The ACT Matrix

The ACT Matrix

Kevin Polk is in private practice and at the VA in Togus, Maine, USA has collaborated with Jerold Hambright and Mark Webster to develop "The Matrix" as a way of thinking about and engendering psychological flexibility. It is a simple yet elegant way to understand and experience the complex phenomenon of being human.

[Kevin runs ongoing "The ACT Matrix" webinars and consultations each month. Go to to sign up.]

The Matrix is a simple to use format developed initially for groups, but then came into wide use with individuals. Based on an original idea by Kevin Polk the format was co-developed with Mark Webster and Jerold Hambright. It is based on learning to discriminate between direct experiencing with the senses and indirect experiencing in the mind (vertical line), and then the idea of sorting behavior into two directions called Towards and Away (horizontal line). The two lines of the matrix intersect in the middle at 90 degree angles. The four quadrants created by the two lines contain the following four categories that are asked in the following order:

Learning to use the Matrix is experiential and much the same as learning to ride a horse, or a bike, or play the piano, or paddle a kayak. It is a simple idea that can be learned very quickly but takes a little time and practice to become proficient. Mainly people practice learning to notice where behaviors are taking them, and to align that with what is important. The simplicity of the model means that it is broadly applicable and can be used outside of the clinical setting, for instance it is already used in education and in the workplace. It's been used in Sierra Leone to help combat the spread of the Ebola virus and in prisons to help inmates improve value consistent behaviors.


Read more about Polk's work on his Psychological Flexibility Blog.

Check out the free ACT Matrix Course here...

Free ACT Matrix Video Course

Mark Webster has also created a 3 part video series introducing the ACT Matrix which can be found here:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

To Learn more also see Kevin Polk's training page as well as his Website.

Click here for upcoming workshops and trainings.

Below you will find various handouts and .pdfs about the matrix cultivated from trainings anf conference presentations.

Kevin Polk

Charlie Laurel ACT Videos

Charlie Laurel ACT Videos

I created these four videos on the ACT matrix to help my professional colleagues use the matrix with compassion and flexibility. The first video goes through the basic description; the second presents a made-up case to illustrate use; the third presents some of the insights that can emerge from matrix work; the fourth is an experiement with a double matrix to illuminate the complexity of moving toward change when two people are interacting, and possibilites to break unworkable cycles of behavior. I hope you find them useful.

Charlie Laurel, MS, LCMHC

Charlie Laurel

Kevin Polk Page

Kevin Polk Page

An Introduction to ACT- for Rapid Behavior Change

The Basic Matrix Diagram

The Matrix represents the two primary mechanism of change in ACT that are called Perspective Taking and Behavioral Analysis. Unlike typical behavioral analysis in which a practioner does the analysis, in ACT we teach the client to do her or his own analysis. In it's simplest form, the person learns to notice behaviors that move Toward values or Away from unwanted experiencing. Both Toward and Away moves are essential to life, it's the combination of the moves over time that add up to living a relatively stuck life, or one that is moving toward values. Said another way, it's a way of noticing a combination of behaviors that work for living a valued life.

You can use the Matrix a million different ways. Below is a video course about Psychology Flexibility Training that can be presented to community groups.



I offer online and telephone training to professionals doing mental health or process improvement work.

You can contact me or visit the website at for more information.

A great way to get started with the Matrix is the Visual Wellness Plan.

You can get the "Visual Wellness Plan" manual by clicking here.

Be well,


Kevin Polk

Learning the Matrix

Learning the Matrix

The Matrix is a simple method for teaching clients to understand the function of their behaviors (e.g., avoidance/escape versus moving toward values) as well as discriminate between events within and outside the skin (e.g., mental experiencing and direct experience). It was created by Kevin Polk, Mark Webster, and Jerold Hambright. 

Here are links to three videos (on Youtube) that details the Matrix and demonstrates how to use it. 




Attached to this page is a companion document that walks you through using it with clients.


The MATRIX Worksheet w/ Fill in Blanks and Excel Codes

The MATRIX Worksheet w/ Fill in Blanks and Excel Codes pmcnulty1000

The Matrix in Swedish

The Matrix in Swedish

ACT-matrisen är ett sätt att ge ACT. För att läsa mer om ACT-matrisen rekommenderas “The ACT Matrix” och “The Essential Guide to the ACT Matrix”. Den senare boken har fått stå som förlaga till denna svenska anpassning. Thor Bengtsson är alltså inte upphovsman till The ACT Matrix men har stått för denna översättning och anpassning till svenska. Det kan vara svårt att förstå denna svenska bearbetning helt och hållet om man inte läst åtminstone den senare boken. Utöver ovanstående läsrekommendationer är det viktigt att behärska ACT i allmänhet och även vara förtrogen med patient/klientgruppen. Handledning föreslås till den osäkre och även ibland för den säkre.

I sex steg ger vi deltagarna kraftfulla verktyg att själv kunna relatera till och hantera till sina problem. De sex stegen är som följer:

Presentation av matrisen, en sortering av beteenden i en fyrfältare med axlarna “Till och Från” och “Inre och Yttre”.
Funktionell analys av problembeteenden (Att jämföra med, ABC, T-K-H eller SORK)
Medvetandegörande av problembeteenden (Metafor: Att inte bita på krokar)
En modell med verbala hjälpmedel för att applicera svåra situationer på ACT-matrisen och inte fastna i problembeteenden (Metafor: Verbal Aikido)
Self-Compassion (här har det blivit störst förändringar mot förlagan)
Träning i perspektivtagande (Att ta perspektiv med sig själv vid andra tidpunkter)
Materialet finns nedan
Observera att uppdateringar sker löpande.

Click here for The ACT Matrix på svenska, by Thor Bengtsson


The Survival-Vital Matrix

The Survival-Vital Matrix

A spin on the traditional ACT Matrix.

Attached is a quick-guide to the S-V Matrix, and more information can be found here:

And here is a video elaborating on this version:

Jacob Martinez

The matrix in spanish

The matrix in spanish

Below is a version of the matrix in spanish. Enjoy! Fabián

Fabian Maero