Poland Information

Poland Information

Polski Oddział Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (The Polish Chapter of ACBS)new england.JPG

Affiliated 2016

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic boundaries of the Chapter:
The area of Republic of Poland.

Chapter mission is to alleviate human suffering and improve the quality of human life. Intermediate objectives that support the achievement of the main objective are to support the development of research in Poland and practice within a functional contextualism, in accordance with the fields of cognitive psychology and behavioral therapy.

Description of Membership:
To become a member a person must complete a form on the website of the Association and pay the annual membership fee. To remain a member, a person must not fall behind with any contributions or debts, both in the Polish Chapter of ACBS, as well as the ACBS. The members of the Polish Chapter of ACBS may be individuals interested in the development of functional contextualism in the field of science and practice.

The types of membership: Professional Member, Student Member, Associate Member, Honorary Member. Membership fees are determined annually by the Commission Board and paid to the Polish Chapter of ACBS. The fee for Student Members is 15 zł and 40 zł for all other Members.
