Training documents in Swedish

Training documents in Swedish

Below you will find over 20 documents: handouts from the workshop in powerpoint and pdf format; articles about FAP, integrating ACT and FAP, ACT and the therapeutic relationship; FAP questionnaires; ACT-FAP session bridging sessions; client matrix forms and worksheets, and more. This is only a sample of the hundreds of articles, documents, powerpoints, videos that you have free access to and can dowload as an ACBS member. Slet Gustavsson att tacka för översättningarna.

If you are not yet ready to join ACBS and attended the workshop, please email me and I'll send you the documents.

ALso be sure you visit

Where you'll find more information about FAP and a treasure-trove of downloadable articles and tools for therapists.

Selected FAP bibliography:

Kohlenberg, B.S. & Callaghan, G.M. (2010). FAP and Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) : Similarities, Divergence, and Integration, in J. Kanter, M. Tsai & R.J. Kohlenberg (Eds.). The practice of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy, New York : Springer.

Kohlenberg, R.J. & Tsai, M. (1991). Functional Analytic Psychotherapy : A guide for creating intense and curative therapeutic relationships, New York : Plenum.

Tsai, M., Kohlenberg, R.J., Kanter, J., Kohlenberg, B., Follette, W., & Callaghan, G. (2008). A guide to Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: Awareness, courage, love and behaviorism. New York: Springer (recommanded).

Kohlenberg, B. & Callaghan, G. M. (2010). FAP and Acceptance Commitment Therapy: Similarities, divergence, and integration. In Kanter, J.W., Tsai, M., & Kohlenberg R.J. (Eds.). The practice of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy. New York: Springer.

Warm regards,

benjamin schoendorff