Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) Website

Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) Website

Web Address (URL):

Open Source IRAP

An implementation of the IRAP is now freely available in open source form, running in PsychoPy (, and is now compatible with OSX, Windows, and Linux platforms at the above address. The original implementation of the IRAP in Visual Basic 6 can still downloaded using the attachment on the bottom of this page.


The IRAP was built out of RFT, the central postulate of which is that higher-cognitive functioning is composed of relational acts. Initial studies have shown that the IRAP may be used to measure relational networks or beliefs that are not readily accessible to the researcher or perhaps even the participant. The IRAP appears to offer advantages over other methods that use reaction time measures to assess beliefs or attitudes (e.g. the Implicit Association Test; IAT), both in its theoretical rationale and its ability to measure many types of relationships. This website provides an introduction to the IRAP research programme and access to the IRAP software and supporting materials.
