Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Fidelity Measure (ACT-FM)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Fidelity Measure (ACT-FM)

Lucy O'Neill, Gary Latchford, Lance M. McCracken, Christopher D. Graham (2019). The development of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Fidelity Measure (ACT-FM): A delphi study and field test. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 14, 111-118. See attachment for the ACT-FM form.


ACT-FM - Spanish

ACT-FM - Spanish

The Medida de Fidelidad ACT (ACT-FM) can be found on Grupo ACT


ACT-FM en Français

ACT-FM en Français

Version en français de l'ACT-FM.

Lucy O'Neill, Gary Latchford, Lance M. McCracken, Christopher D. Graham (2019). The development of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Fidelity Measure (ACT-FM): A delphi study and field test. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 14, 111-118.

Voir attachement pour les membres d'ACBS.

Plus de détails et version à télécharger pour les non-adhérents à ACBS sur cette page.



(This webpage was created by Jean-Louis Monestes on March 20, 2025)

Jean-Louis Monestes