processes would facilitate ongoing scientific progress. The current series of studies evaluated one such instrument, the Body Image – Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (BI-AAQ), which was designed to measure body image flexibility. Study one focused on the generation and reduction of items for the BI-AAQ and a demonstration of construct validity. Body image flexibility was associated with increased psychological flexibility, decreased body image dissatisfaction, and less disordered eating. Study two demonstrated adequate internal consistency and test-retest reliability of BI-AAQ. Study three extended findings related to structural and construct validity, and demonstrated an indirect effect of body image dissatisfaction on disordered eating via body image flexibility. Research and clinical utility of the BI-AAQ are discussed. The BI-AAQ is proposed as a measure of body image flexibility, a potential change process in acceptance-oriented treatments of eating disorders.
The BI-AAQ is attached below in .pdf format below and is downloadable for members. All items are summed to yield a score for body image inflexibility or reverse-scored to yield a score for body image flexibility.
Also attached below is a modified version of the BI-AAQ that does not refer specifically to weight and shape.
Contact Emily Sandoz with questions or comments:
Sandoz, E. K., Wilson, K. G., Merwin, R. M., & Kellum, K. (2013). Assessment of body image flexibility: The Body Image – Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 2(1–2), 39-48.
Lee, E.B., Smith, B.M., Twohig, M.P., Lensegrav-Benson, T., & Quakenbush-Roberts, B. (2017). Assessment of the body Image-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire in a female residential eating disorder treatment facility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6(1), 21-28.
Soulliard, Z.A. & Vander Wal, J. (2022). Measurement invariance and psychometric properties of three positive body image measures among cisgender sexual minority and heterosexual women. Body Image, 40, 146-157.
BI-AAQ-5 Short Form
Basarkod, G. Sahdra, B., & Ciarrochi, J. (2018). Body Image–Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–5: An Abbreviation Using Genetic Algorithms. Behavior Therapy, 49(3), 388-402.
Soulliard, Z.A. & Vander Wal, J.S. (2022). Measurement invariance and psychometric properties of three positive body image measures among cisgender sexual minority and heterosexual women. Body Image, 40, 146-157.
BI-AAQ - Arabic
BI-AAQ - ArabicAdel, S. (2019). فعالية برنامج عالجي بالتقبل وااللتزام لتحسين صورة الجسم لدى عينة من ذوات اضطراب الشره العصبى [Efficacy of ACT program to improve body image for Female Bulimia nervosa disorder]. Thesis: University of Alexandria. The Arabic BI-AAQ is in the appendix.
BI-AAQ - Chinese
BI-AAQ - ChineseHe, J., Cai, Z., Chen, X., Lu, T., & Fan, X. (2021). Validation of the Chinese Version of the Body Image Acceptance and Action Questionnaire and the Mediating Role of Body Image Flexibility in the Relationship Between Body Dissatisfaction and Psychological Distress. Behavior Therapy, 52(3), 2021, 539-551.
BI-AAQ - Greek
BI-AAQ - GreekKarekla, M., Mavrakia, E.Z., Nikolaoua, P., & Koushioua, M. (2019). Validation of the Greek Version of the Body Image-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. The European Journal of Counselling Psychology, 8(1). The BI-AAQ Greek Translation is in the Appendix.
BI-AAQ - Persian
BI-AAQ - PersianGivehki, R. et al. (2020) Psychometric Properties of the Body Image Acceptance and Action Questionnaire in Patients with Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders in Kashan City. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 14 (2), e69889.
Izaadi, A., Karimi, J., & Rahmani, M. (2013) Psychometric Analysis of Persian Version of Body Image flexibility Questionnaire (BI-AAQ) among University students. Hayat, 19 (3), 56-69.
BI-AAQ - Portuguese
BI-AAQ - PortugueseReferences:
Lucena-Santos, P., Carvalho, S.A., da Silva Oliveira, M., & Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2017). Body-Image Acceptance and Action Questionnaire: su nociva influencia en la ingesta compulsiva y validación psicométrica. [Body-Image Acceptance and Action Questionnaire: Its deleterious influence on binge eating and psychometric validation.] International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 17, 151-160. The article is open access.
Ferreira, C., Pinto-Gouveia, J., & Duarte, C. (2011) The Validation of the Body Image Acceptance and Action Questionnaire: Exploring the Moderator Effect of Acceptance on Disordered Eating. InternatIonal Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 11(3), 327-345.
BI-AAQ - Spanish
BI-AAQ - SpanishHernández-López, M., Cepeda-Benito, A., Geist, T., Torres-Dotor, P., Pomichter, E., & Rodríguez-Valverde, M. (2024). Validation of the Spanish version of the body image acceptance and action questionnaire (BI-AAQ-Spanish): Measurement invariance across cultures. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 32, 100755. The BI-AAQ-Spanish and BI-AAQ-5 are in the Appendix.
CIAQ (Chronic Illness)
CIAQ (Chronic Illness)Beacham, A.O., Linfield, K., Kinman, C.R., Payne-Murphy, J. (2015). The chronic illness acceptance questionnaire: Confirmatory factor analysis and prediction of perceived disability in an online chronic illness support group sample. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4 (2), 96-102.
CVD-AAQ (Cardiovascular Disease)
CVD-AAQ (Cardiovascular Disease)Spatola, C.A., Cappella, E.A., Goodwin, C.L., Baruffi, M., Malfatto, G., Facchini, M., et al. (2014) Development and initial validation of the Cardiovascular Disease Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (CVD-AAQ) in an Italian sample of cardiac patients. Front
Psychol, 5, 1284.
CVD-AAQ - Italian
CVD-AAQ - ItalianSpatola, C. A., Cappella, E. A., Goodwin, C. L., Baruffi, M., Malfatto, G., Facchini, M., Castelnuovo, G., Manzoni, G. M., & Molinari, E. (2014). Development and initial validation of the Cardiovascular Disease Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (CVD-AAQ) in an Italian sample of cardiac patients. Frontiers in psychology, 5, 1284.
DAAS-R (Diabetes)
DAAS-R (Diabetes)This page hosts the adaptation that David Gillanders and Estelle Barker made of the Diabetes Acceptance and Action Questionnre: The DAAS-R. The measure is freely available to members of ACBS for clinical and research purposes (non commercial), with appropriate acknowledgements and citations of the work. The article describing the DAAS-R is available online at JCBS. The citation is:
Gillanders, D. T. & Barker, E. (2019). Development and initial validation of a short form of the Diabetes Acceptance and Action Scale: The DAAS-Revised (DAAS-R). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 14, 20-28.
Attached is the author's copy of the manuscript and the final questionnaire.
DAAS - Persian
DAAS - PersianRajaeiramsheh, F., Rezaie, Z., Davoudi, M. et al. (2021) Psychometric properties of the Persian versions of acceptance and action diabetes questionnaire (AADQ) and the diabetes acceptance and action scale (DAAS), in Iranian youth with type 1 diabetes. J Diabetes Metab Disord. DAAS Persian Translation is in the article's Supplementary Information.
EACQ (Caregiving)
EACQ (Caregiving)Losada, A., Márquez-González, M., Romero-Moreno, R., & López, J. (2014). Development and validation of the Experiential Avoidance in Caregiving Questionnaire (EACQ). Aging & mental health, 18(7), 897–904.
EACQ - French
EACQ - FrenchClotilde Larochette. (2020) Accompagner les proches-aidants confrontés à la maladie d’Alzheimer ou à un trouble apparenté : vers un programme en ligne centré sur la pleine conscience, la psychologie positive et l’acceptation. Psychologie, Université de Lille.
EACQ - Japanese
EACQ - JapaneseHiroshi Morimoto, Naoko Kishita, Hikaru Kondo, Nélida Tanaka, Yu Abe, & Takashi Muto (2023). Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the experiential avoidance in caregiving questionnaire (EACQ). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 27, 160-169. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2023.02.003 The Japanese version of the EACQ is in Appendix A.
EACQ - Spanish
EACQ - SpanishLosada, A., Márquez-González, M., Romero-Moreno, R., & López, J. (2014). Development and validation of the Experiential Avoidance in Caregiving Questionnaire (EACQ). Aging & mental health, 18(7), 897–904.
FAAQ (Food craving)
FAAQ (Food craving)FAAQ
Adrienne Juarascio, Evan Forman, C. Alix Timko, Meghan Butryn, Christina Goodwin (2011). The development and validation of the food craving acceptance and action questionnaire (FAAQ). Eating Behaviors, 12(3), 182-187.
Murray, H. B., Zhang, F., Manasse, S. M., Forman, E. M., Butryn, M. L., & Juarascio, A. S. (2022). Validation of the food craving Acceptance and action questionnaire (FAAQ) in a weight loss-seeking sample. Appetite, 168, 105680. (Revised 7-item FAAQ.)
Brazilian Portuguese version
Corresponding author: Paola Lucena-Santos. E-mail: WhatsApp: +55 (51) 998055874
Affiliation: CINEICC - Cognitive Behavioral Research Center (Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Coimbra)
FAAQ - Brazilian Portuguese version
FAAQ - Brazilian Portuguese versionBrazilian Portuguese version
Corresponding author: Paola Lucena-Santos. E-mail: WhatsApp: +55 (51) 998055874
Affiliation: CINEICC - Cognitive Behavioral Research Center (Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Coimbra)
FAAQ - Spanish
FAAQ - SpanishManchón, J., Quiles, M., & López-Roig, S. (2021). The Role of Acceptance in Eating Behaviors-Spanish Validation of Food Craving Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (FAAQ-S). Frontiers in psychology, 12, 717886.
I-AAQ (Interpersonal Interactions)
I-AAQ (Interpersonal Interactions)AAQ version targetting difficulties in interpersonal interactions
IBSAAQ (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
IBSAAQ (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)The Irritable Bowel Syndrome Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. The scale and additional information (scoring instructions and a brief summary of psychometric properties) are attached below.
Please contact Nuno Ferreira for further information.
MSAQ (multiple sclerosis)
MSAQ (multiple sclerosis)Pakenham, K.I., & Fleming, M. (2011). Relations between acceptance of multiple sclerosis and positive and negative adjustments. Psychology & Health, 26: 1292-1309.
PAAQ (Parental)
PAAQ (Parental)Cheron DM, Ehrenreich JT, Pincus DB. (2009) Assessment of parental experiential avoidance in a clinical sample of children with anxiety disorders. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev, 40(3):383-403.
Click here for translations of the PAAQ:
PFSS (Psychological Flexibility in Sport Scale)
PFSS (Psychological Flexibility in Sport Scale)Johles, L., Gustafsson, H., Jansson-Fröjmark, M., Classon, C., Hasselqvist, J. & Lundgren, T. (2020) Psychological Flexibility Among Competitive Athletes: A Psychometric Investigation of a New Scale. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2, 110. The PFSS was inspired by the AAQ-II and adapted to the sport context to measure the construct of psychological flexibility and the degree to which a person avoids distressing thoughts, emotions, behaviors, or memories. PFSS items are rated on a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (never true) to 7 (always true).
PFSS - Persian
PFSS - PersianBadinlou, F., Badami, R., Reinebo, G. et al. (2022). The Persian version of the psychological flexibility in sport scale: a psychometric study. BMC Psychology, 10, 250.
PFSS - Swedish
PFSS - SwedishJohles, L., Gustafsson, H., Jansson-Fröjmark, M., Classon, C., Hasselqvist, J. & Lundgren, T. (2020) Psychological Flexibility Among Competitive Athletes: A Psychometric Investigation of a New Scale. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2, 110.
SA-AAQ (Social Anxiety)
SA-AAQ (Social Anxiety)Social Anxiety specific AAQ
MacKenzie, M. B. & Kocovski, N. L. (2010). Self-reported acceptance of social anxiety symptoms: Development and validation of the Social Anxiety - Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 6, 214 – 232.
The original article and measure/scoring instructions are attached below.
B-SA-AAQ (Brief Social Anxiety - Acceptance and Action Questionnaire)
B-SA-AAQ (Brief Social Anxiety - Acceptance and Action Questionnaire)The SA-AAQ has been evaluated and a shorter version is now available. The Brief Social Anxiety - Acceptance and Action Questionnaire is attached below.
MacKenzie, M. B., Kocovski, N. L., Blackie, R. A., Carrique, L. C., Fleming, J. E., & Antony, M. M. (2017). Development of a brief version of the Social Anxiety – Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 39, 342-354.
Turkish Version of the Brief Social Anxiety-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire
Turkish Version of the Brief Social Anxiety-Acceptance and Action QuestionnaireReliability and Validity Study of the Turkish Version of the Brief Social Anxiety-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire
Furkan Bahadır Alptekin, Hüseyin Şehit Burhan, Tacettin Kuru
Objective: Experiential avoidance is closely related to social anxiety, which is a condition characterized by intense fear in social situations, including social interactions and performing in front of others.
Material and Methods: The sample of this study consisted of 113 people. The data were obtained using a demographic form, Brief Social Anxiety-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (B-SA-AAQ), Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II), and hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS). Internal consistency and item-total correlation were evaluated with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test the factor structure. Temporal stability was assessed using the test-retest method.
Results: The Turkish adaptation of the B-SA-AAQ was found to have good internal consistency with a Cronbach’s α coefficient of 0.899. CFA indicated a two-factor structure with acceptable fit indices [χ2: 22.8, degrees of freedom: 13; root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA): 0.0817; RMSEA 90% confidence interval (CI) lower bond: 0.013, RMSEA 90% CI upper bond: 0.136, CFI: 0.978; Tucker-Lewis index: 0.965)]. The B-SA-AAQ and its subscales were significantly correlated with the AAQ-II and HADS (p<0.05). The results of the test-retest correlation analysis indicated temporal stability.
Conclusion: Therefore, the B-SA-AAQ is a reliable and valid scale for measuring experiential avoidance and psychological flexibility in the context of social anxiety.
Keywords: Acceptance and commitment therapy, social phobia, anxiety, depression
Citation: Furkan Bahadır Alptekin, Hüseyin Şehit Burhan, Tacettin Kuru (2023). Reliability and Validity Study of the Turkish Version of the Brief Social Anxiety-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. Cam and Sakura Med J, 3(1), 6-11.
DOI: 10.4274/csmedj.galenos.2023.2022-12-2
SA-AAQ - Korean
SA-AAQ - KoreanKim Ki-Whan, Kwon Seok-Man (2013) 한국판 사회불안 수용 행동 질문지의 타당화 연구 [Validation of the Korean Version of the Social Anxiety-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire]. 인지행동치료, 13, 3, 489 ~ 510.
SA-AAQ - Persian Version
SA-AAQ - Persian VersionSoltani, E., Bahrainian, S. A., Masjedi Arani, A., Farhoudian, A., & Gachkar, L. (2016). Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Social Anxiety - Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. Iranian journal of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, 10(2), e3753.
SA-AAQ - Portuguese
SA-AAQ - PortugueseTomé, F.R. (2014) Como estar entre os outros?: o álcool como uma estratégia de evitamento experiencial na ansiedade social. Universidade de Coimbra, Dissertation. The Portuguese SA-AAQ items are in the dissertation.
SA-AAQ - Thai
SA-AAQ - ThaiSiripanit K., Pisitsungkagarn, K. (2017, March). An Initial Development of the Thai Version of the Social Anxiety – Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (SA-AAQ) for Undergraduate Students. The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2017. Kobe, Japan. The Thai version of the SA-AAQ is in the appendix.
SPAQ (Sleep)
SPAQ (Sleep)Bothelius, K., Jernelöv, S., Fredrikson, M., McCracken, L. M., & Kaldo, V. (2015). Measuring Acceptance of Sleep Difficulties: The Development of the Sleep Problem Acceptance Questionnaire. Sleep, 38(11), 1815–1822.
TA-AAQ-A (Test Anxiety)
TA-AAQ-A (Test Anxiety)Pires, C. P., Putwain, D. W., Hofmann, S. G., Martins, D. S., MacKenzie, M. B., Kocovski, N. L., & Salvador, M. C. (2020). Assessing psychological flexibility in test situations: The Test Anxiety Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Adolescents [Monograph Innovaciones en la Evaluación de los Problemas Emocionales en Niños y Adolescentes]. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology/Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica, 25(3), 147-159.
TA-AAQ-A - Portuguese
TA-AAQ-A - PortuguesePires, C. P., Putwain, D. W., Hofmann, S. G., Martins, D. S., MacKenzie, M. B., Kocovski, N. L., & Salvador, M. C. (2020). Assessing psychological flexibility in test situations: The Test Anxiety Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Adolescents [Monograph Innovaciones en la Evaluación de los Problemas Emocionales en Niños y Adolescentes]. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology/Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica, 25(3), 147-159.
TAAQ (Teachers)
TAAQ (Teachers)Galhardo, A., Carvalho, B., Massano-Cardoso, I., Cunha, M. (2020). Assessing teacher-related experiential avoidance: Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Teachers Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (TAAQ-PT). International Journal of School & Educational Psychology,1-10.
Hinds, E., Jones, L. B., Gau, J. M., Forrester, K. K., & Biglan, A. (2015). Teacher distress and the role of experiential avoidance. Psychology in the Schools, 52(3), 284–297.
TAAQ - Japanese
TAAQ - JapaneseKoh, Y., Iwasawa, N., Inoue, K., & Ohtsuki, T. (2024). Development and validation of a Japanese version of the Teachers Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 31, 100726.
TAAQ - Portuguese
TAAQ - PortugueseCarvalho, B.A.F. & Galhardo, A. (2018) Questionário de Aceitação e Ação para Professores: desenvolvimento da versão portuguesa, estudo da estrutura fatorial e propriedades psicométricas. ISMT, Dissertation. The Portuguese TAAQ is in Appendix D.
TAQ (Tinnitus)
TAQ (Tinnitus)Tinnitus specific AAQ.
Weise, C., Kleinstäuber, M., Hesser, H., Zetterqvist Westin, V. & Andersson, G. (2013). Acceptance of Tinnitus: Validation of the Tinnitus Acceptance Questionnaire. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 42(2), 100-115. DOI: 10.1080/16506073.2013.781670
Westin, V., Hayes, S. C., & Andersson, G. (2008). Is it the sound or your relationship to it? The role of acceptance in predicting tinnitus impact. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 46, 1259-1265. .
TAQ - Czech
TAQ - CzechKřenková, B. (2021). Vliv chronického tinnitu a míry jeho přijetí na vnímanou úroveň kognitivního výkonu. Thesis: Masarykova Univerzita. Retrieved from The Czech version of Tinnitus Acceptance Questionnaire TAQ is in the Appendix.
TAQ - Japanese
TAQ - JapaneseTakabatake, S., Takahashi, M., Kabaya, K., Sekiya, Y., Sekiya, K., Harata, I., Kondo, M., et al. (2022). Validation of the Tinnitus Acceptance Questionnaire: Japanese Version. Audiology Research, 12(1), 66–76.
VAAS (Auditory Hallucinations)
VAAS (Auditory Hallucinations)The Voices Acceptance and Action Questionnaire.
Reference: Shawyer, F., Ratcliff, K., Mackinnon, A., Farhall, J., Hayes, S.C. & Copolov, D. (2007). The voices acceptance and action scale (VAAS): Pilot data. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 63(6), 593–606.
VAAS - French
VAAS - FrenchLanglois T, Sanchez-Rodriguez R, Klein R, et al. (2020) [Acceptance of "voices" in people with or without psychiatric disorders: Francophone validation of the 9-item VAAS scale]. L'encephale,46(6):443-449.
VAAS - Portuguese
VAAS - PortugueseMartins, M., Castilho, P., Macedo, A., Pereira, A., Vagos, P., Carvalho, D., Pascoal, C., & Carvalho, C. (2018). A pilot study of the Portuguese version of the Voices Acceptance and Action Scale: Psychometric properties in a clinical sample with psychosis-spectrum disorders. Analise Psicologica, 37(1). DOI: 10.14417/ap.1561
VAAS - Swedish
VAAS - SwedishUtvecklad av David Copolov mfl. Den svenska översättningen är gjord av Mårten Tyrberg, vid Psykosmottagningen Öster, Västmanlands Sjukhus, tillsammans med Sandra Bates och Tobias Lundgren.
Du hittar instrumentet här.
VAAS - Turkish
VAAS - TurkishMerve Terzioğlu*, K. Fatih Yavuz (2018) Turkish Version of Voices Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (VAAS): Preliminary Analysis of Reliability and Validity. Poster presented at ACBS World Conference 16.
WAAQ (work)
WAAQ (work)Bond, F. W., Lloyd, J., & Guenole, N. (2012). The work-related acceptance and action questionnaire (WAAQ): Initial psychometric findings and their implications for measuring psychological flexibility in specific contexts. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 1-25.
For the full text of the article, follow this link:
Use of the WAAQ: Permission is hereby given to use the WAAQ for IRB/ethics-required research projects that occur in university and non-profit research institutions; in such cases, further author permission is not required. If, however, the WAAQ is to be used in any part of a money making enterprise (e.g., consultancy to organizations), the authors require that you seek their permission before using the measure. —Professor Frank Bond, Dr. Jo Lloyd, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 9, June 2020
WAAQ - Chinese
WAAQ - ChineseXu, X., Liu, X., Ou, M., Xie, C., & Chen Y.Z. (2018). Psychological flexibility of nurses in a cancer hospital: Preliminary validation of a chinese version of the work-related acceptance and action questionnaire. ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING, 5, 83-90. Available from: The Chinese version of WAAQ is in Appendix 2.
WAAQ - Japanese
WAAQ - Japanese戸澤 杏奈, 松永 美希, 土屋 政雄, 中山 真里子, 熊野 宏昭 (2023 in press). 日本語版Work-related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire(WAAQ)の作成と信頼性・妥当性の検討. 認知行動療法研究. [Anna Tozawa, Miki Matsunaga, Masao Tsuchiya, Mariko Nakayama, Hiroaki Kumano (2023 in press). Development of a Japanese Version of the Work-related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire and Examination of Its Reliability and Validity. Japanese Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.] DOI: 10.24468/jjbct.21-028
WAAQ - Portuguese
WAAQ - PortuguesePinto, V. N., Ferreira, M. C., & Valentini, F. (2015). Evidências de Validade da Escala de Flexibilidade Psicológica no Trabalho em Amostras Brasileiras. Psico, 46(3), 362-373. The Portuguese Escala de Flexibilidade Psicológica no Trabalho (WAAQ) is in the Appendix.
WAAQ - Spanish
WAAQ - SpanishReferences:
Bravo, D.M., Suárez-Falcón, J.C., Bianchi-Salguero, J.M., Gil-Luciano, B., & Ruiz, J. (2023). Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Work-Related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (WAAQ) in a Colombian sample. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 23(3), 301-312.
Ponce, M.C. & Villar, E. (2022). VALIDACIÓN DEL “CUESTIONARIO DE ACEPTACIÓN Y ACCIÓN LABORAL”(WAAQ) CON ESTUDIANTES UNIVERSITARIOS. Behavioral Psychology / Psicología Conductual, 30(1), 223-233.
Ruiz, F. J., & Odriozola-González, P. (2014). Versión española del Cuestionario de Aceptación y Acción Relacionado con el Trabajo (WAAQ). Psicothema, 26(1).
WAAQ - Swedish
WAAQ - SwedishHolmberg, J. et al (2019). Evaluating the psychometric characteristics of the Work-related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (WAAQ) in a sample of healthcare professionals. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 14, 103-107.
The Work-related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (WAAQ) has been developed to assess psychological flexibility in occupational settings. The aim of this study was to evaluate reliability and validity of the Swedish translation of WAAQ in a sample of 184 healthcare professionals. A principal component analysis supported a one-factor-solution, explaining 53.8% of the overall multivariate variability. WAAQ showed good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha 0.85) and good test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.85). Validity was assessed by analysing the relationship between WAAQ and other work-related constructs. Spearman's rank correlations illustrated a significant negative relationship between WAAQ and perceived stress and a significant positive correlation with work engagement. Results from the study are consistent with previous studies on WAAQ, supporting the use of the Swedish translation of the instrument among healthcare professionals.
WAAQ - Turkish
WAAQ - TurkishAydın, G., Aydın, Y. & Karacan Özdemir, N. (2020). İş Yaşamında Kabul ve Eylem Formu: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması [Work-Related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire: Reliability and Validity Study of Turkish Version]. Kariyer Psikolojik Danışmanlığı Dergisi, 3(1), 32-54.
Body Image Psychological Inflexibility Scale (BIPIS)
Body Image Psychological Inflexibility Scale (BIPIS)Callaghan, G.M., Sandoz, E.K., Darrow, S.M., & Feeney, T.K. (2015). The Body Image Psychological Inflexibility Scale: Development and psychometric properties. Psychiatry Research, 226(1), 45-52.
BIPIS - Korean
BIPIS - KoreanKim J-C. (2019) 신체상에 대한 심리적 경직성이 신체변형장애 증상에 미치는 영향 [The effect of psychological rigidity on body image on the symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder]. Thesis. The Korean BIPIS is in Table 3.
BIPIS - Persian
BIPIS - PersianAmiri, S. & Yaghoubi, A.. (2017) Psychometric Properties of Body Image Psychological Inflexibility Scale. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, 23 (1), 94-107.
Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ)
Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ)McCracken, L.M., Vowles, K.E., & Eccleston, C. (2004) Acceptance of chronic pain: component analysis and a revised assessment method. Pain, 107(1–2), 159-166.
Reneman, M.F., Dijkstra, A., Geertzen, J.H., & Dijkstra, P.U. (2010). Psychometric properties of Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaires: A systematic review. European Journal of Pain, 14, 457-465. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpain.2009.08.003
CPAQ - Arabic
CPAQ - ArabicAl-Arfaj, S.K., Abdallah A.F., & Abdulla, F.A. (2023 in press). Psychometric properties of an Arabic translation of the chronic pain acceptance questionnaire (CPAQ) in a sample of patients with chronic pain. Disability and Rehabilitation.
CPAQ - Chinese
CPAQ - ChineseCheung MN, Wong TC, Yap JC, Chen PP. (2009) Validation of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ) in Cantonese-speaking Chinese patients. J Pain, 9(9):823-32.
Liu, Y., Wang, L., Wei, Y., Wang, X., Xu, T., & Sun, J. (2016). Validation of a Chinese version of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CAPQ) and CPAQ-8 in chronic pain patients. Medicine, 95(33), e4339.
CPAQ - Czech
CPAQ - CzechKlocek, A., Řiháček, T., & Cígler, H. (2023). Measuring symptom acceptance: Psychometric evaluation of ‘chronic pain acceptance questionnaire – symptoms’ in a Czech clinical sample. Československá Psychologie, 67(1), 50-62.
CPAQ - Danish
CPAQ - Danishla Cour, P., & Højsted, J. (2015). Validation of the Danish-language chronic pain acceptance questionnaire. Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 59(10), 1377–1386.
CPAQ - Finnish
CPAQ - FinnishOjala, T., Piirainen, A., Sipilä, K., Suutama, T., & Häkkinen, A. (2013). Reliability and validity study of the Finnish version of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ). Disability and rehabilitation, 35(4), 306–314. The Finnish Translation of the CPAQ is in Appendix 1.
CPAQ - German Validation
CPAQ - German ValidationNilges, P., Köster, B. & Schmidt, C.O. (2007) Schmerzakzeptanz – Konzept und Überprüfung einer deutschen Fassung des Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire. Schmerz, 21, 57–67.
CPAQ - Greek Validation
CPAQ - Greek ValidationVasiliou, V. S., Karekla, M., Michaelides, M. P., & Kasinopoulos, O. (2018). Construct validity of the G-CPAQ and its mediating role in pain interference and adjustment. Psychological Assessment, 30(2), 220–230.
CPAQ - Italian Validation
CPAQ - Italian ValidationReferences:
Bernini, O., Rivas, T., & Berrocal, C. (2014). The Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire: Preliminary evidence for the predictive validity of patients’ subgroups. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 14(1), 3–20.
Monticone M, Ferrante S, Rocca B, Nava T, Parini C, Cerri C. (2013). Chronic pain acceptance questionnaire: confirmatory factor analysis, reliability, and validity in Italian subjects with chronic low back pain. Spine, 38(13):E824-31.
Bernini, O., Pennato, T., Cosci, F., &Berrocal, C. (2010). The Psychometric Properties of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire in Italian Patients with Chronic Pain. Journal of Health Psychology, 15(8):1236-1245.
CPAQ - Japanese
CPAQ - JapaneseTakaki Fukumori, Kengo Fujishima, Kazunori Iwasa, Yumiko Takao, Yukino Kobayashi, & Hiroyuki Nishie (2023). Validation of the Japanese version of the 8-item Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ-8). The Journal of Medical Investigation, 70, 88-93. The Japanese version of the CPAQ-8 is in Table 1.
Kengo Fujishima, Takaki Fukumori, Stevetoshihisa Fukuda (2017) Development of the Japanese version of Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire-8 (CPAQ-8J): In a sample of university students with chronic pain. The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, 2017, Volume 81, The 81st Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, Session ID 1B-033, Pages 1B-033.
CPAQ - Korean
CPAQ - KoreanCho, S., Heiby, E. M., McCracken, L. M., Moon, D. E., & Lee, J. H. (2012). Psychometric properties of a Korean version of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire in chronic pain patients. Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation, 21(6), 1059–1064.
CPAQ - Norwegian
CPAQ - NorwegianEide, H., Leren, L., & Sørebø, Ø. (2017). The Norwegian versions of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire CPAQ-20 and CPAQ-8 - validation and reliability studies. Disability and rehabilitation, 39(14), 1441–1448.
CPAQ - Persian
CPAQ - PersianMesgarian, F; Asghari, A; Shaeiri, MR; Broumand, A. (2012). The Persian Version of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy.
Ebrahimi, A., Afshar-Zanjani, H., Goli, F., Rohafza, H. R., & Nasiri Dehsorkh, H. (2022). Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire in Patients with Chronic Pain in Isfahan, Tehran, and Yazd, Iran. International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture, 8(1), 65-74. Retrieved from
CPAQ - Portuguese
CPAQ - PortugueseCosta, J. & Pinto Gouveia, J. (2009). Aceitação da dor. Abordagem do Chronic Pain Accepatnce Questionnaire (McCracken, Vowles & Eccleston, 2004) na população portuguesa com dor. Revista Psicologia, 23(1), 103-126.
CPAQ - Russian
CPAQ - Russian CommunityCPAQ - Spanish
CPAQ - SpanishRodero, B., García-Campayo, J., Casanueva, B., del Hoyo, Y. L., Serrano-Blanco, A., & Luciano, J. V. (2010). Validation of the Spanish version of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ) for the assessment of acceptance in fibromyalgia. Health and quality of life outcomes, 8, 37.
Sánchez-Rodríguez, E., de la Vega, R., Racine, M., Roy, R., Jensen, M. P., & Miró, J. (2019). Support for the Spanish version of the CPAQ-8 as a measure of chronic pain acceptance. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 25(5), 881–888.
CPAQ - Swedish
CPAQ - Swedish CommunityCPAQ 20 items - Swedish
CPAQ 20 items - SwedishThe Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ) avser att mäta acceptans av långvarig smärta och inkluderar två skalor: Activities engagement och Pain willingness. Activities engagement handlar om att utföra betydelsefulla aktiviteter oavsett smärtan. Formuläret är utvecklat av Lance McCracken och medarbeteare. Den svenska versionen är översatt av Rikard Wiksell och medarbetare. Du hittar instrumentet här.
[1] Wicksell RK, Olsson GL & Melin L . (2009) The Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ)-further validation including a confirmatory factor analysis and a comparison with the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia. European Journal of Pain, 13, 760–768. Se artikeln här.
[2] McCracken, L.M., Vowles, K.E. & Eccleston, C. (2004). Acceptance of chronic pain: component analysis and a revised assessment method. Pain, 107, 159-66. Se artikeln här.
CPAQ-8 - Swedish
CPAQ-8 - SwedishRovner, G.; Årestedt, K.; Gerdle, B.; Börsbo, B. & McCracken, L.M. (2014). Psychometric properties of the 8-item Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ - 8) in a Swedish Chronic Pain Cohort. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 46(1), 73-80. Se artikeln här.
CPAQ - Turkish
CPAQ - TurkishHazel Ekin Akmaz, Meltem Uyar, Yasemin Kuzeyli Yıldırım, Esra Akın Korhan (2018). Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire. Balkan Medical Journal, 35(3), 238-244. DOI: 10.4274/balkanmedj.2016.1998
Zure, M., Menekşeoğlu, A.K., & Ketenci, A. (2023). Validation of the Turkish Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire-8. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 69(x), i-vi. DOI: 10.5606/tftrd.2023.10857
CPAQ Excel Scoring File
CPAQ Excel Scoring FileI created this simple little excel file to automate the scoring of the CPAQ. Just input the raw ratings & it take care of the reverse scoring & summing.
I hope you find it useful.
~Scott Rower
Chronic Tinnitus Acceptance Questionnaire (CTAQ)
Chronic Tinnitus Acceptance Questionnaire (CTAQ)The Chronic Tinnitus Acceptance Questionnaire (CTAQ) is a 20-item self-report assessment adapted from the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ).
Moreland, J. E. N. (2007). Illness Representations, Acceptance, Coping and Psychological Distress in Chronic Tinnitus. University of Leicester. Thesis. The CTAQ is in the Appendix.
Moschen, R., et al (2019). Validation of the Chronic Tinnitus Acceptance Questionnaire (CTAQ-I): the Italian version. ACTA Otorhinolaryngologica Italica, 39(2). DOI: 10.14639/0392-100X-2144
Riedl, D., Rumpold, G., Schmidt, A., Zorowka, P. G., Bliem, H. R., & Moschen, R. (2015). The influence of tinnitus acceptance on the quality of life and psychological distress in patients with chronic tinnitus. Noise & health, 17(78), 374–381.
CTAQ - German
CTAQ - GermanReferences:
Riedl, D., Rumpold, G., Schmidt, A., Zorowka, P. G., Bliem, H. R., & Moschen, R. (2015). The influence of tinnitus acceptance on the quality of life and psychological distress in patients with chronic tinnitus. Noise & health, 17(78), 374–381.
CTAQ - Italian
CTAQ - ItalianMoschen, R., et al (2019). Validation of the Chronic Tinnitus Acceptance Questionnaire (CTAQ-I): the Italian version. ACTA Otorhinolaryngologica Italica, 39(2). DOI: 10.14639/0392-100X-2144
Hearing Acceptance Questionnaire (HAQ)
Hearing Acceptance Questionnaire (HAQ)The HAQ measures psychological acceptance among individuals with hearing problems.
Molander, P., Andersson, G., & Hesser, H. (2022). Psychological Acceptance in Adults With Hearing Loss—Psychometric Evaluation and Validation of the Hearing Acceptance Questionnaire. Ear and Hearing, 43(6), 1752-1760. DOI: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000001245
HAQ - Swedish
HAQ - SwedishMolander, P., Andersson, G., & Hesser, H. (2022). Psychological Acceptance in Adults With Hearing Loss—Psychometric Evaluation and Validation of the Hearing Acceptance Questionnaire. Ear and Hearing, 43(6), 1752-1760. DOI: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000001245
Psy-Flex-Chronic Illness
Psy-Flex-Chronic IllnessMatos-Pina, I., Ferreira, J., Marta-Simões, J., Moura-Ramos, M., & Ferreira, C. (2025). Advancing the assessment of psychological flexibility: Development and validation of a novel context-sensitive measure in people with chronic physical illness. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. The European Portuguese version of the Psy-Flex-CI measure is in the Appendix.
Psychological Flexibility in Epilepsy Questionnaire (PFEQ)
Psychological Flexibility in Epilepsy Questionnaire (PFEQ)Burket, L., Parling, T., Jansson-Fröjmark, M., Reuterskiöld, L., Ahlqvist, J., Shanavazh, S., Reinebo, G., Vinnars, B., Beckman, M., Bohman, B., Rozenthal, A., Larsson, C., Lindgren, A., Linde, J., Bonnert, M., & Lundgren, T. (2021). Development and preliminary evaluation of the psychometric properties of the psychological flexibility in epilepsy questionnaire (PFEQ). Epilepsy & Behavior, 115, 107685.
PFEQ - Persian
PFEQ - PersianDavoudi, M., Lundgren, T., Jansson-Fröjmark, M., Saeedipour, Z., & Badinlou, F. (2022). The Psychological Flexibility in Epilepsy Questionnaire (PFEQ): Psychometric properties of the Persian version. Epilepsy & Behavior, 130, 108672.
Psychological Inflexibility Scale – Infertility (PIS-I)
Psychological Inflexibility Scale – Infertility (PIS-I)Galhardo, A., Cunha, M., Monteiro, B, & Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2020). Assessing psychological inflexibility in infertility: The development and validation study of the Psychological Inflexibility Scale – Infertility (PIS-I). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 18, 239-246. The scale is in Table 1.
PIS-I - Portuguese
PIS-I - PortugueseGalhardo, A., Cunha, M., Monteiro, B, & Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2020). Assessing psychological inflexibility in infertility: The development and validation study of the Psychological Inflexibility Scale – Infertility (PIS-I). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 18, 239-246.
Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS)
Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS)The Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS) assesses both avoidance of pain and cognitive fusion with pain.
Wicksell, R. K., Renöfält, J., Olsson, G. L., Bond, F.W. & Melin, L. (2008). Avoidance and cognitive fusion - central components in pain related disability? Development and preliminary validation of the Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS). European Journal of Pain, 12, 491-500.
Vasiliou, V. S., Michaelides, M. P., Kasinopoulos, O., & Karekla, M. (2019). Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale: Greek adaptation, psychometric properties, and invariance testing across three pain samples. Psychological Assessment, 31(7), 895–904.
PIPS - Chinese Version
PIPS - Chinese VersionXie CJ, Xu XH, Ou MJ, & Chen YY (2021). Chinese Version of the Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale for Cancer Patients Reporting Chronic Pain. Cancer Nursing, 44(3):180-189.
The Chinese Translation of the PIPS scale is at the end of the article.
PIPS - Dutch
PIPS - DutchBufink, Shanna (2009) A qualitative analysis of three pain scales translated into Dutch: The Psychological Inflexibility Pain Inventory, The Brief Pain Coping Inventory-2, The Brief Pain Response Inventory. Thesis: University of Twente. The Dutch PIPS translation final version is in the Attachments. Retrieved from
PIPS - French
PIPS - FrenchMartel, M.E., Dionne, F., Gauchet, A. et al (2015) Psychological inflexibility for pain: Translation and validation for a French-speaking population. Poster presented at ACBS Annual World Conference 13. The PIPS items are translated to French.
PIPS - German
PIPS - GermanBarke, A., Riecke, J., Rief, W. et al. (2015). The Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS) – validation, factor structure and comparison to the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ) and other validated measures in German chronic back pain patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 16, 171. The German version of the PIPS is in the article's "Additional File."
PIPS - Greek Adaptation
PIPS - Greek AdaptationVasiliou, V. S., Michaelides, M. P., Kasinopoulos, O., & Karekla, M. (2019). Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale: Greek adaptation, psychometric properties, and invariance testing across three pain samples. Psychological Assessment, 31(7), 895–904.
Vasiliou, V. S. (2017). Acceptance and commitment therapy for primary headache sufferers : a randomized controlled trial. Dissertation: University of Cyprus. Retrieved from The Greek PIPS-II is in Appendix B.
PIPS - Italian
PIPS - ItalianPsychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS)
Wicksell, R. K., Renöfält, J., Olsson, G. L., Bond, F.W. & Melin, L. (2008). Avoidance and cognitive fusion - central components in pain related disability? Development and preliminary validation of the Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS). European Journal of Pain, 12, 491-500.
Versione Italiana (1.0) a cura di Ristè, N., Lijoi, E., Rossi, E., Violini, P., Melchiorri, E., (2014) AISCC, Gruppo Ricerca ACT.
Referenza bibliografica: Lijoi, E., Ristè, N. Melchiorri, E., Rossi, E., Violini, P., Panzera, A.,(2014). Avoidance and cognitive fusion in mental suffering: Adaptation and validation study of an Italian version of the Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS) in Italian adolescents with psychological distress (2014). Poster presented at ACBS World Conference 12 Poster Session - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA - June 17-22, 2014.
Per informazioni: –
PIPS - Japanese
PIPS - JapaneseNagasawa, Y., Shibata, A., Fukamachi, H., et al. (2021). The Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS): Validity and Reliability of the Japanese Version for Chronic Low Back Pain and Knee Pain. Journal of Pain Research, 14, 325-332.
PIPS - Persian
PIPS - PersianAbdollah Omidi, Zahra Zanjani, Mohammad Hosein Fadavi Kashani, Reza Daneshvar Kakhki (2018) The Evaluation of the Construct and Convergent Validity and Reliability of Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale in Individuals With Migraine Headache. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 12(3), e63132. DOI : 10.5812/ijpbs.63132
Ghomian S, Shairi MR, Masumian S, et al. (2017). Psychometric feature of the child and parent versions of Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS) in children with chronic pain and their parents. Caspian J Pediatr, 3(2), 241-7.
PIPS - Portuguese
PIPS - PortugueseFerreirinha, C. & Galhardo, A. (2018) Estudo da Versão Portuguesa da Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale em Mulheres com Diagnóstico de Endometriose. ISMT, Dissertation. The Portuguese PIPS is in Appendix D.
PIPS - Spanish Validation
PIPS - Spanish ValidationRodero, B., Pereira, J. P., Pérez-Yus, M. C., Casanueva, B., Serrano-Blanco, A., Rodrigues da Cunha Ribeiro, M. J., Luciano, J. V., & Garcia-Campayo, J. (2013). Validation of a Spanish version of the psychological inflexibility in pain scale (PIPS) and an evaluation of its relation with acceptance of pain and mindfulness in sample of persons with fibromyalgia. Health and quality of life outcomes, 11, 62.
PIPS - Swedish
PIPS - SwedishInstrumentet mäter psykologisk inflexibilitet vid smärttillstånd och är utvecklat av Rikard Wiksell och medarbetare vid Sektionen för Beteendemedicinsk Smärtbehandling, Smärtcentrum, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset. Du hittar instrumentet här.
Wicksell, R. K., Renöfält, J., Olsson, G. L., Bond, F. W., & Melin, L. (2008). Avoidance and cognitive fusion--central components in pain related disability? Development and preliminary validation of the Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS). European journal of pain (London, England), 12(4), 491–500.
Wicksell, R.K., Ahlqvist, J., Bring, A., Melin, L., & Olsson, G.L. (2008). Can exposure and acceptance strategies improve functioning and life satisfaction in people with chronic pain and whiplash-associated disorders (WAD)? A randomized controlled trial. Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 37(3):169- 182. Se artikeln här.
Wicksell, R.K., Lekander, M., Sorjonen, K., & Olsson, G.L. (2010). The Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS) – statistical properties and model fit of an instrument to assess change processes in pain related disability. European Journal of Pain, 14, e1-e14. Se artikeln här.
Wicksell, R.K., Olsson, G.L., & Hayes, S.C. (2010). Psychological flexibility as a mediator of improvement in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for patients with chronic pain following whiplash. European Journal of Pain, 41, 1059.e1-1059.e11. Se artikeln här.
Wicksell, R.K., Renofalt, J., Olsson, G.L., Bond, F.W., & Melin, L. (2008). Avoidance and cognitive fusion-central components in pain related disability? Development and preliminary validation of the Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS). European Journal of Pain, 12(4):491-500. Se artikeln här.