Chapter & SIG Awards/ Grants

Chapter & SIG Awards/ Grants

The ACBS Board recently approved new Chapter/SIG Awards proposed by the Culture for Empowerment and Productivity Strategic Pillar (in collaboration with the Chapter & SIG Committee). The focus of the award is enhancing collaboration and/or connections amongst ACBS members who are either regionally connected (Chapters) or interest connected (SIGs). As well as for the purpose of potentially expanding our reach into local communities.

The brief application for these financial awards (of up to $500 USD each; maximum 8 awarded annually) will be an addendum to the Chapter/SIG annual reports due March 15 for Chapters and April 15 for SIGs. Examples of what the funds can be used for -
• a virtual summit,
• paying for an invited speaker for a Chapter/SIG workshop or event,
• paying for legal/financial consultation for becoming a legal organization (in the case of Chapters)
• community-based outreach,
• other.

These awards will not fund any individual scholarships to conferences as while that may benefit one or two people, the purpose of these awards is to help foster community and serve the group as a whole.

Reports that are submitted late are not eligible.

The selection committee will prioritize SIGs and Chapters who demonstrate a history of active engagement with their members, as demonstrated in their annual report submission. 
