Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT)
Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT)The CompACT was developed as a general measure of psychological flexibility (and constituent sub-processes) as conceptualized within the ACT model. The development and initial validation of the measure is reported in the manuscript attached below, which has been published in the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (accessible here).
The CompACT is free to use for clinical and research purposes: we have attached the CompACT response form and a scoring calculator below. We hope it will prove to be a useful measure, building on the promise of our initial findings. There are also now CompACT short form versions.
Citations for CompACT:
Francis, A.W., Dawson, D.L., & Golijani-Moghaddam, N. (2016) The development and validation of the Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 5(3), 134-145.
Ong, C.W., Pierce, B.G., Petersen, J.M., Barney, J.L., Fruge, J.E., Levin, M.E., & Twohig, M.P. (2020). A psychometric comparison of psychological inflexibility measures: Discriminant validity and item performance. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 18, 34-47.
Adamowicz, J.L., Thomas, E.B.K., Hsu, T., Denburg, N.L. & Roche, A.I. (2023). A Preliminary Investigation into the Factor Structure of Two Psychological Flexibility Measures in a Sample of Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Clinical Gerontologist, 46(4), 561-573. DOI: 10.1080/07317115.2022.2131496
Citations for CompACT Short Form Versions:
CompACT-15: Hsu, T., Hoffman, L., & Thomas, E. B. K. (2023). Confirmatory measurement modeling and longitudinal invariance of the CompACT-15: A short-form assessment of psychological flexibility. Psychological Assessment, 35(5), 430–442.
CompACT-10: Golijani-Moghaddam, N., Morris, J.L., Bayliss, K., & Dawson, D.L. (2023). The CompACT-10: Development and validation of a Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes short-form in representative UK samples. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 29, 59-66.
CompACT-8: Morris, J., Golijani-Moghaddam, N., & Dawson, D. (2019) Development and validation of a short form of the Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT-SF). DClinPsy thesis, University of Nottingham.
CompACT-8: Dawson, D.L. & Golijani-Moghaddam, N. (2020). COVID-19: Psychological flexibility, coping, mental health, and wellbeing in the UK during the pandemic. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 17, 126-134. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2020.07.010
CompACT - Chinese
CompACT - ChineseChen, Y., Luo, H., Wang, S., Bai, X., & Zhu, Z. (2023). Preliminary validation of a Chinese version of the comprehensive assessment of acceptance and commitment therapy processes. Current Psychology, 42, 15528–15538.
CompACT - Czech
CompACT - CzechPtáček, M., & Jelínek, M. (2024). Assessing psychological flexibility: The psychometric properties of the Czech translation of the CompACT questionnaire. Československá psychologie, 68(1), 30–48. The CompACT Czech version is available on Open Science Framework:
CompACT - German
CompACT - GermanGiovannetti, A. M., Pöttgen, J., Anglada, E., Menéndez, R., Hoyer, J., Giordano, A., Pakenham, K. I., et al. (2022). Cross-Country Adaptation of a Psychological Flexibility Measure: The Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Processes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3150. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
Giovannetti, A.M., Rosato, R., Galán, I. et al. (2024). Cross-cultural validity and reliability of the comprehensive assessment of acceptance and commitment therapy processes (CompACT) in people with multiple sclerosis. Quality of Life Research, 33, 1359–1371.
CompACT - Indonesian
CompACT - IndonesianGitta Annisa Vania Suganda & Fitri Ariyanti Abidin (2022). The Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Treatment Process (Compact): Adaptation of The Indonesian Version. Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 11(3). Retrieved from
CompACT - Italian
CompACT - ItalianGiovannetti, A. M., Pöttgen, J., Anglada, E., Menéndez, R., Hoyer, J., Giordano, A., Pakenham, K. I., et al. (2022). Cross-Country Adaptation of a Psychological Flexibility Measure: The Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Processes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3150. MDPI AG. Retrieved from<
Giovannetti, A.M., Rosato, R., Galán, I. et al. (2024). Cross-cultural validity and reliability of the comprehensive assessment of acceptance and commitment therapy processes (CompACT) in people with multiple sclerosis. Quality of Life Research, 33, 1359–1371.
CompACT - Korean
CompACT - KoreanJo, D., Jin, Y., Lee, J. et al. (2024). A psychometric validation of the Korean CompACT-15. Current Psychology, 43, 32976–32992.
CompACT - Malay
CompACT - MalayMusa, N., Pang, N.T.P., Kamu, A., Ho, C.M., Waters, C., Berrett, J., Moghaddam, N., & Wider, W. (2022). The Development and Validation of the Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Processes (CompACT)—Malay Version. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 9624. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19159624
CompACT - Persian
CompACT - PersianReferences:
Hajloo, N., Pourabdol, S., Sobhi-Gharamaleki, N., & Beyki, M. (2022). Psychometric Properties of the Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT). Qom University of Medical Science Journal, 15(11). URL:
Soleimani, Z., Shairi, M. (2022). Examination of validity and reliability of the Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (COMPACT) in non-clinical iranian sampels. Clinical Psychology and Personality, 19(2), 121-137.
CompACT - Polish
CompACT - PolishDudek, J., Cyniak-Cieciura, M., & Ostaszewski, P. (2024 in press) Psychometric properties of the Polish version of The Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Processes (CompACT) Psychiatria Polska.
CompACT - Portuguese
CompACT - PortugueseReferences
Inês A. Trindade, Nuno B. Ferreira, Ana Laura Mendes, Cláudia Ferreira, Dave Dawson, & Nima Golijani-Moghaddam (2021). Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT): Measure refinement and study of measurement invariance across Portuguese and UK samples. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 21, 30-36.
Inês A.Trindade, Paula Vagos, Helena Moreira, Daniela V.Fernandes, & IanTyndall (2022). Further validation of the 18-item Portuguese CompACT scale using a multi-sample design: Confirmatory factor analysis and correlates of psychological flexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 25, 1-9.
CompACT - Romanian Version
CompACT - Romanian VersionCălinici, M. S., & Călinici, T. (2021). COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF ACT PROCESSES COMPACT. ROMANIAN ADAPTATION AND SHORT FORM VALIDATION. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 21(2). DOI: 10.24193/jebp.2021.2.19
Submitted by Simona Calinici on January 23, 2021
Completați cu scoruri de la 0 la 6, în funcție de cât de bine vi se potrivesc următoarele afirmații ( 0= deloc, 6= maxim)
1. Pot identifica lucrurile care contează în viață pentru mine și să le urmăresc.
2 r. Unul dintre cele mai importante scopuri ale mele este a evita amintirile dureroase.
3. r Desfășor activități semnificative fără să fiu cu adevărat atent la ele.
4r .Încerc să fiu mereu ocupat ca să nu-mi vină gânduri sau emoții în minte.
5. Acționez în concordanță cu felul cum doresc să-mi desfășor viața.
6r.Sunt atât de prins în gândurile mele că nu pot să fac nici lucrurile pe care doresc cel mai mult să le fac.
7. Fac alegeri în funcție de ce este important pentru mine, chiar dacă este stresant.
8 r Îmi spun că n-ar trebui să am anumite gânduri.
9.r Îmi este greu să rămân concentrat pe ceea ce se întamplă în prezent.
10. Mă comport conform valorilor mele.
11.r Evit situațiile care mi-ar putea produce gânduri, emoții sau senzații neplăcute.
12. r Chiar și când fac lucruri care contează pentru mine, îmi dau seama că le fac fără să fiu atent la ele.
13. Sunt dispus să trăiesc orice gânduri, emoții sau senzații se ivesc, fără să încerc să le schimb sau să mă apăr de ele.
14. Întreprind lucruri care au semnificație pentru mine, chiar dacă mi-e greu.
15.r Mă străduiesc mult să țin la distanță sentimentele supărătoare.
16. r Fac lucruri și sarcini automat, fără să-mi dau seama când le fac.
17. Pot să-mi urmez planurile pe termen lung chiar și atunci când progresul este lent.
18.r Nu fac ceva, chiar dacă e important pentru mine, dacă există riscul de a suferi.
19.r Se pare că funcționez pe pilot automat, fără prea multă atenție la ce fac.
20. Gândurile sunt doar gânduri, ele nu controlează ce fac eu.
21.Valorile mele se reflectă cu adevarat în acțiunile mele (în comportamentul meu).
22. Pot să iau gândurile și emoțiile așa cum vin , fără să încerc să le controlez sau evit.
23. Pot să perseverez în ceva, dacă e important pentru mine.
Traducere și adaptare pentru populația românească Simona Călinici (UMF Iuliu Hațieganu Cluj Napoca,
CompACT - Spanish
CompACT - SpanishSalvador Reyes-Martín; Mónica Hernández-López; Miguel Rodríguez-Valverde (2021) Spanish adaptation of the Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT). Poster presented at ACBS Annual World Conference 19.
Giovannetti, A. M., Pöttgen, J., Anglada, E., Menéndez, R., Hoyer, J., Giordano, A., Pakenham, K. I., et al. (2022). Cross-Country Adaptation of a Psychological Flexibility Measure: The Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Processes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3150. MDPI AG. Retrieved from<
Giovannetti, A.M., Rosato, R., Galán, I. et al. (2024). Cross-cultural validity and reliability of the comprehensive assessment of acceptance and commitment therapy processes (CompACT) in people with multiple sclerosis. Quality of Life Research, 33, 1359–1371.
CompACT - Swedish
CompACT - SwedishMarie-Louise Möllerberg, Graciela Rovner, Jeanette Melin, & Magnus Johansson. (2021, June 11). CompACT-23 questionnaire, Swedish translation. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4925832
The Swedish translation is described and available at:
CompACT - Tamil Version
CompACT - Tamil VersionThe original Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and commitment therapy processes (CompACT) has been tranlsated into Tamil language and is in the process of validation. Researchers can help in the process of assessing the psychometric properties of the translated version.
CompACT-15A short-form multidimensional measure of psychological flexibility components, including openness to experiences, behavioral awareness, and valued action subscales. Attached is the scale and an Excel coding sheet for ease of use.
Hsu, T., Hoffman, L., & Thomas, E. B. K. (2023). Confirmatory measurement modeling and longitudinal invariance of the CompACT-15: A short-form assessment of psychological flexibility. Psychological Assessment, 35(5), 430–442. DOI: 10.1037/pas0001214
Here is a link to the publicly available manuscript:
The manuscript reports on CFA and IFA latent variable measurement models that supported a 15-item short-form. The three-factor structure demonstrated good fit. Acceptable reliability was observed across the three factors. Moreover, the results indicated measurement equivalence of the items to assess latent change over time. Construct validity was also demonstrated.
Many thanks to the CompACT's authors (Ashley W. Francis, David L. Dawson, & Nima Golijani-Moghaddam) for their willingness to allow us to use the scale's items in this work!