Writing Workshop Group

Writing Workshop Group

The DEI SIG will be continuing our successful peer led Writing Workshop meetings with a new schedule and format beginning in January 2022.

Please read the following carefully, as it contains important information:


Submissions are now closed for the ACBS Worldcon. We will meet again in the future.


The purpose of these sessions is to help draft submissions to the 2022 ACBS Conference, with specific focus on helping members brainstorm ideas, and clarify working titles, abstracts, and other written submission materials.

All sessions are peer led, with a main room for general discussion related to writing, brainstorming, and other topics related to conference submission.

Members may break off into breakout rooms to share & receive feedback on drafts of conference related materials such as Titles, Abstracts, and 1-2 Presentation Slides.

Feedback will be focused only on Clarity (ex: Does this title clearly state the function/purpose of this submission?), Relevance to CBS (ex: Does this abstract clearly demonstrate relevance to CBS?), and Grammar/Spelling.

Please share with those who might benefit,

Jacob Martinez, LPC

Jennifer Payne, PhD. LCSW

Jacob Martinez