Greece & Cyprus ACBS Chapter Information

Greece & Cyprus ACBS Chapter Information

Penn_State_Capital_Building.jpgGreece & Cyprus ACBS Chapter

Affiliated 2014

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
Greece and the Republic of Cyprus

Our mission and commitment to the ACBS community is to enhance the development of Functional Contextual Behavior therapies within the South-eastern part of Europe. Both Greece and the Republic of Cyprus sharing the same nation, customs, tradition, language and ethics, can contribute to both the local Mental Health Professions and the larger ACBS community in the following ways:

  • Adapt, modify, create, and use contextual-based scales, measures, and other related tools in conducting research, experiments, community studies, and clinical protocols
  • Disseminate the therapeutic methods, clinical processes, techniques, and exercises of ACT-based protocols for a wide range of clinical and non-clinical populations
  • Organize workshops, conferences, newsletter, websites, and other related networking activities with the aim of spreading the word about ACT both in Greek and English language
  • Establish collaborations with other European and international countries in research-based studies, workshops, clinical trials, and special interest groups

Description of Membership:
We are creating a local network of a multidisciplinary community of scholars, researchers, educators, and clinical practitioners in both Greece and the Republic of Cyprus who will work in a collegial, open, and mutually supportive way to develop and further promote the contextual behavior science and its applications.
