Canada - Ontario

Canada - Ontario

Ontario Association for Contextual Behavioural Science


Affiliated 2011

Click here to join the Ontario Chapter and listserv

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Contact Information

Kayla Hamel

Eli Cwinn

Current Board Members

Eli Cwinn, Chair
Kayla Hamel, Chair Elect
Sarah Walsh, Secretary
Maisha Syeda, EDIB Officer
Stephanie Mathewson, Member at large
Shlomo Radcliffe, Treasurer
Sharon Bae
Betul Alaca
Research Officer - vacant


The purpose of the organisation shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioural science and practice within Ontario, with a focus on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Chapter Activities

Please join us for:

-webinars from ACT leaders just for our Ontario community

-peer meetings where you can learn and practice ACT skills

-presentations from our local experts on everything from pain to parenting!

-local ACT trainings

-holiday parties

Description of Membership

The membership of the Chapter shall be people who are interested in the advancement of contextual behavioural science and practice. It is anticipated that the membership will be comprised of clinicians eg, psychologists, social workers, physicians, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, academics and students practicing and/or studying in Ontario.  


Canada - Ontario - Ottawa - Affiliate of ACBS

Canada - Ontario - Ottawa - Affiliate of ACBS

Click here to join the Ottawa, Ontario Affiliate!

The Ottawa Affiliate of ACBS is a group open to professionals in the Ottawa community who are members of the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science (ACBS). We welcome clinicians of all levels of experience who share an enthusiasm for third wave approaches. Together, we are working towards the development of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) community in the greater Ottawa area. Through this group, there are opportunities for networking, sharing resources, and peer-led training (including reading groups and peer consultation groups). Please reach out to Sofia Lopoukhine or check us out on Facebook for the date and location of our next meeting or to get more information about our events.

Currently our contact person is:

Sofia Lopoukhine, RP
Ottawa, ON

Facebook Group:




(This webpage was updated on 11/16/2020)

ACBS staff