SCS-SF - Spanish

SCS-SF - Spanish


Lluch-Sanz, C., Galiana, L., Vidal-Blanco, G., & Sansó, N. (2022) Psychometric Properties of the Self-Compassion Scale—Short Form: Study of Its Role as a Protector of Spanish Nurses Professional Quality of Life and Well-Being during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nursing Reports, 12, 65-76.

Garcia-Campayo J, Navarro-Gil M, Andrés E, Montero-Marin J, López-Artal L, Demarzo MM. (2014). Validation of the Spanish versions of the long (26 items) and short (12 items) forms of the SelfCompassion Scale (SCS). Health Qual Life Outcomes, 12(4).  The SCS-SF Spanish version is in the Annex.
