Occupational Therapy & ACT SIG
Occupational Therapy & ACT SIGOccupational Therapy & ACT SIG (OT-SIG)
Affiliated 2018
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SIG Leaders
Tania Del Rio
Carlyn Neek
Rachel Pecter
The mission of the OT-SIG includes the following:
1. To promote collaboration within a growing community with an interest in how Contextual Behavioral Science informs Occupational Therapy Practice and how Occupational Therapy Practice may inform Contextual Behavioral Science.
2. Collaboration may include efforts to support clinical application, education, research, resource development, and/or publication specific to the application of Contextual Behavioral Science to Occupational Therapy.
General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed
Quality of life with a focus on daily Occupation (Self-care, Productivity and Leisure) is the core of Occupational Therapy Practice. This group would focus on the performance components of Occupation which are Volition (Values, Interests, Personal causation), Performance Patterns (Habits, Roles, Routines) and Performance Capacity (Mental and physical attributes including lived experiences) and how this relates to psychological flexibility in daily practice.
SIG Activities
The group is having a great start as new members are becoming members of ACBS and OT-SIG! The OT-SIG has a listserv and a webpage containing a list of resources. The SIG has an annual meeting at the ACBS World Conference.
Description of Membership
All members of ACBS are welcome.
Occupational Therapy & ACT SIG Resources
Occupational Therapy & ACT SIG ResourcesOccupational Therapy & ACT SIG Resources
- Division 12 of the APA lists ACT as supported for chronic pain with strong research evidence. http://www.div12.org/psychological-treatments/treatments/
- The World Health Organization lists ACT as empirically supported ("moderate certainty") in the reduction of functional disability in children and adolescents with chronic pain. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240017870
- The Netherlands Institute of Psychologists (NIP) recommends ACT for patients with MS with depressive symptoms
- The Swedish Association of Physiotherapy (physical therapy) includes ACT as a physiotherapeutic theory and practice in the definition of the profession.
- Webinar: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Occupational Therapy Practitioners (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2020) https://myaota.aota.org/shop_aota/product/OL5166
- The OT Minute: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Occupational Therapy: Explore ACT with Carlyn Neek (2021)
- Arthritis Life Podcast: Can you Live a Full Life with Pain? with Bronnie Lennox Thomspon (2020)
- Goodfellow Podcast - ACT with Bruce Arroll (2017)
Books and Articles
- Carson, Nancy. (2019) Psychosocial Occupational Therapy. Mosby Inc. (There is a section on ACT and process based CBT)
- Torchalla, I., Killoran, J., Fisher, D., & Bahen, M. (2018) Trauma-Focused Treatment for Individuals with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: The Role of Occupational Therapy. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/0164212X.2018.1510800
- Stephanie McCammon (2017) Reframing My Approach to Sensory Intervention. Illinois Occupational Therapy Assoc Newsletter. 2017 Issue 4.
- Mark Hardison & Shawn C. Roll (2016) Mindfulness Interventions in Physical Rehabilitation: A Scoping Review. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70(3), 7003290030. https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2016.018069
- Glover NG, Sylvers PD, Shearer EM, Kane MC, Clasen PC, Epler AJ, Plumb-Vilardaga JC, Bonow JT, Jakupcak M. (2016) The efficacy of Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in VA primary care. Psychol Serv. 13(2):156-161.
- James Hill (2012) Mindfulness: Solutions for the Difficulty of Being Human. Illinois Occupational Therapy Assoc Newsletter. 2012 Issue 5. Page 10.
- Polatajko, H.J., Townsend, E.A. & Craik, J. ( 2007) Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement (CMOP-E). In Enabling Occupation II: Advancing an Occupational Therapy Vision of Health, Well-being, & Justice through Occupation. E.A. Townsend & H.J. Polatajko, Eds. Ottawa, ON: CAOT Publications ACE. 22-36.
- Occupational Therapy and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) Practical Strategies for Mental Health Intervention - Barbara Ostrove, MA, OTR/L; Kerri Lynch, MS, OTR/L; Brandon Gaudiano, PhD; Carter Davis
- Working Toward What Matters: Occupational Therapy Student Services and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) at the University of Alberta Career Centre - ChristalRamanauskas, MScOT; Alexa Laidlaw, MScOTStudent; Roxy Diaz-Caballero MScOTStudent; Karen Unger
- Model of Human Occupation Source: Kielhofner 2008 - C 2008 Lippincott Williams
Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (fACT)
- Book: Brief Interventions for Radical Change: Principles and Practice of Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy by Kirk D. Strosahl PhD, Patricia J. Robinson PhD, and Thomas Gustavsson MScWorkshops
- Videos: Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (fACT) Youtube Playlist (2019) 12 videos
- Videos: F(ACT) Part 2 - 6 videos
- Workshop: ACT as a Brief Intervention -- Clinical Training Workshop Presented by Kirk Strosahl at the ACBS World Conference IX, Parma, Italy, 2011
- Workshop: 6th annual Australia-New Zealand ACT Conference (2012): Brief Interventions for Radical Change: The Practice of Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (FACT) Workshop - Dr Kirk Strosahl & Dr Patricia Robinson - Slides, worksheets, and patient tools
- Webinar: Goodfellow Unit - fACT elearning
- Webinar: FACT: Radical change is possible for patients in brief primary care visits (2017) Webinar and Slides with Kirk Strosahl
- Podcast: Goodfellow Podcast - ACT with Bruce Arroll (2017)
- Blog: Patricia Robinson interview on Praxis Blog
- Article: Glover NG, Sylvers PD, Shearer EM, Kane MC, Clasen PC, Epler AJ, Plumb-Vilardaga JC, Bonow JT, Jakupcak M. (2016) The efficacy of Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in VA primary care. Psychol Serv. 13(2):156-161.
- fACT manual and resources: Bruce Arroll website