Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ)

Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ)

Framson, C., Kristal, A. R., Schenk, J. M., Littman, A. J., Zeliadt, S., & Benitez, D. (2009). Development and validation of the mindful eating questionnaire. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 109(8), 1439–1444. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jada.2009.05.006

Paola Lucena-Santos

MEQ - Brazilian Portuguese

MEQ - Brazilian Portuguese

Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ) Brazilian Portuguese version

Corresponding author: Paola Lucena-Santos, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.

E-mail: paolabc2.lucena@gmail.com

WhatsApp: +55 (51) 998055874

Affiliation: CINEICC - Cognitive Behavioral Research Center (Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Coimbra)


MEQ - Chinese

MEQ - Chinese

Zhang, Q., Hugh-Jones, S. & O'Connor,D.B. (2022). Investigation of psychometric properties of the Mindful Eating Questionnaire in Chinese adolescents and young adults using mixed methods. Appetite, 176, 106097. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2022.106097


MEQ - Greek

MEQ - Greek

Koptsi, I., Tsapekos, D. & Goulis, D. (2022). ADAPTATION OF THE MINDFUL EATING QUESTIONNAIRE IN GREEK. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 19(1), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.26262/hjp.v19i1.7884


MEQ - Italian

MEQ - Italian

Clementi, C., Casu, G., & Gremigni, P. (2017). An Abbreviated Version of the Mindful Eating Questionnaire. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49(4), 352–356.e1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2017.01.016


MEQ - Korean

MEQ - Korean

Seung-Hye Choi, Eun-Mi Lee, Hae-Young Lee. (2018). Psychometric Evaluation of Korean Version of Mindful Eating Questionnaire. Journal of the Korean Wellness Society, 13.1, 63-72.


MEQ - Malay

MEQ - Malay

Abdul Basir, S.M., Abdul Manaf, Z., Ahmad, M., Abdul Kadir, N.B., Ismail, W.N.K., Mat Ludin, A.F., & Shahar, S. (2021) Reliability and Validity of the Malay Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ-M) among Overweight and Obese Adults. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18, 1021. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18031021 Translation is in Appendix A.


MEQ - Persian

MEQ - Persian


Abbaspoor, Z., Javadifar, N., Miryan, M. et al. (2018) Psychometric properties of the Iranian version of mindful eating questionnaire in women who seeking weight reduction. J Eat Disord 6, 33. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40337-018-0220-4

Rezaei, S. & Jahanbin, E. (2022). Translation and Validation of the Persian Version of Mindful Eating Questionnaire. Caspian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 8(2), 76-89. http://dx.doi.org/10.32598/CJNS.8.29.2


MEQ - Romanian

MEQ - Romanian

Serban, D. M., Serban, C. L., Ursoniu, S., Putnoky, S., Moleriu, R. D., & Putnoky, S. (2022). Mindful Eating Questionnaire: Validation and Reliability in Romanian Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), 10517. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191710517


MEQ - Turkish

MEQ - Turkish


Gizem KÖSE, Muhittin TAYFUR, İnci BİRİNCİOĞLU, Aslıhan DÖNMEZ (2016) Yeme Farkındalığı Ölçeği’ni Türkçeye Uyarlama Çalışması [Adaptation Study of the Mindful Eating Questiıonnare (MEQ) into Turkish.] Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research, 5(3), 125-134. DOI: 10.5455/JCBPR.250644

Kömürcü Akik, B., & Yiğit, İ. (2023). Evaluating the psychometric properties of the mindful eating questionnaire: Turkish validity and reliability study. Curr Psychol, 42, 12661–12670. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02502-z
