ACT with Resistant, Reluctant, or Oblivious Patients (Gregg) - audio

ACT with Resistant, Reluctant, or Oblivious Patients (Gregg) - audio

This is audio from the Second World Conference on ACT, RFT, and Contextual Behavioral Science held in London, July 2006.

Jennifer Gregg, San Jose State University, California

Many patients who would benefit from psychological treatment are not aware of the potential gains of such treatment, and may be put off by perceived stigma related to mentahealth. Contexts such as physical health, schools, and occupational settings may provide opportunities for encountering such individuals, and services at this level may serve as secondary or tertiary prevention. One challenge faced in this area is motivating potential patients or clients to engage at this early level. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, with its focus on ideographic values, may provide a helpful tool in intervening at this level, and may assist in targeting individual movement toward enhanced functioning. This workshop will explore the use of ACT interventions to enhance motivation for treatment, and discuss ACT-based strategies for use with resistant, reluctant, or oblivious patients.
