Stigma Toward People With Psychological Disorders

Stigma Toward People With Psychological Disorders

Below is a protocol for a two and a half hour workshop on ACT for stigma toward people with psychological disorders developed by Akihiko Masuda, Kara Bunting and Steven Hayes. The psychoeducation control protocol used in Masuda et al. (2007) is also included.

Experimental tests to date:
Masuda, A., Hayes, S. C., Fletcher, L. B., Seignourel, P. J., Bunting, K., Herbst, S. A., Twohig, M. P., & Lillis, J. (2007). The impact of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy versus education on stigma toward people with psychological disorders. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45(11), 2764-2772.
